"In the next war, if we can't resist the attack of the blood temple, and if we can't break out of the encirclement, I'm afraid so many warriors here will be killed, and none of them can escape the tragic fate!"

Xuanyuanguang knew that if they could not break through the encirclement, even if the warriors of the demon Python world who came to participate in the Tianji grand ceremony were not killed by the people of the blood temple, they would certainly be captured by the people of the blood temple, devour the spirits and become the people of the blood temple.

"I didn't expect that if the people from the blood temple came today, we would certainly give them a heavy blow, but the result is that we let the blood Temple give a blow, and we are in a desperate situation!"

"Our misjudgment has harmed so many people

Xuanyuanguang regretted that he should not have held this grand ceremony.

At this time, he had already made a decision in his heart. Today, no matter what, even if he is fighting for his death, he must try his best to make a gap in the attack array of the blood temple, and try every means to escort the warriors below to participate in the Tianji grand ceremony to break through.

However, even if there is a gap in the formation, how many people can escape? It is certain that most of the warriors will still be killed or captured, and the spirits will be devoured by the people of the blood temple and become the accomplices of the blood temple!

The strength of the people who came to attack the blood temple was too strong, and the attack array they arranged was too difficult to break!

"Let's call out the ten Tianzu to help. There's no other way. We can resist it for a while, and try to find a way to resist it!"

Xuanyuanguang thought in his heart, his hands closed and his fingerprints quickly changed.

Time is not long, in front of him 20 meters in the air of a place, where the space is suddenly produced a violent distortion.

Then, in this twisted space, a silver door of space is revealed.

Xuanyuanguang didn't dare to have a moment's hesitation. The door of space appeared. He flashed and went directly to the front of the door of space. Then he flew directly into the door of space and disappeared in the sight of those people below.

Although many people want to fly to the sky and hide in the door of this space, the door of space will disappear immediately after the Xuanyuan light disappears.

Xuanyuan light through the door of this space, you can see that there is a very empty place.

This place is not small.

At this time, a hundred meters in front of xuanyuanguang, there is a very large tower building, which is magnificent and emits dazzling golden light.

There is an extremely strong defensive border around the tower.

There are already many figures coming towards the Xuanyuan light. These people are the ten strong Tianzu people waiting here.

All of them are hermits in various parts of the world who have lived in seclusion for many years. Even some of them actually competed with the blood god temple. Later, they escaped by chance and arrived here.

It's not easy for them to find these people and invite them here.

Ten Heavenly ancestors came to Xuanyuan light. One of them asked in a hurry: "brother Xuanyuan, what's the situation outside now? Are the people in the blood temple really doing something?"

They are waiting here. They all hope that the blood temple can take action, and then they are going to give the blood temple a heavy blow.

The plan they discussed with Nangong Pangu before was that if the people of the blood god temple had any action when they were holding the Tianji grand ceremony, they would first give the blood temple a heavy blow here, and then go to the great world to contact more powerful people to fight against the blood god temple.

Xuanyuanguang looked at the ten Heavenly ancestors in front of him, and a clear apology appeared in his eyes: "ladies and gentlemen, the people from the blood god temple have indeed attacked, but I am sorry to you, because the matter is completely beyond our expectation. If you go out with me today to participate in the war outside the space of heterotopia, you will probably die here!"


Hear Xuanyuan light say this sentence, ten days zudun all stare big eyes.

They know it must be terrible outside.

A heavenly ancestor looked at Xuanyuan light and asked in a deep voice: "is it difficult that the blood temple has sent out a very strong lineup to attack the demon Python mainland this time?"

"Yes Xuanyuan light nodded: "this lineup is powerful completely beyond our expectation!"

"How could that be possible?" Next to him, a martial artist of the seven levels of Tianzu frowned and said, "haven't there always been only a few Tianzu present before you held this grand ceremony of heaven? And before that, you have been preparing for this aspect. Haven't most of Tianzu been hiding? At most, the people in the blood temple can only find out the situation of a few of you. They will think that you have not even ten Heavenly ancestors. Under such circumstances, how can the blood Temple send a large number of strong people to come here? "

Xuanyuan Guang sighed and speculated: "it is possible that we went out to look for help. The blood god temple has already noticed this matter, but they pretended not to know it and pretended to be cheated. So this time, they may have known our comprehensive strength for a long time and sent such a strong lineup!""The blood temple comes here, how strong is the lineup?"

"There are more than 60 heavenly ancestors, more than 800 earth ancestors, and more than 1000 strong ancestors!"

"What, it's so strong!"

Ten Heavenly ancestors heard Xuanyuan light say that the number of strong people who came here to the blood god temple, one by one, their eyes were filled with deep disbelief.

Such a strong lineup, even if they go out, I am afraid it is difficult to resist the attack of the blood temple!

Xuanyuanguang had already said in an urgent voice: "we can't wait any longer. The people outside are very dangerous. I hope you can go out with me. At least we have to find a way to break through and cover the tens of thousands of soldiers who come here to escape first!"

"Let's go out and have a look."

"No matter what, we must rush out and never fall into the hands of those people in the blood temple!"

"With our ten Heavenly ancestors and twenty-five heavenly ancestors outside, there are already 35 strong heavenly ancestors on our side. It should be possible to rush out here!"

"Go, go out together!"


The ten Tianzu all said in a solemn, deep voice, with a firm attitude.

Xuanyuan light to see that they are willing to go out with themselves, the heart is very grateful.

But he knew that even if they went out together and wanted to flush the bleeding temple, the encirclement of the attack array was too difficult.

Because the attack array of the blood god hall is really powerful, not only the attack power is strong, but also the defense power of the blood red energy mask condensed by the power of the blood devil is also very strong, so it is difficult to break it.

You can't break the energy mask. They can't rush out. No one can.

But now there is no alternative but to go out and take risks.

Xuanyuan light has reopened the door of the space here, and then the people together, through the door of the space, flew out.

The ten Tianzu who took off with xuanyuanguang, when they went outside, explored the surroundings, and learned about the situation outside, their eyes were obviously shocked at this time!

"The situation is so bad!"

They did not expect that the situation in front of them was completely controlled by the blood temple.

So many people here can only be passively beaten!

Above the sky, a blood red energy mask contains extremely powerful blood Demon power, completely enveloping the whole area. In the light shield, clusters of blood red energy light continuously condense out, like a blood red meteor, bombarding the trapped warriors from all directions.

Although on the side of tianjizong, 25 Tianzu and more than 200 dizu are trying to resist the bombardment of the blood red energy group, it is obvious that they are all struggling at this time.

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