Tang long looked at the wolf in Dongguo and said seriously, "you have to think carefully and see if there are any suspicious people in your residence. When we go back, we must find out how to find out the hidden dangers in your residence. Otherwise, it will bring great danger to our future and even harm our Danshi League and danmeng!"

Looking at Tang long, Dongguo wolf said solemnly, "don't worry. I know how serious this matter is. After I go back, I must check carefully. I can't let go of any suspicious places in my residence.

Tang Long doesn't want to talk about it any more. He is already examining the array depicted on the ground.

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf also come to see the formation.

Dongguo wild wolf has been studying the array on the ground for a long time. Unfortunately, his attainments in this field are very limited. So far, he has not found out why.

After checking the array on the ground, Tang Long has a general understanding of the array.

He knows that this is a very profound archaic array.

Moreover, Tang Long has seen that there is still a psychedelic array in the array, and even a very strong seal prohibition. At the same time, there is an extremely dangerous destruction array!

If you crack or open this array carelessly, the destruction array contained in it will be launched. At that time, the ground where the whole array is located will explode directly.

This destruction array is very powerful. Once it explodes, the cave will be blown to pieces.

"It seems that the formation is not only extremely profound, but also very dangerous." He thought in his mind that he was about to call out the sky and the floating flame to study the array together. In the depths of his heart, ye Qingling's voice suddenly rang out: "brother dragon, I and yue'er have finally found the ten thousand Buddha cave!"

"Ten thousand Buddha cave?" Tang long heard Ye Qingling's joyful voice in the deep of his heart, and thought of what he had said to them when he left Ye Qingling, he was a little speechless.

He said to Ye Qingling in his heart: "ling'er, didn't I ask you to return to batian city quickly last time?"

Ye Qingling said: "we originally planned to return to batian City, but later we thought that we had all arrived at the Holy Buddha Mountain, and the ten thousand Buddha cave was about to be found. It's a pity to go back directly!"

After a pause, she continued to say to Tang long in her heart: "brother dragon, don't worry. Yue'er and I are very safe now, because there is a hidden space door in the ten thousand Buddha cave, and there is a space wormhole in that space door. Others can't find this space wormhole. Only we can get to this site!"

Tang Long asked curiously, "are you so sure others can't find the wormhole in this space?"

Ye Qingling giggled and triumphantly said, "moon and I have arranged the enchantment and isolation boundary at the entrance of the cave. Others must not even find this hole!"

Ye Qingling had no idea about the array before.

But now, she and Xue linyue have a little bit of attainments in array. Of course, they have only learned a few arrays, and all of them are the most basic isolated and defensive fenced arrays. In addition, this is the magic enchantment array.

These arrays are taught by Mu Qingcheng, and they are not very difficult to learn.

In addition, long Ao Zhan Yun, who is with them, knows a little bit about the array.

At this time, Longao Zhanyun was already in the site.

When Tang long heard Ye Qingling say that they are very safe now, he felt a little relieved. He said to Ye Qingling in his heart, "ling'er, since you want to see the site, you can have a look there, but you can't wait too long. If you don't find anything, you can leave early."

"Good!" Ye Qingling agreed, and then said, "brother dragon, if we find anything in the cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas, we will contact you immediately, and then you will come."

Tang Long said: "if you have any discovery or any danger, please inform me immediately, and I will definitely go there at the first time."

Then Tang Long and ye Qingling continued to chat with huixinmen, and Tang Long cut off the spiritual connection with Ye Qingling.

Xiuli Changhe is already beside Tang long. He looks at Tang Long and asks, "Tang long, you have already seen the array on the ground. Can you see what is famous?"

Dongguo wolf is also looking at Tang long, hoping that Tang long can see the secret of the formation.

Looking at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf, Tang Long said: "this array is really profound. Although I can see some clues of this array, it is extremely difficult to crack this array thoroughly."

"What kind of array is this?" asked Xiuli Changhe

Tang Long laughs bitterly: "if this is only a certain type of array, I will soon be able to crack it. The difficulty is that there are at least 20 kinds of mysterious and profound arrays in this array, and the most important one is that the destruction array contains it!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, a touch of caution appeared in the eyes of Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf.

Dongguo wolf frowned and said, "do you think there is a destruction array in it?""Yes Tang Long nodded, and then said cautiously, "what I want to tell you now is that even if you can see the clue of this array, you must not act rashly. Otherwise, if you start the destruction array, the whole cave will be directly blown up, and even the entrance of the cave of bones will be destroyed!"

Dan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Long and asked, "Tang long, are you sure you can crack this array?"

Tang Long said: "I have to study it. I think I should be able to crack the array, but it will definitely take a long time."

With that, he turned to look at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo Wolf: "next, I have to use the tower of time, which can give me more time to study how to crack the array!"

"What is the tower of time?" asked the wolf curiously

"It's a magic weapon of Tang long. There's a law of time in the tower of time. Even if you stay in it for a long time, it's only a short time outside."

Tang long looked at the Dongguo wild wolf and Xiuli long crane and said, "I went to the tower of time to study the array. The inside of the tower of time is completely isolated from the outside, so there must be someone watching outside to avoid accidents!"

Xiu left the crane and said, "I'll look out here."

Dongguo wild wolf also plans to wait outside the tower of time, so as not to leave long crane alone in this outside boring.

He looked at Tang Long and asked, "if there is danger outside, how can we inform you?"

Tang Long said: "I will not set isolation and prohibition on the tower of time, so you can enter the tower of time at any time. As long as you enter from the door, go to the door, press your hand on the door, and move your mind, you will be in the tower of time."

Then he called out the tower of time.

At this time, the tower of time was only the size of a fist, flying over the top of Tang long.

Tang long looked at dantai Shuya and said, "Shuya, you and I will go to the tower of time." Then, looking at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf, he said, "elder Xiuli, you and elder Dongguo, you must at least ensure that there is one person out there, so as to avoid accidents."

"Good!" Xiuli long crane nodded seriously.

He was really curious about the tower of time, so he decided to wait and at least have a look at it.

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