Now the war situation has been expanded to tens of thousands of meters. In such a large area, the whole space is roaring with strength, and the ground has been constantly bombarded and exploded in the gale.

In such a fierce battle, those people in the blood temple were scattered around, and they didn't know what the situation of the whole war situation was now!

most importantly, the blood temple was the attacking party.

In a chaotic situation, even though some of the warriors in the blood temple were injured, some were exhausted, and even their combat effectiveness had begun to weaken, they still did not retreat, and they were gritting their teeth and insisting on fighting with the warriors of the whole world.

They didn't get the order of retreat from the blood temple. Even if they wanted to retreat, they didn't know which direction to retreat. They had to stay here and wait for the order!

This kind of war, if we withdraw in disorder, will cause chaos and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Of course, they also want to find a place to rest, but no one can help them to protect their surroundings.

In a hurry, another twenty minutes passed.

Many warriors in the blood temple, especially those in the lower level of dizu, can no longer insist on it.

In this case, some of the warriors of the dizu realm, whose vitality had been exhausted, had already flown out to the rear far away to stay away from the battlefield and find a quiet place to rest in the distance.

Tang Long listened to the roar of the sky, and saw that the sky was still red with blood. At this time, he also frowned: "this war is far from the end. Obviously, it will take a long time."

"However, my recovery elixir has been used up, healing elixir is almost used up!"

"Go on, there will be casualties for the warriors in the whole world!"

In this way, he hoped that the battle would be over quickly, so as not to cause heavy casualties on his side. After all, there were powerful mutant deities on the side of the blood temple.

The most important thing is that if people in the blood Temple just wait for the order to retreat and the people in the blood Temple withdraw together, there will be mutual cooperation. Even if they can get a little bit of money, it will certainly not be very cheap.

"How can we achieve the greatest victory in this battle?"

Tang Long's heart silently thought, suddenly a flash of light: "why should I wait for the blood Temple people to retreat actively?"

He knew that the people in the blood temple were fighting in disorder around them. They certainly didn't know the whole situation of the war!

"Hehe, it seems that the battle is coming to an end!"

Tang Long's mouth was filled with a smile of pride, and his mind moved. He asked the ghost to tell Nangong Pangu and other people that they would attack their opponents with all their strength in the high altitude. They should not leave any hands and exert their full strength to the greatest extent.

Such an attack, of course, is extremely exhausting and cannot be sustained for a long time.

But Tang long felt that there was no need to persist for a long time.

What's more, he asked the ghosts to tell those gods and beasts that he brought with them to roar at the same time, creating a strong momentum, and making those strong Tianzu people in the whole world also roar loudly.

In addition, these ghosts should break out the power of blood demons and retreat in one direction!

The ghost quickly left, and soon conveyed Tang Long's idea to the south palace to attract them.

For a short time, suddenly, above this high altitude, amid the roar of the spirit beast, the roar of the god beast rang out in the sky, and the sound of the fury continued to spread:

"the people of the blood Temple want to escape, stop them for me, kill them!"

"Dare to attack my tianjizong, so you want to escape, everyone, stop them for me, do not let them escape!"

"Come on, let's go and intercept them together. I'll kill those who didn't escape!"

"They have been dead for more than 20 days. We all work together to destroy the rest!"



The roar of the sky roared in the sky like thunder, and at this time, the roar of the beast was also constantly ringing, shaking the heaven and earth.

All the gods and beasts have formed a mighty momentum, and they are rushing towards a place!

not far in front of them, more than a dozen warriors of the blood god hall were swept by the roar, and their vitality was about to be exhausted. They were in a panic, and they flew away in a hurry.

And at this time, they have also heard the voice of the earthquake: "blood Temple people, quickly, quickly retreat for me!"

Of course, the shouts were not from the blood temple.

This is the voice of the retreat that Tang Long ordered his ghosts to shout in the sky.

And the power of blood demons breaks out on ghosts.

Such a huge situation, such a chaotic situation, all of a sudden, the chaos of the high-altitude situation caused a great impact!

Although some powerful warriors of the blood temple still have the upper hand when they fight against the warriors of the whole world, many warriors of the blood temple are falling behind.Some of the warriors in the blood temple were even in great danger at this time.

When they heard the order to retreat from the blood temple, they felt the power of a blood demon retreating towards a direction far away. They didn't want to think about it. They left their opponents and flew away in the distance.

They would rather believe that the order to withdraw was true, for they had long wanted to withdraw!

As soon as they flew away, they fought against the warriors of the whole world. All of them were in great momentum, and their fighting spirit rose to the sky!

Although only a few of the warriors of the blood Temple chose to retreat, the retreat of these warriors and the rapid departure of the powerful momentum from these warriors had a great impact on the hearts of the remaining warriors in the blood temple.

The most important thing is that with the retreat of these warriors, the comprehensive strength of the blood god temple side has been greatly weakened.

The big world side immediately took the initiative.

All of a sudden, the warriors on the side of the great thousand world became fiercer and fiercer. More and more warriors in the blood temple could not resist, and a strong momentum went away one after another. At this time, the warriors of the whole world felt that more and more warriors of the blood temple were retreating in a direction far away.

As a result, the warriors in the whole world attacked more fiercely, and more warriors in the blood Temple chose to retreat.

At this time, the ghosts who had previously pretended to be the warriors of the blood Temple retreated had quietly returned. They, together with the warriors of the whole world, attacked the rest of the warriors in the blood temple in the chaos.

The high-altitude situation is still extremely fierce, but the situation has obviously changed completely.

Under the control of Tang long, there are ghosts and Demons constantly sending messages to Nangong. Moreover, Tang long can make spiritual contact with his contractual deities. Long Xuan and others can immediately communicate with Duan Fei and other divine beasts.

Therefore, Tang Long has always been able to control the whole situation of the war, and their attacks are always focused on.

In a short period of time, they killed several of the strong local ancestors while the warriors of the blood god temple were in chaos.

In this way, the people left in the blood Temple became more flustered.

Even though some people in the blood temple have gained the upper hand in the battle, when they hear the roar around, they feel that more and more warriors on the side of the blood Temple retreat, and there are fewer and fewer people left here. At this time, these warriors have no mind to continue to stay here.

More fighters chose to retreat.

This situation is more beneficial to nangongpangu. Their 35 Tianzu strongmen, as well as Tang Long's supernatural beasts, are directly in front of Nangong Pangu, and they launch extremely wild pursuit on the remaining warriors in the blood temple.

At this time, the number of warriors left here in the blood temple has become less and less.


"Come on, get out of here!"

"Damn it, who was giving the order to retreat at random before? It's absolutely damned!"

"At my command, everyone evacuate immediately!"


The rest of the warriors in the blood temple have realized that the situation is bad. If they continue to stay here, they will become more and more passive.

Feeling that these warriors in the whole world have the momentum of a rainbow, the heavenly ancestor of the blood god hall can only give the order to retreat all the way!

They certainly won't let these people in the blood Temple evacuate safely.

When the warriors of the blood temple were evacuated, they had surrounded the warriors of the blood Temple by several people as many as possible.

In the end, there are more than a dozen blood god temple heaven ancestor realm strong, as well as hundreds of earth ancestor realm strong person, are blocked by the south palace nearby, is intercepted by the god beast such as dragon and Phoenix in the sky!

The rest of the warriors of the blood temple were evacuated.

The soldiers who are intercepted here can't escape any more!

They are surrounded and killed by Nangong, surrounded by so many supernatural animals, and attacked by the ghosts of Tang Long!

Around Tang long, the warriors of the whole world who were originally practicing and resting around Tang Long were no longer practicing and recovering from injuries. They were all flying up in the sky and taking part in the final battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!