Mo Tianjue was sitting on a very comfortable chair in the room, holding a glass of wine. He looked very comfortable. He squinted slightly and did not go to see Tang Long: "this is a bottle of wine that zunshang gave me. It was brewed by zunshang in his secret way."

Tang Long is not interested in wine at all.

He looked at the magic sky Jue and said, "Lord devil, when you saw you last time, you told me that you would come to you three days later, and I will come today."

The devil did not speak. He took a sip of wine and put down his glass.

Then he took out a box.

This is a blood red box.

The box is not big and square. It is wrapped by the power of a blood demon. It is held up by the power of the blood devil and flies towards Tang long. At the same time, the voice of blood drops is also transmitted into Tang Long's ear: "this is for you!"

Tang Long was very surprised. He didn't expect that he came in. The magic heaven never made any request, so he gave himself a box first.

"What's in the box?"

Tang Long is very curious to think, under the investigation already knew, this box has arranged the very strong seal boundary.

If you are an ordinary person, you will be very stiff when you see a person like xuedizi. At this time, you will first resist the curiosity in your heart. Instead of looking at the contents in the box, you will first ask what devil Tianjue asked him to do.

But Tang Long's way of doing things in the blood temple is to be unscrupulous and greedy.

Most importantly, he has no idea of identity in the blood temple!

So he immediately untied the seal on the box.

Magic day Jue looked at Tang long in such a hurry, eyes also appeared a faint smile, Tang Long's reaction is completely in his expectation.

Even Tang Long's next reaction was expected.

He knew that Tang long would be very surprised.

Tang Long is really surprised!

When the box opened, when Tang Long saw what was in the box, he immediately exclaimed and widened his eyes. His eyes were full of surprise!

Magic day Jue hehe a smile, smile very satisfied: "I give you things you are still satisfied?"

"Satisfied, certainly satisfied!" Tang Long laughs, looking at the things in the box, he has no time to see the magic heaven.

In this box, there is a kind of natural material and earth treasure that can enhance spiritual power.

And it's a second grade magic drug!

He didn't expect that magic heaven would give him such a kind of natural material and earth treasure. You know, the magic medicine in this box is not only of high quality, but also not very few. It can refine at least three elixirs!

This has been extremely good!

"Well, put it away." The magic sky absolutely light, appears a pair of very casual way: "only two grade divine medicine just, not worth so happy."

He was, of course, faking it.

He felt that the more indifferent he was and the more indifferent he looked, the more sure Tang long would feel that he had a lot of good things and that he was very generous.

This is his method of attracting people. At this time, he used it on Tang long.

The last time Tang Long came to see him, he had sent someone to get the magic medicine.

Tang long, with a happy face, covered the lid of the box containing Tiancai Dibao and put it away. Then he looked at Mo Tianjue and said, "Lord mantianjue, do you want me to help you refine some miraculous elixir? "

" No Magic sky Jue shook his head, a faint smile: "remember the last time you helped me refine the elixir, I said, will give you a reward, now this reward you can still be satisfied?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" Tang long looked very happy. He couldn't help laughing and said: "I've seen for a long time that the magic emperor is different from ordinary people. He has not only super strength, but also countless good things."

Mo Tianjue said: "I'm satisfied with your performance some time ago, so I'll give you the reward of this day's wood and earth treasure. As for the future, it depends on your performance."

Tang Longlian said: "I can make you satisfied with my performance in the future."

"I hope so!" "The last time Gao Tianye looked for you, did he come to you again?"

Tang Long truthfully replied: "he went to the Tang mansion in the city of genius yesterday to look for me. I have got the news, but I didn't see him."

He knew that Gao Tianye couldn't hide the fact that Gao Tianye went to Tang mansion.

This time he did not see Gao Tianye.

Here, he told this matter honestly, which can make the devil believe him.

He guessed that the devil was absolutely in Gao Tianye's Tang mansion. He must have paid great attention to him. He must have wanted to know what Gao Tianye was looking for.

And he can be sure that the most important thing that magic wants to know is whether he has any special findings in this respect.

Mo Tianjue asked: "Gao Tianye went to the Tang mansion of the city of genius to find you this time. Did he tell you anything?"Tang Long said: "his request is the same as the last time I asked, let me help study the power of the devil."

"He didn't give you the light of hope?" he asked

Hearing this sentence, Tang Long knows that it's hard for him to say that he didn't give it at this time. Otherwise, he would have doubted him.

His form and style in the blood temple is obviously known by magic heaven.

According to his style, if Gao Tianye doesn't give him anything, he can't do anything for Gao Tianye. At most, he just perfunctorily, because the relationship between Gao Tianye and him is here.

He looked at Mo Tianjue and made a very angry look and said: "Gao Tianye is really mean. The last time I asked him for the light of hope, he said he would give me five, but he gave me three. If it wasn't because I was curious about the power of the devil and the light of hope, I wouldn't care about him at all!"

After a pause, he looked at the devil and said, "these three lights of hope, I want to study the power of the devil, to see what secrets are hidden in the light of hope."

"Magic sky Jue asked:" Gao Tianye told you about the origin of his demon power

Tang Long said: "Gao Tianye said that the devil's power in him is from the star God blood given to him by strong giant before."

Many people in the blood god temple know about it, and Tang Long also knows about it.

And he knew that the devil must know.

So this kind of thing he won't hide the magic heaven Jue at all, and there's no need to hide it.

However, he would not say anything about the magic emperor Rune and Gao Tianye's giving him a piece of paper.

He didn't want the blood demon ancestor to know more about the power of the devil.

Even if the blood demon ancestor had already known about these things, he would not say it.

He looked at the magic sky Jue and said, "Lord magic sky Jue, I promised Gao Tianye, and I also promised you before to study the light of hope. I have started to study it now!"

This light of hope is obviously not an ordinary thing. If it can be thoroughly studied by Tang Long and the danger can be relieved, it will be a good treasure to enhance the strength.

The magic heaven Jue looked at Tang Long and asked, "how much do you know about the power of the devil now?"

Tang Long said: "I know little about the power of the devil. But according to my speculation, since the power of the devil exists, there must be an energy that can fight against it. And I think that the energy against it is likely to be in the place where the devil power is generated!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, a touch of curiosity suddenly appeared in the eyes of magic Tianjue: "how can you have such an idea?"

Tang Long said: "I am a Dan master, and I have a deep understanding of all kinds of medicinal materials. I know that in general, the places where poisonous medicinal materials are grown, in some areas near the medicinal materials, in many cases, there may be drugs or articles that can restrain the existence of such poisonous drugs. Even if they are not available nearby, they will certainly exist in other places."

After a pause, he looked at the devil and said: "if you can go to the place where the devil's power is very strong, and you can go to the place where the devil clan exists, maybe you can find a way to restrain the devil's power!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!