"It's a matter for you to study ahead of time, the temple of light." Tang long looked at Beigong xian'er and agreed: "I will arrange for Mo'er to deal with this matter. First, let her go to Guangming continent to ask the warriors of Fengling clan there, and ask the people of Guangming continent to understand this matter simply."

Beigong Xianer nodded.

Tang Long immediately used huixinmen to contact Gongsun Mo'er, who was far away in the secluded land.

After all, it was ten minutes of the night. It was time to have a rest. Gongsun Mo'er had planned to take a rest.

Hearing Tang Long's voice in her heart, she immediately asked, "husband, what do you want me to do?"

Tang Long told Gongsun Mo'er about the power of the holy light, and then said, "Mo'er, don't tell anyone about this for the time being. You can go to the Fengling people in person, and first find some Tiancai and Dibao containing the power of holy light in the holy land. I'm afraid the power of light contained in ordinary plants can't be absorbed and used. Only those natural materials and earth treasures can be useful 。”

"I see. I'll take care of it myself tomorrow." Gongsun Mo'er agreed.

Next, Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er discussed the matter carefully, and then cut off the spiritual contact with Gongsun Mo'er.

After arranging this matter, he was planning to call for them to study the power of the holy light in the sky sealing flag. Moreover, Tang Long also wanted to let them study the light of hope. In the depths of Tang Long's heart, Ling Qingyao's voice suddenly remembered: "my husband, we are all ready to take action against the evil spirit sect!"

"Well, I see. I'll be right there." Tang Longlian was busy.

In order to ensure safety, Tang Long decided to take part in the battle of evil spirit sect.

He has the power of divine power. He has the charm of the wild ancient array, and those magic weapons.

The most important thing is that his strength is not very weak now. Even if he can't deal with the strong one of Tianzu, he can't deal with the general warrior of evil spirit sect.

The evil spirit sect is not all heavenly ancestors, more people's strength is relatively weak.

Tang long already knew that the number of Tianzu strongmen in the headquarters of evil spirit sect is very small. Even if there are some accidents, it is estimated that there are no more than 20 Tianzu.

So Tang Long is very confident about the battle against the evil spirit sect tonight.

He went to Fengtian flag and asked them to study the light of hope.

And he asked vartian to study the power of the light.

After explaining these, Tang Long summoned the wisdom heart door between Ling Qingyao and Tang long.

Through this Huixin gate, he appeared in front of Ling Qingyao.

At this time, Ling Qingyao is in a cave.

On the periphery of the cave, Meng Haoran has personally arranged multiple powerful defense and isolation barriers to ensure the absolute safety of the cave.

The cave is far away from the evil spirit sect which Qianji Baiyu is going to. Even if there is a big war, it will not affect a part of this area.

The mountain in front of me is Wanxie mountain.

Wanxie mountain is very large, continuous and complex.

At this time, they were at the foot of Wanxie mountain. To reach the depth of Wanxie mountain, they had to fly forward for at least half an hour.

In the depth of Wanxie mountain, there is a very big valley there, which is the headquarters of the evil spirit sect.

That valley is called Wanxie valley.

Tang Long came to Ling Qingyao through the Huixin gate with lingqingyao. He first used the magic power of changing and changed his appearance into the No.1 Tang long in Linghai.

He looked like a young warrior in his early twenties.

Having made these preparations, he and Ling Qingyao walked out of the small cave in the cave and went to the larger cave, where he saw Qianji Baiyu and his wife.

Qianji Baiyu and others saw Tang Long coming, and they said, "Tang long, we are going to start to take action. We have already discussed. First, we will quietly surround the past and deal with the secret sentry of the evil spirit sect, and then we will attack the defense border of the evil spirit sect together!"

Tang long looked at Qianji Baiyu and said, "Lord Qianji, how long will it take us to deal with these secret sentries quietly?"

Qianji Baiyu said: "the territory of the evil spirit sect is very large. Our actions can not be detected by the people of the evil spirit sect, so we have to be very careful. It will take an hour or two!"

Tang Long frowned: "I don't think it's right!"

"What's wrong?" asked Qianji Baiyu

Tang Long said: "the comprehensive strength of the evil spirit sect here will not be too strong, and the strength of those secret posts will not be very strong. We don't need to worry about these secret posts. On the contrary, we can use those secret posts to make our actions more smooth today."

After a pause, he continued, "this time we are not here to destroy all the people of the evil spirit sect. This is of no significance at all. We mainly want to give the blood temple a biggest shock."Meng Haoran looked at Tang Long and asked, "tell me what you think."

Tang Long said: "you are all strong in Tianzu. The strength of the secret sentry of the evil spirit sect will not be stronger than you. These secret sentries can not pose any threat to you at all."

They nodded.

Tang long continued: "if you start slowly, if the people of the evil spirit sect find you and have a strong comprehensive combat power, they will send people to the blood temple and the blood light city immediately. Although the blood temple is far away from them, the blood light city is not far away from them!"

After a pause, Tang long continued: "as far as I know, there are many strong people in the city of blood light."

Tang Long knows a little about Xueguang city.

Tang Long once intercepted the people who delivered miraculous elixir in the blood temple on the way to the blood light city. On that time, he approached the blood light city. Although he did not go to the blood light city, he already knew that the defense of the blood light city was very tight.

He felt that there must be many strong people in Xueguang city.

In his opinion, the best way to quickly take down the evil spirit sect is to let the enemy make a wrong judgment.

After thinking a little, he looked at Qianji Baiyu and said, "let me say, we will attack the evil spirit sect in three groups, and we will take the evil spirit sect in quick combat and quick decision!"

Qianji Baiyu asked, "how can we divide into three groups?"

Tang Long said: "in the first batch of actions, we sent four Tianzu to fight, and launched an attack on the evil spirit sect with great fanfare."

Meng Haoran asked, "why do you do this?"

Tang Long said: "now we basically know the comprehensive strength of the evil spirit sect. We send four Tianzu to launch a fierce attack, and the secret Sentry will be disturbed. The news will soon reach the headquarters of the evil spirit sect. In the face of the attack of the four heavenly ancestors, the evil spirit sect people here should be able to deal with it. When they see only four heavenly ancestors coming, they will relax their vigilance and take the initiative to come out Meet

After listening to Tang Long's words, Meng Haoran and all of them were in front of their eyes!

They think Tang Long's method is very good!

If the people of the evil spirit sect come out to fight, they must be the heavenly ancestor of the evil spirit sect here and the backbone of the people here!

If we deal with these people in advance, and then attack the rest of the evil spirit sect, then we have the victory!

The most important thing is that when Tianzu came out to fight and felt sure that he would win, he would not immediately send people to Xueguang city for help, which gave Meng Haoran more time to be safe.

Qianji Baiyu looked at Tang Long and said, "what's the second step of your plan?"

Tang Long said: "in the second step, after the heavenly ancestors of the evil spirit sect surround our four heavenly ancestors, we will directly send 20 heavenly ancestors together to surround the heavenly ancestors of the evil spirit sect from the periphery, so as to ensure that the heavenly ancestors of the evil spirit sect can not escape!"

Qianji Baiyu asked again, "what about the third step?"

Tang Long said: "after the most powerful members of the evil spirit sect are surrounded, the remaining people will act together to attack the headquarters of the evil spirit sect, control the whole situation, and quickly and thoroughly take down the evil spirit sect. This is the third step!"

After a pause, he went on: "those heavenly ancestors who surround the evil spirit sect can't use all of us. Moreover, as long as we surround and control the most lethal warriors of the evil spirit sect, we can make the most reasonable use of our comprehensive combat power, and we can get rid of the ordinary warriors. We can solve this battle as quickly as possible."

"Well, do as you say!" Meng Haoran and others all nodded in agreement.

Seeing that everyone agreed with his opinion, Tang Long immediately said, "since we all agree, we will take action immediately."

If anyone can stop us from attacking us directly, we will not be afraid to attack us

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