You ye obviously likes the environment here. He sits down with Tang long at a table in the restaurant. While eating with Tang long, he talks about everything here and the special environment of the manor.

The manor is very large, with several extremely magnificent buildings, and there are rockery, water, jungle and so on.

Because dragon spirit built the garden according to the drawings given by Tang long before, everything in the manor is made according to the array designed by Tang long.

However, there are also some designs of Dragon Spirit itself, among which there are some arrays that dragon spirit is familiar with.

The main array of this manor is that of Zhenwu Tiancheng which has been reduced a lot.

Moreover, the array of Zhenwu Tiancheng also includes the array of mountains and rivers Tianmen array, and the array of Dragon Spirit's own arrangement to condense the power of life and the power of heaven and earth.

With the integration of these arrays, the whole manor is full of vitality. Although the environment of this place is not as powerful as the holy land of heaven, it is not much different.

Tang Long and Youye had dinner, and they walked out of the manor together.

He looked out at the environment of the manor and felt very satisfied.

The rockery, hot spring, trees, flowers and plants in the manor are not only planned to be very natural and beautiful, but also arranged into various formations of different sizes according to the five elements of heaven, earth and nine palaces and eight trigrams.

Such manor, big array set small array, once these arrays are opened, not only can have extremely strong attack power, but also have very strong defense force.

If combined with Tang Long's wood Dun skill that can be used in reality, its power can be increased several times!

"Such manor, even if it is a strong person in the general heaven ancestor realm, it is extremely difficult to break in. The defense of this manor has reached a very high level."

Looking at the environment of the manor, Tang Long was very satisfied with it.

The most rare thing is that although the ice and snow city has a special environment and is relatively cold all the year round, the plants that longpo chooses to plant here are also very cold resistant plants. With the blessing of array power, these plants can grow well and keep vitality all the time!

Tang Long takes the quiet night's small hand, while looking at the manor environment, while slowly walking forward, watching you have walked out of the manor.

You night turned to look at Tang Long: "villains, let's go to the ice and snow wasteland quickly. I think the clock is away from Cangwu, and they have already been in line with those strong men in the ice and snow wasteland!"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded: "we have to hurry over."

He was about to fly up with you ye, but he suddenly remembered something. He turned his head and looked at the dark night and said, "ye'er, wait here for a moment. I have to go back and use my magic power to change my appearance at this time."

"Well." The night nodded.

She also knew that the real appearance of Tang Long was not suitable for those people in the ice and snow wasteland. If people in the blood Temple saw it, it would bring Tang long a lot of trouble.

Tang Long quickly turned around and returned to the manor.

You night turned around and looked at the manor in front of you, with love in your eyes.

She asked Tang long to take the name of the manor, and then she told the dragon spirit, which designed it.

The manor is called snow palace.

Everything in the ice and snow palace, including the high and big wall outside, is all made of all kinds of trees, vines and grasses, which are now full of infinite vitality.

Even the gate of the ice and snow palace is composed of living trees, which are full of strong breath of life.

This gate is transformed by the technique of wooden escape of dragon spirit. It looks natural, vigorous and exquisite.

The gate is very tall, more than 10 meters high. There is a strong defense and Border Protection on the gate. The four big characters of the ice and snow god palace above the gate are all natural growth of plants. These four characters are natural and fluent, and they are majestic.

The most important thing is that the big characters on the door are actually made up of some snow-white exotic plants. It looks like silver, which is amazing!

Tang Long uses his magic power to change his appearance into the image of No. 4 Tang long in the sea of spirits.

After the magic skill of all kinds of changes was completed, Tang Long immediately returned to the manor and flew to the sky together with the night in front of the dark night, and flew rapidly toward the place where the ice and snow wasteland was located.

The ice and snow wasteland is not far from the city of ice and snow.

In this ice and snow wasteland, far away from the city of ice and snow, there is a large open space, and there is also a very strong defense border on the ground of that place.

Under normal circumstances, people around the city of ice and snow have to solve some major problems, almost all of which are carried out in this space of ice and snow wasteland.

Tang Long and Youye have been flying together for about 20 minutes and have arrived at the ice and snow wasteland.From a distance, a very open place ahead, two groups of people are confrontation.

And obviously, they seem to be talking about something. Obviously, there is no agreement between the two sides. There are quarrels and negotiations are going on.

Tang Long and Youye fly past quickly, and soon they are close to these two groups of people. One group of them is the collection of large and small forces around the ice and snow wasteland, and the other group is of course Zhong Li Cangwu and them.

Zhongli Cangwu, they have already explored the strong breath of the dark night and another person at this time.

They turned their heads and looked at the dark night and saw a man holding the little hand of Youye. As soon as they took off, they knew that the man holding the hand of Youye must be the changed Tang long.

For Tang long can change the appearance, even can change his own life breath of things, Zhong Li Cangwu they have known for a long time.

Together with Youye, Tang Long has come to the front, and to the far mountain of Cangwu and Moxiang.

Zhong Li Cangwu, they brought a lot of people.

Four heavenly ancestors came to the Zhongli family, three heavenly ancestors came to the Moxiang family, and three heavenly ancestors came to the dantai family and the tianfuneral family.

These heavenly ancestors are the reclusive powers of their families.

Qiuli mofeng is not here today. He and some of the Tianzu strongmen of the Qiuli family, as well as some of the earth ancestors of their families, are responsible for the safety of the ice and snow god palace.

There are a lot of people on the side of the city of ice and snow. The leader is a middle-aged warrior who looks like forty-eight or eight.

The warrior is very tall and powerful.

Moreover, the figure of this warrior is extremely strong. His height is more than two meters and five meters, and he is much thicker than ordinary people.

This person's body looks like Li Dahan's body at this time!

He was dressed in a robe with snow-white and silver edges, standing in front of those warriors on the side of the city of ice and snow. His face was dignified, and his body showed a kind of domineering and powerful momentum.

This is the master of the city of ice and snow: Wei Chi Lingtian!

Weichilingtian is well-known in the area of ice and snow city. It is not only powerful and powerful, but also has strong fighting power!

The most important thing is that Wei Chi Lingtian is also very good, forthright and generous.

He also has a strong ability to govern the place. Otherwise, the city of ice and snow would not have such a prosperous scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!