Time is in a hurry. In a twinkling of an eye, Tang Long has spent most of his time in the tower of time. However, outside the tower of time, it has only passed less than half an hour.

In Tang long this period of time under the treatment, long Ao battle cloud's internal injury has been much better.

What's more, ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue's supernatural beast have recovered a lot.

Tang Long helped long Ao Zhanyun cure his internal injury. He contacted Youye in his heart and asked, "Yeer, how is the situation in the city of ice and snow now?"

You can rest assured, my husband, everything here is very good. Zhong Li Cangwu has been dealing with the affairs around the ice and snow wasteland recently. Moreover, the city Lord of the ice and snow city, as well as those Tianzu strongmen, are cooperating with each other

"That's good!" Tang long heard the words of the night, his heart is also a little relieved.

After a pause, he asked again, "how's the competition going on in the ice continent? What are they going to do about it

Youye said: "they discussed and planned to wait for half a month. When the city of ice and snow is completely stable, they will arrange some people to take part in the competition together with the city master of ice and snow city and those who are strong in Tianzu."

Tang Long asked: "they all leave. Who is responsible for the city of ice and snow?"

You night way: "Zhong Li Cangwu, they will not participate in this competition, according to Wei Chi Ling Tian's statement, there are several days ancestors can go, do not have to go."

The voice falls, the quiet night follows a way: "by the way, husband, there is one thing to tell you."

Tang Long asked, "what's the matter?"

You night said: "yesterday, someone from Zhongli family came to batian City, and brought the order of the blood god hall. He said that the emperor would dispatch more powerful members of the blood god temple in the Dan League. It is estimated that there will be more than a dozen heavenly ancestors in the blood temple in the city of ice and snow, and there will be at least 200 warriors from the blood temple with the strength above the ancestral realm to come here! ”

after hearing the words of Youye, Tang Long frowned slightly.

The blood Temple families in the Dan League, although these families have a different relationship with the Tang family, but these families do not know the real direction of the development of batian city at this time!

Tang Long knew that he must handle this matter carefully and never let those warriors know his real plan in the battle field of batian city and the southern part of the great thousand worlds.

For Zhong Li and Cangwu, Tang Long is at ease.

However, Tang Long is absolutely unable to rest assured of so many warriors in other families in Dan League.

But since this matter is the order of the blood temple, Tang long can't refuse.

The most important thing is that such a large Southern District, under normal conditions, must need a lot of manpower. If Zhong Li Cangwu and his family do not allow the warriors of Dan League to go to the ice continent, they will probably have doubts about Zhong Li Cangwu.

"How to arrange this?"

Tang long thought about it. He knew that it would be a good thing to let the strong men of these families in the Dan League go to the ice continent. Although this matter is a little tricky, it is not a bad thing to control this matter well.

If we can bring together the strong members of these families, it will certainly be a very good help in the future, which will enhance his strength against the blood temple.

Moreover, if this matter is handled properly, the God of blood will surely believe more in Zhongli Cangwu and them.

Tang Long knew that the first thing to do was to ensure the absolute security of the southern battlefield.

After thinking about it, he said to Youye: "ye'er, tell Zhong Li Cangwu that two departments should be set up in Tangmen immediately. One department is the war god hall, and the other is the martial god hall. All the people in the war god hall are the warriors of the blood god hall. You let Zhong Li Cangwu take charge of them, and let them control the people in the blood god hall. They can't go out If there is any mistake in the martial god hall, it will be handed over to Wei Chiling Tian, the city Lord of ice and snow city, for the time being. "

Tang Long made such an arrangement to separate as far as possible the warriors of the great world on the other side of the ice and snow god palace from those of the blood temple, and asked them to be responsible for some things in the ice continent.

With the control and coordination of these reclusive powers, such as Zhong Li Cangwu, magic fragrance and distant mountain, and the cooperation of Wei Chi Lingtian, Tang Long thinks that there should be no big problems in the ice and snow city in a short time.

After a long time, Tang Long has already figured out what to do. He wants to transfer the shenlongwei people to the ice and snow palace!

When the Dragon guards arrive at the ice and snow palace and enter the Wushen hall together, it will be much easier for the heavenly ancestors of the great world to control them.

At this time, the strength of these warriors of Shenlong Wei has been very strong, all of them have reached half step of Tianzu realm, which is one step away from Tianzu realm!

And the warriors of Dragon Guard have their own beast.

The most important thing is that Tang Xiaohu will have time to go to the city of ice and snow, and muqingcheng can also take charge of the overall situation.

As for batian City, there are not too many things in batian city now. Once the battle between the land of beasts and the sky starts, the blood god's eyes will not have time to gather in batian city.The most important thing is that batian city has a world gate to the city of ice and snow!

"When the tigers arrive at the ice and snow palace, and when the clock is away from Cangwu, they take people away from the ice and snow palace, go to the ice continent or further places to recover the strong men in the southern battlefield. Once everyone moves up and arranges all the arrangements, some things will be better handled. Moreover, I should have been able to handle a lot of things at that time."

Tang long thought in his mind, of course, this is only his preliminary plan.

His current plan is divided into two parts, one around the southern part of the great thousand world, and the other around the land of beasts.

Both batian city and Lingxiao Palace are still important and are the control centers of his two plans.

Tang Long roughly planned his own plan in his mind, and then used huixinmen to say to Youye: "ye'er, you should pay more attention to the affairs of the ice and snow palace recently. If you are too busy, let Tang Yang, Lin Ximeng, and Li Dahan let the three of them go to help you. With them around you, you will be much more relaxed."

Although Li Dahan can't help you a lot in dealing with some things, Li Dahan's strength is also very strong now.

Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, together with Youye, can obviously help Youye a lot.

And they can talk with the night.

Tang long felt that his arrangement should be no problem.

Quiet night in the ice and snow palace is not busy at present. There are Zhongli Cangwu and them, and there are magic incense mountains. There are not many things to deal with in the dark night.

Next, Tang Long and Youye discussed this matter carefully, and then discussed some things about the city of ice and snow. Only then did Youye cut off Tang Long's spiritual connection.

At this time, in the ice and snow palace, Wei Chi Lingtian had already come to find Youye. He looked at Youye and said, "girl Youye, we are going to leave the city of ice and snow to participate in the important competition for hegemony. I want to make it clear that no matter what the next plan of Childe Tang is, no matter what will happen to this contest, we will come back in two months!"

Youye asked curiously, "why do you have to come back within two months?"

Wei Chiling said: "because of the ice and snow wasteland, every thousand years there will be a great disaster. This disaster is extremely serious. Only here can we eliminate the disaster."

You night way: "you don't worry, there is clock from Cangwu, they are here, there will be no problem."

Wei Chi Ling said: "they don't understand those things. We have to come by ourselves." After a pause, he continued: "however, the competition we went to this time should not take so long. I come to tell you this in advance. I just want you to tell Tang long in advance that the task is completed. If he has other plans for us to do, at least let us come back first."

You night way: "good, this matter I will tell my husband."

Wei Chi Lingtian didn't say more and turned to leave.

He came to Youye only to explain the matter to Youye in advance. In his opinion, they could not wait for two months to come back this time. At most, it would be about one month.

It will be some time before the disaster in the ice and snow wasteland will happen. He is not very worried.

In the cave where Tang long lived, Tang Long ended his spiritual connection in the dark night, and continued to treat their supernatural beasts, such as Longao Zhanyun and ye Qingling.

After a long treatment, Tang Long stopped.

He has not yet planned to go back to the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons, because he still has one thing to do: he will interrogate the spirits of Beitang Tianxing and Beitang Tianbao who were held in the wanhun tower before, and ask them why the people of the demon family want to come to this holy Foshan for no reason.

The surrounding areas of shengfoshan are all ancient jungles. There are no villages and no one lives at all.

Tang long thought to himself, "Why are so many people of the demon family coming to this mountain all of a sudden? Did you get any information in advance, knowing Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are here, or for other purposes? "

Tang Long thinks that there must be a big secret for so many people of the demon clan to come here.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue accompany Tang long. They are whispering on one side. From time to time, they are chuckling and laughing.

Tang Long has already moved his mind and summoned the soul tower.

Then he began to use his means to ask the spirits of Beitang Tianxing and Beitang Tianbao in wanhun tower to know the purpose of these demons.

Just asking, the voice of Oriental bing'er suddenly rang out in his heart: "husband, can you come back now? The elder Xiuli is already urging him, and more importantly, Gong Hongba file is suddenly coming

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