Outside the city of Moli, Tang Long explores the surrounding area. There is no abnormality around him. Tang Long is relieved and quietly moves towards the direction of ghost Valley according to the location marked on the map given by Zhong Li Xueyan.

Because he was afraid that he would be found by the people of the Baili family, Tang Long was always very cautious.

He spread his divine sense and used the sea to explore the surrounding activities. He could easily detect any slight movement within 30000 meters.

This kind of exploration ability has been very strong, even if the general heaven ancestor realm strong person is not able to reach this degree.

Tang Long's divinity has such a strong exploration ability, not only because of the improvement of his martial arts strength, but also has a great relationship with the improvement of his spiritual strength, and also has a great relationship with his fusion of those divine veins.

In a hurry, three or four groups of people were found on the road, all of whom were heading for the ghost Valley in a hurry.

However, the strength of these people is not very strong, the strongest is the strength of ancestral territory.

For these people, of course, Tang long did not pay attention to them.

He didn't do anything to these people, so as not to frighten the snake, but to avoid these people quietly, so as not to be found. When these people went far away, he continued to approach the ghost valley.

He has arrived at ghost mountain.

Youhun mountain is very large, but it is very desolate. It is a bare mountain. However, because the rock structure of Youhun mountain is strange, the hills are connected and there are many. In such a place with complex terrain, Tang Long hides and moves forward in such a night. He does not worry about being found.

But if there are people hiding around here, it's not easy for those who come here to find them.

After Tang Long arrived here, he became more and more careful and slowed down his action.

Of course, he did not fly in the air at this time, but moved forward carefully against the ground.

Even he is ready to use the art of hiding.

He was taking advantage of the complex terrain, as much as possible convergence breath, very carefully move forward, suddenly he felt a wave of people flying towards this side of the sky.

There are five people in this wave. The weakest are Zujing jiuzhong, and the strongest are even reaching the level of dizu jiuzhong!

They flew so fast that they appeared to be in a hurry.

"Are these also members of the hundred Li family? This big night, flying towards this side in such a hurry, and the strength is much stronger than the people I met before. I don't know what they are doing here! "

Tang long thought in his mind that the divine sense had spread to the limit, and he was very careful to pay attention to the movements of those people who were coming from high altitude.

At this time, he was hiding behind a very hidden boulder. He even used the art of hiding himself in the ground, revealing only one head, so as not to be found by those people in the sky.

As soon as he finds a little abnormality, he will sink into the ground to hide.

The anomaly was not found.

Those people flying very fast in the sky. Obviously, I didn't expect that there would be someone paying close attention to them. They were chatting as they flew forward:

"how could this happen? The heavenly ancestor of the world attacked several people and horses in my blood temple

"Ah, the family is in a bad time. I worked with the Guangyao family to deal with the boy Tang long a while ago. As a result, the family lost a lot of trust before respecting him. I didn't expect that the family would lose so much in the world this time!"

"In the news from all over the world, is our family really losing a lot this time?"

"The loss is quite large. It is said that three Tianzu died and five were seriously injured. The passers-by attacked by Tianzu of the whole world were the warriors of our Baili family and the blue wind family. The loss of the blue wind family is much smaller than ours!"

"This time, the comprehensive strength of our family is greatly reduced!"

"I thought that this time our family sent so many strong people to complete the order of the Lord and conquer a reclusive family in the great world. Surely, we will succeed and be valued by the venerable again, and even get great benefits. However, we don't want such a thing to happen!"


When Tang Long listened to these people, he immediately knew that Qianji Baiyu, who had attacked the blood Temple some time ago, was one of the warriors of the Baili family.

Now the news over there has returned to the blood temple, and the people of the hundred mile family have brought the news back.

The news spread so fast, but also let Tang long a little surprised.

"It seems that Qianji Baiyu's attack on the blood temple was really good. Now the Baili family has suffered heavy losses. If they want to continue to fight against the great world, they can't use those seriously injured people. Then they have to send people from their families to the blood temple again!"

With this in mind, Tang Long hopes that the Baili family can dispatch people from here immediately.

"If people are sent out from the Baili family, if this is the order of the blood god hall, it would be great. This will weaken the power of the Baili family in the blood demon world, and the defense here will also be weakened a lot.""If there is no order from the master, the Baili family will probably increase the defense here, wait for the puppet here to be tempered successfully, and then directly take the puppet to the great world to perform meritorious deeds."

"This place is the territory of the Baili family, and it is still in the blood demon world. In the eyes of those people in the Baili family, it should be extremely safe, and it can't use too strong defense. Even if we can arrange the strong Tianzu here, they should not arrange too much."

"So many people from the Baili family are watching here, probably just to prevent in case."

"I don't want to know more about it tonight. I'll follow these people to listen to what they say. I have a general understanding of the situation. If possible, I'd better ask someone!"

Tang Long quietly made a decision, still listening to the words of those people flying from the sky.

Only a few people continued to say:

"it's all Xiuli Changhe who actually urged Zun to make up for our family's mistakes. The master of the family had no choice but to send the strong family members to the whole world again!"

"It's said that the elder of the secret affairs hall is also on the throne, ah..."

"A while ago, our family went to deal with the Tang family and Xiuli Changhe together with the brilliant Canglong dragon. Now it seems that it was a terrible decision. Now the Danshi League has developed so well, but we have failed repeatedly..."


As they spoke, they flew forward. They saw that they had already flown thousands of meters above Tang Long's head and headed for the center of ghost valley.

Of course, Tang long kept up with him from afar.

However, after all, Tang Long follows on the ground, and uses the art of earth hiding to hide his breath. It is necessary to prevent people around him from finding him, so as not to frighten the snake. Therefore, his speed of following the past is also very slow.

At this time, in the holy city of blood demon and in the Guangyao mansion, Guangyao Canglong is depressed.

The failure of dawangcheng to deal with Tang Long made his position in the family plummet, which made him lose a lot of discourse power in the family.

What's more, he has the power of demons!

It has made him sleep and eat hard these days.

Although he concealed from the venerable, he attributed the evil power to the heterodox space of Pamir City, but he already had a guess in his mind, and thought that the evil power might have something to do with the light of hope.

As for the light of hope, he told the interrogators of the blood Temple directly, which also made his words more believe by those in the blood temple.

In fact, he was lucky to be able to escape from danger in the blood temple this time, because when he was being interrogated, someone helped him secretly, even taught him a set of perfect defense, which made him very happy.

But at the same time of joy, he also had doubts.

Of course, he had guessed that Gao Tianye was plotting against him.

But he did not have any handle of Gao Tianye, and he did not dare to do anything to Gao Tianye at this time.

The most important thing is that he is afraid that he can't fight against Gao Tianye. Instead, he is controlled by Gao Tianye by the devil's power.

At that time, he would have to obey Gao Tianye's orders, and everything would be over.

"How can I deal with my demonic power? This is obviously Gao Tianye's plot against me. Next, I just need to find Gao Tianye, and I will probably be controlled by Gao Tianye! "

"If I don't go to see Gao Tianye, won't Gao Tianye come to me?"

"Shall I go and report Gao Tianye with zunshang? Before Gao Tianye and the man wolf related matter, no one except me knew, I now denounce Gao Tianye, Gao Tianye must have been prepared, and even will bite me back! "

"The most important thing is that somewhere around me, there will be wolves and men hiding, and Gao Tianye will certainly have backers. If I go to denounce Gao Tianye, it may backfire, and even I may be controlled by Gao Tianye immediately. This will not only put me in danger, but also implicate the whole family!"

"I have to find a way to let Gao Tianye come to me on his own initiative, and then I set up a bureau to expose Gao Tianye. Only in this way can I be safe."

"Damn it, I should not have cooperated with Gao Tianye if I had known that things would turn out like this. If I killed Tang Long first and then Gao Tianye, it would be all over. But now, I'm afraid I don't even have a chance to kill them!"

Guangyao Canglong was very depressed at home.

Just then, someone outside knocked on the door: "Dong Dong Dong"

"Damn, who is knocking?" Guangyao Canglong angrily said: "knock on the door, don't you know the voice is a little lower?"

He is now upset, looking for someone to strangle, to find a place to vent!

He was bothered by someone at this time!

"Young master, I have arranged for you the person you want!" Outside the door, a warrior said, his voice was obviously flattering.

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