Tang Long knew very well in his heart that the success rate of his own refining elixir was very high, mainly because of the chaotic power of the sky fire, of course, the power of Jiuyou Tianhan also played a great role.

However, after he got the power of the light, the power of the light did play a certain role in refining the elixir.

The power of light can enhance the effect of aura.

Magic heaven Jue looked at Tang Long and asked, "how do you get the power of the light?"

Tang Long said: "I once got a kind of Tiancai Dibao with the power of holy light. I took it, and then I had the power of holy light."

"It seems that you don't have to worry too much about the danger of the devil's power. If the power of the blood devil in your body will not be suppressed or melted by the power of the holy light, the power of the devil will not be a threat to you."

Tang Long immediately looked happy: "devil Tianjue master, do you mean that the power of the devil can erode the spirit of Gao Tianye, among which the power of holy light works?"

Mo Tianjue guessed: "I think that there must be holy light in the light of hope!"

Tang Long said, "is there any way to suppress the power of demons?"

"I don't know that yet. It should be a big secret of the demons." "If you are interested, you can study it well. If you have the chance, you can go to the world where the devil power exists."

Tang Long thinks that this proposal of magic heaven Jue is very good. If you have a chance, you really have to go to the place where you have the power of the devil.

He knew that under normal circumstances, the existence of something opposite to it may also appear around.

The power of the blood demon exists in the blood demon world, and the blood demon world has the power of the holy light.

According to this inference, the existence of demonic power should be able to restrain the existence of demonic power.

Tang long had such a guess, but did not say it.

He knows that the devil knows more about the devil's power than he does. However, he will not tell him some things, at least not now.

Tang long looked at Mo Tianjue and said with great interest: "Lord demon Tianjue, I have to study the devil's power carefully to see what kind of energy can restrain the devil's power. It seems interesting, I have to study it! "

"Don't tell others what Gao Tianye is looking for you today," he said

"Good." Tang Long readily nodded: "I promise not to say."

"You try your best to help Gao Tianye and see if you can solve the problem of the devil's power. If you have a look, you can tell me, and I will give you a great reward!"

Hearing the two words of reward, Tang Long's eyes immediately glowed with light: "master mengtianjue, what kind of Tiancai Dibao are you going to give me?"

Looking at Tang long at this time and hearing what he said, mortian couldn't help smiling and shaking his head. This boy's greedy is a little speechless. He dare to ask for things so frankly in front of him. Don't you know that his identity is very high?!

He didn't say anything. He had heard about Tang Long's greed.

And Tang Long's mind is simple, and he is very clear.

He knew that the boy was very greedy for the material, treasure and money. Fortunately, the boy was honest and obedient. His mind was easy to ponder, and he was also loyal to the blood temple.

He felt that although Tang Long sometimes did things rashly, on the whole, he was good.

What's more, the devil has heard that as long as they are friends with Tang long, they all seem to have a good life, and Tang Long's luck is always very good.

Who doesn't want to deal with lucky people?

Not to mention this lucky person, but also with the people around him!

"Well, you go back first." Magic sky Jue waved to Tang Long: "if you have any difficulties or gains in Gao Tianye's affairs, you can come to me. If you come here in the future, you don't need any procedures. I will arrange it and you can come here at any time."

Tang Long opened his eyes and said, "master magic, do you still need to go through the procedures?"

Magic day Jue looked at Tang Long's big eyes and looked very curious. He couldn't help but shake his head.

How can he be seen by anyone who wants to see him?

Even if he is Xiuli Changhe or Dongguo wolf, if he wants to see him, he may not be able to see him. He has to go through the formalities first, and then pass the explanation of the matter to him. Only after he has approved, can he see him.

His identity in the blood temple has belonged to the core character, which is more special than the identity of the clan heads of all the families in the blood temple!

Even more special than blood drops!

However, when he looked back, he was speechless in his heart. Tang Long seems to have been very smooth since he first saw him. He has not gone through any procedures and has not been stopped by anyone. He wants to see him!

Tang long had already stood up and looked at the magic sky Jue and said, "master magic sky Jue, I'll go first. Before that, Xiuli elder went to me and said that he had something to discuss with me.""You go." Mo Tianjue nodded.

Tang Long turned and walked to the door. He just opened the door. Suddenly, the devil stopped him: "Tang long, you wait."

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the devil Tianjue: "what else?"

Mo Tianjue said: "if Gao Tianye gives you the light of hope, you can bring it to me. Of course, you should also study it."

"Good." Tang Long nodded and agreed.

Of course, he would not give the light of hope to mordantianjue, and he believed that Gao Tianye would not say anything about it. After all, Gao Tianye still expected him to release his demonic power.

Even if Gao Tianye told Mo Tianjue, Tang Long didn't care. He was so greedy that he got this kind of fun. Even though there was danger in it, he would not be so generous to ask him to take it out.

"Magic heaven Jue continued:" OK, you go, in three days later, if you have time, come to me again. "

"Good." Tang long promised to leave Tiansha hall and return to Tang Fu in a hurry.

In the living room of the Tang mansion, Xiuli Changhe is sitting here chatting with Dongfang bing'er. Seeing Tang Long enter the living room, he immediately asks, "what's the matter with the demon Tianjue emissary?"

Tang Long said: "Gao Tianye came to me before, and this matter has been known by the devil Tianjue."

"Has Gao Tianye been here?" Xiuli long crane good strange way: "what does he come to do?"

He didn't know Gao Tianye had been to Tang Fu. When he came to find Tang long before, Gao Tianye had just left.

Tang Long said: "Gao Tianye is very afraid of death, so come to me to save him." After that, he immediately looked at Xiuli Changhe's way: "elder Xiuli, Gao Tianye came to find me. Lord mantianjue specially told me that you were not an outsider. I told you that you must keep it secret for me."

Voice down, he is to go to the East binger side, in the Oriental ice next to the chair to sit down.

At this time, Dongfang bing'er also looked at Xiuli Changhe and said, "Xiuli elder, since Gao Tianye has come to my residence, the devil heaven will never let me say it. You can never say it out, or my husband will be in trouble."

"Of course, I will never tell you about it." Xiuli Changhe's voice dropped, turned to look at Tang Long and asked, "why does Gao Tianye come to you? You just said he came to you because he was afraid of death. What's the matter

Tang Long said: "Gao Tianye has the power of demons. The elder xuedizi has personally checked this matter and confirmed it. However, since Gao Tianye was used by lie Qingtian before, he was also hurt by strong Qingtian. Therefore, he did not blame Gao Tianye very much. Gao Tianye came to me and hoped that I could get rid of the devil power in him."

Xiuli Changhe said: "I have long guessed that there may be devil power in Gao Tianye. After all, the star blood comes from him at the beginning."

Tang Long said: "I don't care about Gao Tianye's affairs. I just take care of our Danshi League."

"That's true." Xiuli Changhe nodded: "now the blood temple is also a troubled time. Some time ago, the LORD sent someone to attack several passers-by of the great world. These people were attacked by the people of the great world, which caused heavy losses to the people in the blood temple. Before that, I still wanted to go to the battlefield of the great thousand world. Now I have given up this idea."

Tang long curled his lips and said, "go to war with the people in the whole world. If I were, I would not go. It's better to keep the Danshi League behind us. There are still merits and no mistakes. Moreover, there are too few strong people in our Tang family. If something happens, I will be distressed if there is one less!"

Xiuli Changhe said: "my Xiuli family is also a newly developed family, and the family background is also small. Even if I am a strong ancestor, I feel sad to lose one, so I think about it, and I still don't want to participate in the great war."

Said, looked at Tang Long ha ha smile: "this matter said also must thank you!"

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