Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wolf rest enough, is to wake up, open his eyes, has smelled a good smell.

This is obviously the rice flavor, which contains a strong meat aroma, but also a very strange fragrance.

Two people at the same time toward the direction of the spread of this fragrance in the past, has seen that Dan Tai Shuya is not far from the front busy, has made a pot of lean meat porridge.

She learned how to make lean porridge with Gongsun moer.

She knows that Tang Long likes this very much.

Xiuli Changhe felt his stomach growling. He looked at Tang long, who was examining the array carefully. He turned his head to look at the wild wolf beside him and said, "I didn't expect that Shuya's cooking skill is very profound. Tang Long is so lucky as a stinky boy!"

"Yes Dongguo wolf stood up and walked towards Tang long.

Xiuli Changhe also came to Tang long, and asked: "Stinky boy, how are you studying this array? Aren't you in the tower of time? How did you get out? And what about your tower of time

Tang Long turned his head and looked at Xiuli Changhe and the wolf: "let's eat first. After dinner, we'll go to the cave together."

After listening to Tang Long's words, Dongguo wild wolf and Xiuli long crane looked at each other, followed by the two people's eyes all of a sudden fell on Tang Long's body, both eyes showed a very obvious surprise.

"Tang long, you, you mean..."

Tang Long said with a smile: "I have cracked this array!"

"How can you crack this array so quickly?" Dongguo wild wolf's eyes widened, a look of disbelief: "is this true?"

You know, he has been studying this array for a long time. As a result, he doesn't even have a clue. However, Tang Long spent the whole night exploring this array!

Dan Tai Shuya said: "since Tang Long said that he could crack the array, of course he could. Xiuli elder, let's eat first, and then open the entrance of the cave of bones!"

She knew that Tang long wanted to go to the cave as soon as possible, so she didn't want to waste time.

Of course, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf also want to go to Wangu cave immediately.

Neither of them said more.

Tantai Shuya has taken out the tables, chairs and benches from the space ring, and then Xiuli and Changhe go to sit down to eat together.

Because he wanted to go to Wangu cave quickly, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf ate fast.

Tang Long didn't seem so anxious at this time.

Anyway, he has been able to untie the array of the ten thousand bones cave. He will be able to enter it in a moment, and then he will know what it is like in the cave.

He and dantai Shuya finished their meal and had a rest. When dantai Shuya cleaned up everything, he looked at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf and said, "next, I will open the door of the space sealed in this array. You should be prepared to deal with the danger!"

"Don't worry, we are ready!" Dongguo Wolf Road.

Tang Long didn't say much more. He folded his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints. He saw the glittering and strange runes flying out of his hands and flying towards each place of the formation on the ground.

Of course, these glittering runes are formed by the condensation of vitality. The runes fly to some places of the array, and then they quietly integrate into the array on the ground and disappear.

It's obviously not easy to open this array here.

Tang Long has been very careful, energy is always very concentrated, so busy almost half an hour.

Half an hour later, with Tang Long's hands constantly changing their fingerprints, Xiuli long crane followed the wild wolf and saw that a dazzling golden light burst out in the array on the ground.

The golden light rises from the sky, shining the whole cave with golden light, showing off incomparably.

What's more, in the golden light, a powerful and powerful energy broke out, which shocked Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wolf!

Two people quickly body shape a flash, back dozens of meters, the body of the blood devil power are crazy to break out, will they completely envelop in.

Dantai Shuya's body has also burst out of the power of blood demons, the power of blood demons completely shrouded her.

Tang Long didn't feel that the sudden burst of golden energy had any threat to himself. He was not worried about his safety, but he was also very shocked at this time.

Because he found that the powerful and incomparable energy from the array is actually the power of the light!

For the first time, he felt such a strong and pure power of light.

"Obviously, this array was arranged by a warrior with the power of the holy light, and the strength of the warrior who arranged the array must be extremely strong. Even the energy crystal stone of the array arrangement absolutely contains the extremely strong power of the holy light!""Such a powerful and complex array should not be able to be arranged by one warrior. There must be at least ten warriors to arrange this array!"

"Moreover, the strength of these ten people must be very strong to reach the realm of Tianzu."

"In this way, are all the ancient warriors who used to fight against the blood god temple in the Wangu Grottoes? They are the strong ones who can cultivate the power of holy light?"

"According to this situation, there may be a very powerful treasure of holy light in this cave of bones!"

"Or in other words, there are warriors who have cultivated the power of light!"

Suddenly, Tang Long was looking forward to it.

Tang Long has always been interested in the power of light, and he is more and more interested in it.

He knew that the power of the light had a certain suppression effect on the power of blood demons and demons.

Tang long had already asked Gongsun Mo'er to send people to the bright land where the Fengling people lived. He asked Gongsun Mo'er to consult with the Fengling people, and asked them to look for Tiancai and Dibao with the power of holy light in the bright land.

However, he did not expect that, here, in this array, such a powerful power of light broke out.

At this time, in the array on the ground, in the golden light, the power of holy light contained in it has become more and more powerful, and mysterious and strange runes are constantly flying from the ground of this array.

The runes glittered and flew 20 meters above the sky, then slowly gathered together.

Soon these golden runes are automatically formed in the air, a very magical, glittering array.

Tang Long knows that this is a space array.

It is extremely clever and profound to arrange a space array in the air.

Even if it was Tang long, he could not arrange such an array.

The space array is arranged in the air with a strange golden light rune. The space array has started naturally under the influence of the power of the holy light.

After the launch of the space array, the space in the place where the space array is located is suddenly distorted violently.

In the twisted space, a glittering door of space appears in front of Tang Long and their eyes.

The powerful power of light surged out of the door of space!

Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wolf feel the power of the powerful light, and they all quickly flash to Tang long.

Although the power of Holy Light surging out of the gate of space is extremely powerful, which makes Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf have a strong sense of danger, their strength is strong after all, which is the strength of Tianzu realm.

Under the resistance of their blood demons, the powerful power of the holy light here is not a big threat to them, and can not cause harm to them.

The powerful power of light surging from the door of space soon dissipated.

But at this time, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf are already very nervous.

They are very worried. They are worried that if they enter the cave through the gate of space, there will be great danger immediately. There may even be super strong people who can use the power of the light to deal with them.

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