Hanyue Lingbo was extremely worried about Qianji Baiyu. He was worried that Qianji Baiyu had really exploded and died. He was worried that he would never see him again, and that he would lose his beloved man forever.

At this time, seeing that Qianji Baiyu is not dead, she was surprised for a moment, and immediately thought of his serious injury before.

Her eyes immediately shifted to Qianji Baiyu's chest.

Qianji Baiyu's chest, which had been bombed, had collapsed. Now his chest seems to have recovered. This is the result of Qianji Baiyu's self-healing during this period of time.

Of course, the healing elixir Tang Long prepared for him also played an extremely critical role.

Although Qianji Baiyu still has some pain in his chest, he is strong and powerful after all, and he has the effect of Tang Long's healing elixir.

Most of all, his recovery ability is extraordinary.

So now, Qianji Baiyu's internal injury has been much better, and his internal injuries of viscera have been much better.

He has recovered 70% of his injury!

The cold moon Ling wave sees thousand machine white feather to seem to have no big hindrance, this just relaxed tone.

She glanced at this week's environment: "where is this?"

Tang Long said: "this is in the tower of time. The tower of time is my magic weapon. In the space of the tower of time, there is a strong law of time. In the tower of time, a day has passed, but less than an hour has passed outside."

"That's it Cold moon Lingbo nodded, and then she was looking at Tang Long and said: "childe Tang, thank you for your help, but now, I have a request."

Tang Long said: "if you have anything, please tell me."

Cold moon Lingbo pretty face inexplicably red red: "you can go out first, let me and white feather alone here for a while."

Tang Long said: "of course you can, but master, I just helped you to refine the heart demon. After so many years of crazy growth, your heart demons contain extremely terrifying energy. This energy is sealed in your spirit sea by me. Next, you should practice it first!"

After a pause, he continued: "besides, I think I should help the emperor Qianji to treat his internal injury first."

Cold moon Ling Bo's eyes swept over a thousand white feather, and then said: "well, you can help him to treat it. After an hour, you let me and he stay alone in the tower of time for a while. Before we go out, no one is allowed to come in."

"All right." Tang Long nodded.

He could hear that there was obvious expectation in the words of the cold moon Ling Bo, and her eyes even showed obvious pleading.

Tang long could only agree with her.

He went to Qianji Baiyu and sat down to help him heal.

Qianji Baiyu looks at the cold moon Lingbo and wants to say something, but he is worried that the cold moon Lingbo is so cold to treat himself.

Now there are so many people here. He doesn't want some things to be known by too many people. Moreover, he guesses that there must be something very important to say to him, so he still chooses not to speak for the time being.

Tang Long once again took two healing elixirs for Qianji Baiyu, and then helped him to treat his internal injury for almost an hour. He explored Qianji Baiyu's injury and knew that there was no serious problem. He left the tower of time with Ling Qingyao and them.

In the tower of time, only the cold moon Lingbo and Qianji Baiyu are left.

Qianji Baiyu looks at the cold moon and feels a little nervous.

Cold moon Lingbo did not speak, stood up, went to Qianji Baiyu in front of her, sat down, and then her pretty face is to emerge a touch of red.

When he looked at him, he felt that he was not dazzled!

He actually saw that Lingbo was untiing the colorful ribbon that bound her dress in the cold night, and then

"Lingbo, you, you..."

Qianji Baiyu doesn't know what he should say, and even he is worried. Has the heart demon of the cold moon Lingbo not been lifted?

The cold moon Ling Bo looked at Qianji Baiyu's tense appearance, and his voice was soft: "Bai Yu, do you remember how you got me for the first time? Now, I'm going to return it, so you're not allowed to resist the next thing, you know? "

Qianji Baiyu is completely dead!

Cold moon Lingbo is what kind of person, is what kind of mood, his psychology can not be clearer, even before that time they were together every day, she was also very reserved, shy.

How can the big wave change now?!

"Lingbo, you, what's wrong with you?" He watched the cold moon wave with worry.

The cold moon Lingbo looks at Qianji Baiyu at this time, and his heart's love for this man is crazy and turbulent: "Baiyu, you can die for me, I already know, everything in the past is not important, Baiyu, I know what you want, so now, I give you all I can give you."Qianji Baiyu feels that he is not dreaming!

So many years of misunderstanding, now really have been completely removed?!

So many years of her cold to him, really disappeared?!

He was staring at the cold moon.

Cold moon Lingbo's heart has made a decision, of course, this decision is not only because she wants to make herself a thousand chance white feather person, but also because of the extremely special mental method she practices.

At this moment, she wants to tell Qianji Baiyu clearly and tell Qianji Baiyu a secret.

The mental method she practiced could be practiced by two people together.

What's more, if two people practice her mind Dharma together, if they can communicate with each other and live and die together, the profound meaning of this mental Dharma is that it can be activated!

In this case, two people practice together, even can have excellent healing effect.

This is a big secret of her practice, a secret that she had decided for a long time and would never tell it in her whole life.

But now these secrets don't matter.

She wants to let Qianji Baiyu know the secret, and let Qianji Baiyu get her best from now on. She wants to be with him forever.

Before those cold, those resentments, she will never pay attention to, to those unhappy are completely forgotten.

She wants to enjoy the future with him.

However, the cold moon Lingbo is still embarrassed to take the initiative.

She boldly showed her infinite beauty. When she saw that Qianji Baiyu was still sluggish, she frowned with dissatisfaction and said, "Baiyu, if you don't take the initiative, believe me or not, I'll go right away and never look back!"

Hearing this sentence, Baiyu's heart is filled with infinite surprise!

He had heard it before.

He knew that this was the sweetest and most expectant time in the cold moon Lingbo's heart that he would say.

So far, this is the fourth time he has heard this sentence from the cold moon.

This time, the voice of this sentence is the most delicate, but also the most beautiful!

"Lingbo, you, don't blame me?" He felt his heart began to sing and his whole blood was singing.

This happiness comes too suddenly!

And this happiness is too strong!

The cold moon Lingbo no longer talks and closes her eyes gently.

She was used to some of his ways.

She knows that although Qianji Baiyu seems to be a modest gentleman, in some cases, especially in this kind of thing, he is a very domineering and tough guy!

For Qianji Baiyu's behavior in this respect, hanyue Lingbo's heart is very willing to accept, because she is not good at taking the initiative in this respect, and is totally embarrassed to take the initiative, but she is very willing to enjoy it wholeheartedly.

Therefore, she needs Qianji Baiyu's initiative.

Tang Long and they are waiting outside. They have been waiting for more than an hour!

Ling Qingyao is sitting beside Tang long, nestling in his arms, chatting with Tang long in a soft voice. They all follow the cold wind pastoral song together and leave the heterodox space first.

In Tang Long's waiting, more than an hour later, Qianji Baiyu and hanyue Lingbo finally came out of the tower of time together.

Tang Long and Ling Qingyao see the two people at this time, are unable to help but some stupefied.

At this time, Qianji Baiyu and hanyue Lingbo look very good, all aspects are very good, and at this time, the hand of the cold moon Lingbo is still held by Qianji Baiyu. They stand together, they are extremely harmonious and extremely sweet.

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