Li Biao's cultivation talent is extremely high. Under the guidance of Meng tianchui, he has grown to the present level in a short period of more than 3000 years. He has become a warrior in the dual realm of Tianzu, which is very rare.

Meng tianchui also has great trust in Li Biao.

Tang Long was very happy to see that Wei Chi Ling Tian and other Tianzu were willing to join the Tang clan.

Some martial artists in the Tang clan, such as Moxiang Yuanshan, are also very happy.

Obviously, the first step of this ice and snow wasteland is very smooth, which directly absorbed so many strong people in Tianzu realm.

The most satisfying thing about Moxiang Yuanshan is that the ice and snow wasteland is far away from the blood temple. If people from the blood Temple want to come here, it is very difficult to get here if they don't take the road of batian city.

But this place is relatively prosperous, which is really suitable for their development.

In their opinion, this place is a good place for development.

At this time, behind Wei Chi Ling Tian, another warrior came out. The warrior looked old, about sixty-eight years old.

His actual age is much older than he looks.

He was a warrior of the nine realms of the earth's ancestors, named Wang Hongfei.

Wang Hongfei looked at Tang Long and said, "Tang clan leader, I want to ask you something!"

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked.

Wang Hongfei said: "after you come to Tangmen, if we join Tangmen, how do you plan to manage the ice and snow wasteland in the future? Do you want to merge all our forces into Tangmen and reorganize them, or what?"

Tang Long has long had a plan for this problem.

What he is doing now is not to rule the ice and snow wasteland.

Moreover, he knew very well that the manpower of Tangmen was limited, and he could not interfere too much in the management of these places. At most, Qin Zi could find a way to develop some auction houses here and control these places roughly. That's all.

The key point of his plan is not to completely control here, but to bring the super strong people in these places into Tangmen as soon as possible, so that these strongest people can become Tangmen people.

Only in this way can he better concentrate the most powerful force to deal with the blood demon ancestor.

He didn't have time to manage such a big place.

He looked at Wang Hongfei and said, "what I want to tell you is that the management mode of Tangmen is completely different from what you think!"

Wang Hongfei asked, "how is it totally different?"

At this time, weichi Lingtian and they are all looking at Tang Long and want to hear how Tang Long wants to develop Tangmen here.

Tang Long said: "first of all, from now on, our Tangmen only recruit warriors with the strength above dizu in this ice and snow wasteland, and even in the whole ice continent."

After a pause, he continued: "secondly, the martial arts who join the Tang clan will absolutely remain unchanged in their respective forces. I only need those who join the Tang clan to obey my orders. I will not interfere in their respective forces, and the people in their forces will not be counted as members of the Tang clan!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Wei Chi Lingtian and others are relieved.

If Tang Long asked them to join the Tang clan, only a few of their strong men would join in and their influence would not be affected much.

But some people still have concerns.

A warrior stood up, looked at Tang Long and said, "leader of Tang clan, I heard you say that if we join the Tang clan, we will not interfere in the influence we have. What do these two words mean?"

Tang Long said: "the basic two words mean that if your power does not violate the tenet of Tangmen, we will not interfere with it!"

Wei Chi Lingtian asked, "what is the tenet of Tangmen?"

Tang Long said: "there are only three general principles of Tangmen. First, we should not wantonly kill and destroy the living environment of excellent young disciples. Second, we should not seize resources with reckless malice and provoke fierce conflicts between them. Third, those who join the Tang clan must obey the orders of our Tang clan when there are important matters in the Tang clan, except for those who are not members of the Tang clan! "

Hearing Tang Long's three words, these warriors were all relieved.

Obviously, the three tenets mentioned by Tang long are basically to maintain the stability of this region, and there are no particularly serious regulations.

Even Tang Long has stressed that only those who join the Tang clan need to listen to the instructions of the Tang clan. The forces they manage are not from the Tang clan, so they do not need to follow the instructions of the Tang clan.

In this way, they have a lot of autonomy.

The only difference is that in the past, they were in charge of each other, and there was no suppression on their heads. What they said was what they said, but now they are subject to the control of the Tang clan.

However, the forces controlled by them will not be interfered by Tang clan too much.

Of course, they are also very clear that the Tang clan can control their responsible forces by controlling them, which they can accept.Wei Chi Lingtian thought for a moment, looked at Tang Long and said, "master of Tang clan, even if I join Tangmen in the future, the city of ice and snow will still be under my management. You won't interfere too much?"

"Of course Tang Long nodded positively and said, "Tangmen will not be responsible for the management of the ice city. What did you do before, and how do you still do it now?"

"Good!" Wei Chi Lingtian is very satisfied with Tang Long's decision.

He spent so many years, spent so much energy, and worked hard for thousands of years, and finally developed the ice and snow wasteland. He absolutely did not want his achievements to be taken away by Tangmen.

Now Tang Long explained that he still controlled the whole ice and snow wasteland by himself, and that Tangmen would not interfere too much, so he was completely relieved.

Zhong Li and Cangwu knew the way Tang Long managed the place, and they agreed.

They didn't plan to get their family involved.

They are here in order to absorb more superpowers and prepare for the future war with Tang long.

Of course, if the blood demons are rampant, they also hope to give their families a safe place to live.

This place is obviously a good place to live.

Tang long looked at the remaining humanity behind Wei Chi Ling Tian: "who of you would like to join our Tangmen, you can join with Yuchi Lingtian. If you don't want to join, I Tang Long won't ask for it."

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "but I can tell you one thing. When you join the Tangmen, when you encounter difficulties, our Tangmen will give full support. But if you don't want to join the Tangmen, we will certainly stand by in the future!"

He said it for a reason.

Although the ice and snow wasteland is well managed by Wei chilingtian, the city of ice and snow is not without enemies.

And it's not that no one is jealous of this area.

It is only because there are many strong Tianzu in weichi Lingtian and their combat power is very strong, so they have been able to ensure that this area is relatively safe.

In the past, anyone who was attacked by these forces came to Wei Chi Ling Tian, and Wei Chi Ling Tian would help.

But now it's different.

Wei chilingtian joins the Tang clan. If Wei chilingtian wants to help anyone, he needs to nod his head!

At least Wei chilingtian, the three powerful Tianzu of the city Lord's mansion, must obey the orders of Tang clan, which is a great limitation.

Of course, Tang Long still needs to send people around to make some arrangements.

If this matter is arranged out, the forces that have not joined the Tangmen will probably be attacked by some forces that covet them in the near future. Tang long will not pay attention to their danger at that time.

Tang Long needs this kind of external oppression, and even he will create such an oppression.

He didn't have much time to persuade others to join Tangmen one by one.

Therefore, he wants to use this method of external oppression, so that more people have a sense of danger, so that they can take the initiative to turn to Tangmen to seek the protection of Tangmen, and then willingly obey Tangmen, and then sit down to control the whole ice and snow wasteland and even control a larger area. This is the result that Tang Long wants. , the fastest update of the webnovel!