Meng Xiaomeng said to Tang long in his heart, "I've returned to Tianji City, and I'm heading towards the inn where I was in Tianji city. I'll be back in the former Inn soon!"

Tang Long asked, "is there any abnormal situation in Tianji city? Did you find any trace of the people in the blood temple there? "

Meng Xiaomeng said, "no, everything is normal here."

Tang Long said: "you wait for my news in the guest room of the inn. Don't act rashly!"

"I see." Meng Meng agrees.

Tang Long has finished the conversation with Meng Xiaomeng, and has already explored the situation in the room where he is at this time.

The room is not very big, but the environment is very good.

The most important thing is that there are very strong defense and isolation barriers in this room, and there is a training room not far from this room.

Tang Long didn't have time to go to the training room. He directly opened the defense and isolation barriers in the room. At the same time, he had contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart: "Yiyi, I'm going to go back to the heaven soul realm now!"

Qin Ziyi's voice soon sounded in Tang Long's heart: "husband, you come here, I'm dealing with some things, and here are only me and xiaoque'er."

"Good!" Tang Long agreed, and directly called out the wisdom heart door between Qin Ziyi and Tang long.

Through the door of Huixin, in a twinkling of an eye, he has appeared in front of Qin Ziyi.

This is the Tang house in Medivh city.

Xiao Que'er was beside him. When he saw Tang Long coming back, he immediately stopped what he was busy with. He turned his head and looked at Tang long. His pretty face was full of joy. He said with a sweet smile, "young master, you are back."

Tang Long said: "I have something important to do. I want to go to Baihua Valley immediately to find the king of Warcraft and Duan Fei."

"Young master, are you in any trouble?" she asked nervously

"No!" Tang long looked at xiaoque'er with a smile and said: "you can rest assured that I will be OK. I will soon be able to deal with the matter."

"Well." Small bird should a, clever way: "that young master you go busy."

Tang Long nodded, said goodbye to Xiao Que'er and Qin Ziyi, and left here. Soon, he arrived at the Nine Emperor's palace through the transmission array of madiwen City, and then arrived at Baihua valley.

In Baihua Valley, ginseng doll and Tang Kui are talking about something not far away.

Tang Long didn't have time to say hello to ginseng doll and Tang Kui. His figure flashed and he soon arrived at the entrance to the small pocket world.

Entering the small pocket world, Tang Long is heading for the magnificent building not far away.

This magnificent building is the responsibility of the king of Warcraft. Some of the supernatural beasts here were built together. It is specially used for the king of Warcraft and other places to deal with some things here.

Now the small pocket world is developing very well, and the management ability of the king of Warcraft is outstanding. Under the management of the king of Warcraft, there are various management systems here. All the divine animals or holy beasts in the small pocket world can survive freely in this small world.

Although it is not very big, it is not very small.

The environment here is very good, surrounded by mountains and mountains. Within tens of millions of kilometers, there are ancient jungles everywhere, and there are birds and flowers everywhere.

The Black Dragons of the black dragon clan, the ancient animals, the Dragon Phoenix and so on, all live very well here, and the other ice snow wolves are here, free and unrestrained.

Tang Long came to this magnificent building in the small pocket world, and soon found the king of Warcraft.

The king of Warcraft went out to work before. He just came back today.

And Duan Fei is back.

The other eight Tianlong are here.

Tang Long summoned the king of Warcraft and Duan Fei and so on. He looked at them and said in a deep voice: "I have very important things now. I need you to go with me. As long as it is up to the level of wild animals, I will take them away!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, the king of Warcraft immediately knew that Tang long must do something big.

The king of Warcraft looked at Tang Long and asked, "what happened outside?"

Tang Long said: "I'm not sure what will happen to the place I'm going to. What I know is that a large-scale ceremony is going on in a place on the demon Python continent, and it is likely that something will happen soon. If something happens, I must try to stop it, at least keep most of the people there!"

Duan Fei asked, "is there a plot of blood Temple hidden in that place?"

Tang Long said: "if my sixth sense is not wrong, there should have been a detailed deployment of the blood temple!"

Duan Fei immediately said, "in this case, let's go and have a look."

Duan Fei is very willing to deal with the blood temple.

Next, Duan Fei went out to gather the black dragon of the black dragon clan, and the king of Warcraft also went to gather other magical beasts.It wasn't long. About ten minutes later, all the dragons and Phoenix rescued by Tang long, as well as all the Black Dragons of the black dragon clan here, including ancient animals, all gathered here.

At this time, many of these gods and beasts have grown to the level of wild animals. Even among the 120 dragon and Phoenix, 12 of them have reached the level of ancient beast's combat power.

The most important thing is that at this time, among the black dragon clan, including Duan Fei, the Black Dragon King, those who had not yet grown up, but whose talent level reached or exceeded the level of ancient gods and beasts, had also grown to the primary level of ancient gods and beasts.

The fighting power of these mythical beasts has been very strong, and has been able to compete with the warriors of Tianzu's primary combat power.

This time, Tang Long plans to bring all the wild animals with combat power above the level here, so as to ensure the success of this operation as much as possible.

There are a lot of them, more than 500!

Among them, the fighting power of 50 animals has already reached the level of "Tianzu"!

"With so many gods and beasts together, as long as the blood temple is not sent a very rebellious line-up, it should be able to deal with it. At least I can make the strong Tianzu people there break through safely. As for those ordinary warriors, how much can they save?"

Tang Long took out the bags one by one, so that the animals were all in the bags.

Then he immediately contacted Meng Xiaomeng in his heart: "Xiaomeng, I will go to your side now!"

"Good!" Meng Xiaomeng agrees in Tang Long's heart.

Without any hesitation, Tang Long quickly summoned the door of wisdom between him and Meng Xiaomeng. In a flash, he appeared in front of Meng Xiaomeng.

Meng Xiaomeng looked at Tang Long and asked, "husband, how is the situation at the Tianji ceremony?"

Tang Long said: "now I don't know what's going on there. I haven't left there for a long time. I hope there's no accident."

After a pause, he continued: "just now I have gone back to Baihua Valley and brought all the gods and beasts in Baihua Valley whose fighting power has reached the level above the earth ancestors. I believe that even if there is a big conspiracy in the blood temple this time, we will certainly be able to resist it!"

Meng Xiaomeng is also a little relieved when he hears Tang Long's words.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "my husband, my beasts are about to grow up to the level of ancient ones. Before that, all my beasts have taken the heaven and earth Qi Hunyuan pill that you gave me. Now my beasts have the fighting power of the wild beasts. Would you take all my beasts?"

Tang Long shook his head and said, "don't take your beast with you. Your beast will stay to protect you."

Then he looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said solemnly, "after I leave here, you don't want to live in this inn. Go to this city and find a quiet and unimportant house to live in. Decorate the defense border and wait for my news!"

"Good!" Meng Xiaomeng nodded and agreed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!