Tang long looked at the south palace and said to them, "I can only tell you that if the people of the blood god temple knew that you had gone to the land of beasts with such great fanfare, they would have focused all their attention on the land of beasts. There is no doubt about this, because this is a major arrangement successfully completed by LingXiao god palace after a long time!"

A Tianzu nearby looked at Tang Long and said curiously: "what kind of arrangement has Lingxiao temple made to let the Tianzu of blood Temple go to the land of beasts for a decisive battle?"

Tang Long said: "well, when you get to LingXiao palace, you will know. Now I can't explain it in detail. When I see the supreme patriarch of LingXiao palace, Qingyun sect and more, they will tell you!"

"In this case, let's go to Lingxiao Palace first." A Tianzu said: "anyway, it's no use for us to stay here, and we and the blood god temple have reached the situation of immortality. In this case, it's better to go to the land of animals and fight with the people of the blood Temple according to what you said!"

After a pause, he asked again, "but how can we go to LingXiao palace? Where are the people of LingXiao palace? "

Tang Long said: "let's make arrangements. First, close down the ancestral gate where they are and temporarily recluse. All the powerful people will spread a lot of news in the great world. This will attract more powerful people from the great world to the land of beasts."

After a pause, he continued: "when you have arranged for these people, you will go to a secret place together, and then the people from LingXiao palace will take you to the land of beasts in this secret place!"

Tang Long's arrangement not only enables these heavenly ancestors to gather together, but also has a great impact on the whole world.

There are already more than 30 Tianzu here. They go to LingXiao Temple together. Once this event spreads in the whole world, it will certainly cause great disturbance.

When the time comes, more heavenly ancestors will come.

And the blood temple will be very satisfied when it knows about it. After all, this is what the blood Temple wants to see.

More people from all over the world will surely gather together to go to the land of beasts!

Of course, all of these must be carefully deployed and arranged.

These arrangements have already been completed in Tang Long's mind.

Tang long looked at the Nangong and said in a deep voice: "next, we will discuss in detail, and then we will be ready to take action. At that time, we will have a decisive battle with the people of the blood god temple in the land of animals. We must drive the people of the blood Temple out of the world!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, the thirty-five heavenly ancestors here, as well as those strong local ancestors, all nodded together.

They are very clear in their hearts that, in any case, it is obviously the most correct thing to gather all the heavenly ancestors scattered all over the world and gather all the strongest forces that can be concentrated.

Moreover, the comprehensive strength of LingXiao palace is strong enough, with more than 50 heavenly ancestors, plus so many magical beasts brought by Tang Long!

And then add them!

So many strong people together, this is already how strong comprehensive strength?!

If more heavenly ancestors from the great thousand worlds can concentrate on the land of beasts, it will certainly form a huge force in the land of beasts!

They think that if this thing can be really successful, then all the strongest forces in the whole world will concentrate, and maybe they can really fight against the people in the blood temple. If this war can be won, the crisis of the great world will probably be lifted!

In fact, Tang long thought of more.

The Tianzu of the great thousand worlds concentrated on going to the land of beasts, and the news spread out, and it was impossible for the demons not to know.

Well, the devil people can't be quiet!

Of course, Tang long will not say these ideas, let alone let more people know.

He has the biggest and most important arrangement for the demons.

He arranges some things in front of him first, let them develop slowly, and then he waits quietly and pushes them from the side when necessary to make up for the shortcomings, so that the development of things is within his control, so that he always controls the overall situation.

Xuanyuanguang then looked at Tang Long and said, "childe Tang, since everything has been arranged in the LingXiao palace, let's discuss how to expand the momentum to the LingXiao palace, and then let more people go to the LingXiao palace together!"

Tang Long nodded and said, "you can go directly through the gate of the world on the land of animals and get to a city first. This city is called Zhuque city. This city is a very big empty city in the land of beasts."

This empty city is the first battle city planned by Tang long to deal with the blood temple!

These Tianzu go to the land of beasts, to pass another city, the situation of this city will become extremely complex!

And everything in this city will be very special!

How can the temple of blood not pay attention to this city?!

However, if the blood Temple wants to ensure that all the strong people of the universe can enter the urn and go to the land of beasts, in order to capture all the strong ones in the land of beasts, they will definitely deliberately send these strong people to the land of beasts.Moreover, at this time, the temple of blood will surely concentrate its strongest combat power to reach the land of beasts in order to win the first World War.

This is exactly what Tang long wanted.

In such a development situation, Tang Long needs to gather the heavenly ancestors of the great world as far as possible under the skin of the blood god temple and with the permission of the blood god temple, so as to prepare for the future war.

After discussing the matter of people going to LingXiao palace, they began to discuss with each other how to spread the story of their going to LingXiao palace together.

Tang Long didn't participate in their discussion. He knew how to spread the news. They could easily do these things.

They were so numerous that they spread the news easily.

The first thing Tang Long wants to do is to contact Meng Xiaomeng, and let Meng Xiaomeng leave ahead of time and go back to Lingxiao Palace first.

In addition, he wants to tell Qianji Baiyu about the situation through Ling Qingyao and Huanwu Feixue, so that they can get ready, send someone to a city to arrange the arrangement, and then wait for xuanyuanguang to meet them in the past.

In any case, the safety of these fighters comes first.

In addition to these things, the preparatory work of Zhuque city is Meng Hao Ran, and they should also carry out immediately.

They know that once they gather in the land of beasts, they will face a world shaking war.

This kind of war is not very useful even if it is a strong one.

So in the end, they also decided that, except for some of the warriors at the peak of dizu, the rest of the strong dizu had better not go to the land of beasts. They all went back to their respective ancestral gates to control the situation of the ancestral clans, so that they could completely hide them, close the mountain gates, and prevent civil strife.

After a day's discussion, many things have been settled.

All the strong dizu left this space. Now there are only 35 Tianzu and more than 20 powerful warriors of dizu.

In addition, there are also nine primitive warriors left, all of whom are more suitable to go to Tianji tower.

Tianji tower will open the next day.

These Tianzu strongmen, as well as more than 20 high-level warriors of dizu, will leave here after the Tianji tower is opened, and when Tang Long and the other nine dizu warriors enter the Tianji tower.

After Tang Long and they come out of the tower, they will do their own things.

The nine dizu warriors who went to Tianji tower with Tang long will return to their respective ancestral clans when they finish their cultivation.

Tang Long knew that he had to go to the holy city of blood demons after he came out of Tianji tower.

The next morning, the Tianji tower opened. Tang Long and the other nine warriors walked into the tower. Behind them, the open door of the tower was slowly closed.

Of course, all the supernatural beasts brought by Tang long have been in the bag.

After Tang Long and Tang Long went to Tianji tower to practice, they discussed some things together, and then they all left together to busy their own affairs.

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