Tang Long turned his head and looked at the heavenly daughter of the Tang clan and said: "you, like the people of the Dragon Guard, should strive to endure the pain of the eternal star refining the spirit, and also learn to adapt to the power of the light, so that the power of the light can be integrated into your spirit. However, if it is too painful to bear, you must give up immediately, so as not to damage the spirit!"

"Don't worry, young master, we can bear it!" Tangmen tiannv together firm way.

They have made the same decision as the Dragon guards and will never give up until they have to.

Tang Long has great expectations for shenlongwei and Tangmen tiannv, after all, their physique is quite different from that of ordinary people.

In the past, they were used as furnace cauldrons and medicine cauldrons for making poison. They were tempered and destroyed by those guys. Whether their bodies or their spirits, they were already countless times stronger than ordinary people, and their adaptability was much stronger than ordinary people.

And later, Tang Long tempered their spirits with the eternal star, and let them absorb all kinds of powerful and violent energy.

Now they have been greatly sublimated in all aspects of their quality, and their physique is even more formidable. After many hardships, they have been trained to be strong willed. Whether it is the ability to endure or to resist pressure, they are much better than ordinary people.

The most important thing is that Tang long used the power of holy light to quench the spirits of Tang Kuo. After refining them in the tower of time for such a long time, Tang Long now has more experience in using the power of light to refine their spirits.

Next, Tang Long took out some of the previously obtained elixirs that were used to restore the soul and gave them to the tiannv of Tangmen and shenlongwei.

Then the Dragon guards and the heavenly maiden of the Tang clan all sat cross legged, arranged powerful arrays and practiced together.

They have to bear the tempering of Tang Long's power of light.

When the cultivation array is arranged, their vitality complements each other, and the damage to the spirits will be relatively reduced, which will make their spirits easier to adapt to the refining of the power of light.

When they were ready, Tang Long summoned the soul tower and began to refine their spirits with the power of holy light.

In order to ensure safety, Tang long tried his best to control the power of the holy light, so that the power of the light from the eternal star is not so fierce.

Moreover, the power of the light also contains a strong law of life, which will enable the people of the Tang clan tiannv and shenlongwei to adapt to the power of the holy light and gradually adapt to the brand of life.

Although the subsequent tempering was not smooth, the people of shenlongwei and the tiannv of Tangmen were very persistent and hard-working.

What's more, their strength at this time is very strong after all, and they have reached the level of the first level of Tianzu, and the spirits are also extremely strong. All these have enhanced their endurance.

Tang Long's tempering made them suffer a lot.

The pain lasted two days in the tower of time.

After two days, they had a rest for two hours, and then continued to be tempered by Tang Long for another two days!

Tang long used the power of the light to refine their spirits. In the use of the power of the light, Tang long had more experience.

Of course, he was already very tired.

Tang long did not leave the tower of time. He took a rest in the tower of time and continued to help the Dragon guards and the heavenly daughters of the Tang clan refine their spirits.

What makes Tang long very happy is that, no matter whether it is the people of the Tang Clan Dragon Guard or the Tang clan's heavenly daughter, their endurance has reached the extreme, which makes this kind of tempering of Tang Long go on all the time.

And with the continuous refining of Tang long, after two days in the tower of time, in these two days, shenlongwei and Tangmen tiannv have begun to gradually adapt to the power of the light.

Their spirit and spirit are really different from ordinary people. Their adaptability is extremely strong, and their ability to integrate vitality is much stronger than ordinary people.

From the very beginning, their vitality was extremely violent and complicated, which ordinary people could not bear.

They can all bear it easily.

At this time, after Tang Long tempered their vitality with the power of the holy light, the power of the holy light had gradually integrated into the Dan yuan of their elixir field, which changed their vitality.

In this way, the Dan yuan that the martial arts practitioners can not bear, and even the Dan yuan may burst, but the Dan yuan of shenlongwei and Tangmen tiannv can bear.

And their Dan yuan in this kind of quenching, unexpectedly is gradually becoming more solid.

In the tower of time, Tang Long quenched their spirits and vitality for a day, and then explored their situation. Tang Long was very surprised.

Tang Long found out that shenlongwei and tiannv of Tangmen have contained a trace of power of holy light in their vitality.

And their spirits have changed.

Now their spirits have sent out a layer of light golden light, which is full of a bright, pure, harmonious energy, and also contains a very deep breath.This is a change of germplasm, which is the sublimation after quenching to the extreme.

Tang Long stopped refining their spirits and said with satisfaction, "now you can explore your own situation and see how peace is often different."

Dragon Guard and other people began to explore their own situation, after the exploration, each eye showed a touch of joy.

First of all, Rosal, the heavenly daughter of Tang clan, said happily at Tang Long: "young master, I feel that my spirit is stronger than before, and my vitality is more mellow. It seems that I will break through!"

Tang San of Shenlong Wei also said: "I also feel that my strength has improved a little, and my spirit is not damaged at all."

Tang Long was very satisfied with what they said.

He knew that if he tried to refine them for a while, the power of the light contained in their vitality would certainly be enhanced, so that they could use the artifact containing the power of the light.

If they all have the power of light, and then use the weapon of the power of light, their combat power will be improved a lot, especially in the fight against the people of the demons and the blood demons, they will have the innate advantage!

Tang long looked at them and said, "next, you can continue to practice. If you have time, I will help you to refine your spirits. During this period of time, you will have nothing to do. You should stay in the ninth emperor's palace as much as possible, and try to use the power of the holy light contained in your vitality."

With that, he took out all the weapons containing the power of the light: "these weapons are artifact, of good quality, and contain very strong power of light. If you use them, you will be several times more powerful than you can use ordinary artifact!"

With that, he gave all these artifacts to the Dragon guards and tiannu of Tangmen.

In the two main halls of the WANGU grottoes, Tang Long got a lot of these artifacts, which could guarantee the hands of the tiannu and shenlongwei of the Tang clan, and there were more than 20 such artifacts left here.

He looked at the humanity of shenlongwei and Tangmen tiannv: "you should use this kind of artifact more. If you can, you'd better refine these artifact to become your magic weapon."

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