Tang long looked at Yuzhi polaoshuo, looked very impatient and said, "master yuzhibo, just say you dare to have this competition with me!" After a pause, he looked at Yu Zhi and said with disdain: "master, you dare not promise me this challenge competition? Are you afraid you can't beat me? "

"I dare not promise this contest? I can't beat you! " Yuzhi Polish Shuo felt that he had heard the biggest joke in the world.

How dare he promise the contest?

Their comprehensive strength is much stronger than those of Zhong Li's family, and the number of strong people on their side is absolutely dominant.

Under such circumstances, what does he dare not promise this contest?!

Tang long already said: "Master Yu Zhibo, I can tell you very clearly that I will fight in person in the final battle of this competition. If your people can persist to the end, then you are qualified to compete with me!"

"I have the right to compete with you. Hey, boy, you are really arrogant. With your little strength, any one of my people can kill you? Are you arrogant and forget your name? " Yu Zhi polaoshuo glared at Tang Long with a strange smile: "do you think you can hold my finger?"

"I'll see if you can make it, master. I'll find out later." Tang Long snorted and said haughtily, "now that the elder has agreed to this contest, the elder can send the first person to fight. Say it, who will you send to carry out the first battle?"

Yuzhi polaoshuo glanced at Tang Long and determined their strength again.

He immediately determined that the most powerful of Tang Long and his several people was just the three Tianzu of Zhongli family.

In addition to the three heavenly ancestors in the Zhongli family, among the remaining two beautiful girls, the strength of Zhong Li Xueyan is the first level of dizu, and the strength of dantai Shuya is only six.

As for Tang Long and dragon spirit, he can almost directly ignore.

He explored the breath of the Tang dragon and the dragon spirit. The strength of the Tang dragon did not even exist in the ancestral realm, or even in the realm of the emperor!

The breath of dragon spirit is also very weak, and Tang Long seems to be similar.

However, he has also found out that the Dragon Spirit obviously has the breath of supernatural animals, but it also contains a strong natural breath.

He knew that the Dragon Spirit was a little strange.

But the dragon spirit is strange again, only so little strength, can be fierce to what extent?!

The momentum of Tang Long and dragon spirit was suppressed by themselves, and their strength was not strong. Therefore, even if they were Yuzhi and polish Shuo, they could not find out their real strength.

Tang Long deliberately conceals his own strength in order to let Yuzhi Polish Shuo underestimate the enemy, and make Yuzhi Polish Shuo feel that their giant snake alliance will surely win today.

In addition, Tang Long is doing this to make Yuzhi polaoshuo make mistakes when sending people to the war.

He felt that if Yuzhi polangshuo made mistakes in the process of sending people in the next contest, he would probably have emotional fluctuations, and some decisions made by Yuzhi Boshuo would lose his cool.

Once people lose calm, they often make mistakes continuously!

Tang Long knew that only by seizing the opportunity of Yuzhi polaoshuo's mistakes, could he survive today's dangerous situation. After all, there are too few powerful people on their side.

From Tang Long flying to this side, Tang Long has been thinking about his next step.

He needs to keep all the development in his hands for the rest of the time.

Only in this way can we survive the danger today.

He looked at Yuzhi polaoshuo, and a vague smile appeared on his face: "master, who are you going to send the first person to fight? You're not coming out in person, are you? Haha, this is also a very interesting thing

"I'm not qualified to do it with your wisdom

When the voice dropped, he waved his hand and said, "the purple crane in the South sky, you come!"

Although Yuzhi polaoshuo is sure that he is sure to win in front of these people, he is still very cautious and serious.

He has always been a very cautious man.

Tang Long and their strength he has all understood, at this time he is decided to send a person to Tanglong they headache.

The southern sky purple crane is very strong, the Tianzu double realm!

among these warriors brought by Yuzhi polaoshuo, there are seven warriors in Tianzu double realm and three warriors in Tianzu triple realm. Even he himself is the strength of Tianzu's four realms and is invincible here.

In addition to them, there are nine people left on his side, who are the strength of Tianzu's first realm.

They have 21 heavenly ancestors in all!

However, Tang Long said that there were only five people on each side of the war. In this case, the warriors of Tianzu Yizhong on the side of the giant snake alliance did not need to fight.Among the warriors who can fight, the weakest is the strength of Tianzu's dual realm, and the lowest is Tianzu triple.

Yuzhi polaoshuo was the first one to send the warrior of Tianzu dual realm. Then, the weakest strength of the people he can send is Tianzu triple realm, which means that he can be invincible in the later competition.

There is only one Tianzu triple, one Tianzu Erzhong, and then another Tianzu Yichong.

In addition to these three ancestors, the rest of the people in the eyes of Yuzhi Polish Shuo are vulnerable.

At this time, the southern sky purple crane had already flown out from behind Yuzhi polaoshuo. This is a shriveled warrior who looks in his early 40s. His head is very high, and his hands are extremely long, which is beyond the knee!

Yuzhi polaoshuo let the South sky purple crane go to war, and then he looked at Tang Long with a strange smile: "baby, who are you here to fight the first battle?"

He felt that Tang long would not send the strongest of them in the first battle.

The strongest have come out. If they fail, Tang long will have no hope in the next few competitions.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at Zhong Li Xueyan: "let's let the warriors of the three levels of Zhongli family Tianzu go to war!"

"Well." Zhong Li Xueyan agreed, and then looked at the old man with white beard and white beard among the three offerings and said, "grandfather, please bother you!"

"Good!" The white bearded and bearded warrior agreed and flew out from behind the snow smoke.

His name is Zhong Ligu.

Zhong Ligu also had a great status in the Zhongli family. He not only achieved the triple realm of Tianzu, but also had a deep understanding of some rules.

In the headquarters of the Zhongli family, among the remaining warriors, zhongligu is the strongest!

Zhong Li Gu flies out and appears in front of the purple crane in the South sky.

Yuzhi Poland Shuo saw that the first person sent by Tang Long was actually the strongest among them. He was also surprised.

But he didn't care at all.

In the battle between Tianzu triplet and Tianzu Erzhong, although Tianzu triplet will have the upper hand under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to defeat the warrior of Tianzu duel.

Even a lot of times, Tianzu Erzhong can defeat Tianzu triplet.

The strength of Tianzu is not only the strength of vitality, but also the understanding of the law and so on.

The most important thing is that Tang Long sent the strongest in the first battle. Even if they could win the battle, the strength of the warrior in the triple realm would certainly lose a lot. Then the next Zhongli family would be vulnerable.

"Even if they can win the first war, the clock of the second world war will surely have lost a lot of energy. When the time comes, I will send a strong warrior of Tianzu to carry out the Second World War. Maybe I can kill Zhong liguu directly and easily, which will make my next action much smoother."

Thinking of this, Yuzhi polaoshuo is also secretly proud.

You know, the southern sky purple crane sent by him is not weak. Although it is a double heaven ancestor, its own combat power is very strong. Even in the face of ordinary martial artists in the triple realm of Tianzu, the southern sky purple crane will not be defeated easily.

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