You night asked: "will the battle of Zhuque city start soon?"

Tang Long nodded: "I estimate that in less than a month this war will be officially launched." After a pause, he said, "I'm going to go to LingXiao palace to confirm the situation of Zhuque city."

You night said: "then I'll go to find Zhong Li Cangwu and arrange for them. The warriors of those families who came from the blood temple before have been arranged by Zhong Li Cangwu in this ice and snow palace. They are all the strong ones selected by those families of Dan League!"

Tang Long said: "you go, tell Zhong Li Cangwu to let those people gather in a room and wait!"

The voice falls, Tang Long is to tell his idea to you ye.

He can't directly explore the spirits of the warriors who arrived at the blood temple in the city of ice and snow. After all, Gong Hongba file has told him about this matter. He already knows that among these people, there are Baili family and other internal ghosts of these families, and these ghosts can't move for the time being!

Tang Long also needs to use these ghosts to bring some news back to the blood temple to ensure the safety of the ice and snow palace.

Youye knew Tang Long's idea and left first.

She wants to tell Zhongli Cangwu and them to make some preparations, and then let those waiting for inspection also be ready. After the preparation is completed, Tang long can go to help those people explore the situation.

Of course, Tang long would not appear in front of those martial artists as it was.

He has to use the art of magic power. He has to change his appearance at this time to become the No. 4 Tang long in the sea of spirits before he can do it.

Later, in the ice and snow palace, he will always use the image of Tang Long No. 4 in the Linghai, and let Zhongli Cangwu know it.


In the blood temple, the venerable was listening to the report of the next warrior. The warrior looked at zunshang and said, "Reverend, our people have arrived in the land of beasts and heaven."

Zunshang asked in a deep voice, "what is the situation in the land of beasts?"

The warrior said, "the land of beasts is very large, many times larger than that of other continents. However, the land of beasts is very remote. There are few people and few strong people. We have received news that many people from all over the world have gathered in Zhuque city."

"What is the city of rosefinch?"

"According to our investigation, Zhuque city is a city with extremely tight defense, and a very strong defense border is arranged outside. We think that this must be the work of LingXiao palace to create such a strong defensive city."

After a pause, the reporter looked at zunshang and said, "venerable, we have an idea."

"What do you think?" Asked the Venerable Master.

The warrior said: "before this war breaks out, are we going to send some strong Tianzu people into Zhuque city? As long as we can have five or six people mixed into the city, once the war starts, we will certainly be able to quickly break through the city! "

"Fool!" In a low voice, he said angrily, "have you forgotten that there is a man in the world who can detect the spirits of the bloodthirsty Lord and the bloodthirsty devil. Don't you think that this man will guarantee safety in the city of rosefinch at this time?"

"That's true." The warrior quickly nodded: "this is my subordinate's negligence."

Zunshang snorted coldly and said: "if there is such a person in the city of rosefinch, our people don't want to mix in. If we act rashly, even if we mix in, we will be found out immediately. At that time, the people who mix in will be killed by them in vain."

The warrior responded and said, "Reverend, we'd better take advantage of the powerful people in the world to come to the city of rosefinch, and attack the city directly while they are not firmly established!"

"Fool!" Zunshang frowned fiercely again, glared at the warrior and said in a deep voice: "you've been with me for so many years, how are you getting more and more stupid?"

The warrior didn't understand: "can't we kill those gathered Tianzu in Zhuque city faster?"

"What is my plan?" venerable asked angrily

The warrior said: "your plan is that after all the powerful Tianzu of the great world gather in Zhuque City, we will wipe out all these Tianzu and remove the biggest obstacle of the great thousand world."

"Do you want to do that now that you know it? How many Tianzu have gathered in Zhuque city now? Are we going to make a mistake "Not to mention, the battle in the city of rosefinch is just a smoke screen. Can't you think of it?"

"Smoke screen?" The warrior was stunned: "Reverend, what do you mean?"

Zunshang snorted heavily and said, "don't you know how difficult our old rivals are? We had a close fight with Tianzu of the great world. After the war, of course, we would be very weak. Do you think our old opponents can not pay attention to this war? Can we let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? "

Hearing the words of the venerable, a flash of light flashed in the warrior's eyes: "Reverend, do you mean the devil people?""Nonsense!" The Reverend glared at the Warrior: "do you still think naively that our biggest enemies are still the ancestors of the universe? Don't you know that the demons are very arrogant now and have sent people to the blood demon kingdom. Then, can they know about the rosefinch city? There is such a good opportunity to deal with us. Can the demons not take advantage of it? "

The warrior suddenly said, "the original meaning of zunshang is to fight the warriors of the demon clan with all our strength after the first war with the whole world!"

"Nonsense!" The emperor snorted: "if it's not to deal with the demons, do I have to arrange for our ancestors to go to the land of beasts to hide? The devils are so cunning that if we don't attract them out, where can we find them? "

"I see!" The warrior, with a sudden look on his face, paused and asked, "Reverend, do you mean that our real hidden ancestor does not appear in the war with the great world?"

Venerable said: "that is of course, we finally hide those Tianzu, those our clansmen, that is to deal with the demon clan. I believe that the devil clan will arrange many Tianzu to attack us at that time. Unfortunately, they will never think that they are actually surrounded by us!"

"Respect the superior!" The warrior's eyes twinkled with light: "it's no wonder that the emperor's ultimate goal is to attract people from the demons to gather in the land of beasts."

The master snorted and said, "now the comprehensive strength of the great world is much weaker than that of hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is not difficult for us to win the great world. I have long guessed that the demons will surely develop over the years. I have always hidden our fighting power to deal with those people of the demon clan!"

"The warrior exclaimed," Your Majesty is so wise. This time we must be able to occupy the whole world, and then we can destroy the demons! "

Looking at the warrior, he said in a deep voice: "this is the biggest secret of our blood temple now. Don't tell anyone to know it. Moreover, you can't show up in the land of beasts and before the war with Tianzu of the great world. Everything must be arranged by me."

"Yes The warrior quickly agreed.

After a pause, he asked, "Reverend, will you go to the land of beasts in person?"

"Of course Reverend said in a deep voice: "I expect that the ancestor of the devil will certainly come to us in person and want to inflict a heavy blow on us. I would like to see how much strength he can recover after so many years of escape. If I can, I will have it once and for all!"

Then he waved to the warrior in front of him and said, "OK, please step back!"

"Yes The warrior agreed and left in a hurry.

This warrior just left for a short time, a person is from the outside quickly walked into the hall, but this person is the magic heaven Jue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!