"I have seen that you are the one who can detect the spirit of the blood devil and the spirit of the devil. You are the one we are looking for in the blood temple. As long as you are killed, no one in the whole world can find out the spirit of our blood demon family. Go to death, boy!"

The fierce light in the eyes of the warrior, and fierce and incomparable murderous spirit broke out on his body.

He firmly believes that his fist will kill Tang long.

His name is Bai Li Luan Quan!

Baili luanquan is just a person sent by Baili family. It is a killer cultivated by Baili family for many years. It is a powerful killer.

During this period, the Baili family failed repeatedly in the blood temple, and many things were not smooth. As a result, the power of the Baili family in the blood Temple became smaller and smaller. Moreover, on some battlefields in the great world, the Baili family also suffered heavy losses.

The situation of Baili family in the blood temple has been very unsatisfactory.

They need to change the situation of Baili family.

They want zunshang to pay more attention to their Baili family and reuse it.

They have to make a contribution, a great credit!

Of course, Baili family has a bigger purpose!

So the head of the Baili family thought of this method, let Baili luanquan quietly go to the great world, secretly mix into the heaven and ancestors of the great world, look for opportunities, and if you find this person who can find out the spirit of the blood thirsty devil master and bloodthirsty devil, he will immediately kill him!

This is a mission that will never come back!

Bai Li Luan Quan has been wandering in some parts of the world for nearly a month. At last, he found such an opportunity to mix with the ancestors of the universe and arrive at batian city.

Bai Li Luan Quan, of course, knows that batian city is allowed to exist.

However, since more than 20 Tianzu from all over the world have come to batian City, of course, he has to follow him. Even if he can't find the one who can detect the spirit of the bleeding temple, at least he can get into batian city and accomplish other things.

After entering batian City, when he went to the hall outside, he saw a man come into this space and went out again. He guessed that they were probably undergoing soul examination!

Think of the blood temple has been looking for people, he immediately had some doubts about batian city!

Coming in from the door of space, he asked xunkong again, and when he saw the state of tight defense in this strange space, he immediately had doubts and guesses in his heart.

He felt that his mission was likely to be here.

Of course, he can't let Tang Long explore his spirit. He knows that Tang long can definitely find out his spirit.

So he decided to kill Tang long at once!

His fist with blood red light, eyes have been bombarded in Tang Long's chest, purple emperor pick star, they want to rescue are too late!

But at this time, just at the moment when the fist of a hundred Li disorderly fist bombarded Tang Long's chest, a purple and golden light burst out of Tang Long's body.

And in this light group, the extreme cold energy contained in the power of the stars, suddenly burst out!


The fist of Bai Li Luan Quan bombarded the purple gold energy light group like lightning, and directly blew out the energy light group which wrapped Tang Long!

Even the energy beam protecting Tang Long was bombarded with numerous cracks.

It's just that the energy beam doesn't disintegrate.

Tang Long was blasted out of the purple and gold energy, and hit the wall in the distance. Then the light broke and the cold energy dissipated. Tang Long emerged from the cold energy, but it was completely undamaged!

Tang long just used his most powerful defense means: blood god mask!

Tang Long is extremely cautious in exploring the situation of these Tianzu here. When Bai Li Luan Quan rushes towards him, he has already realized that it is not good.

Although the speed of Baili random boxing is really fast and unimaginable, and the practice is very sudden, Tang Long's reaction speed is absolutely not slow.

In particular, Tang long, the blood god shield, is a defense method possessed by Ruyi Demon Armor. It can be used when the mind moves, and the release speed is much faster than the magic skill.

Moreover, the defense power of the blood god mask is extremely strong, which can reach 100 times of the Tang dragon's own defense.

Tang Long has already reached the level of half step Tianzu, and his strength is not weak. Even if he is facing the attack from the five levels of Tianzu, even though he is extremely hasty in defense, he can barely resist the sudden attack of Baili chaotic fist!

The purple emperor picked up the stars and they had already attacked the hundred Li disorderly fist together.

"If you want to kill me, you must be buried with me!"

In the eyes of Baili random fist, there was a ferocious light in his eyes, and the blood demon's power broke out like a raging sea.A burst of blood red light from his body, which contains a strong breath of life!

"He's going to blow himself up!"

Xunkong explores the powerful breath of Bai Li Luan Quan, and his eyes are shocked!

"If you want to blow yourself up, hum, I won't give him this chance!"

The purple emperor picked up the stars and snorted coldly.

You know, the power of Zihuang picking stars is Tianzu Jiuchong realm. Even though it has not reached the peak of Tianzu Jiuchong, it is still much stronger than the hundred Li chaotic boxing.

Moreover, he also comprehended all kinds of laws and powers.

The most important thing is that it takes a little time to gather energy. At this time, the hundred Li random boxing just finished attacking Tang long, and he immediately wanted to explode himself. The purple emperor could not give him any time to pick up stars!

"Solidify it for me!"

The purple emperor picked up the star and suddenly burst out with a loud, violent explosion of the force of the law of space, which completely shrouded the hundred Li chaotic fist and the space around him.

Purple cloud Shana a scolds: "sky crack!"

With the sound of her scolding, the space in front of her was suddenly torn apart by the powerful energy. A jet of dark energy tore the space all the way and bombarded the sealed hundred Li random fist.

And at this time the purple emperor pick star is also with the purple cloud SANA, the force of space sealing all the way down.


In the thunderous roar, the power of blood demon erupted from Bai Li Luan Quan, which was sealed by space, even broke the space sealing force of purple emperor picking stars.

However, when the power of space sealing breaks, ziyunsana's attack has already arrived.

The black space crack has already attacked the chest of Baili random fist, and it is even too late to resist. The space crack has directly torn the chest of Baili disordered fist. Among them, the most powerful space turbulence burst out and severely bombarded the chest of Baili random fist!



In the heavy impact sound, the hundred Li random fist was directly bombarded with a mouthful of blood, and the whole chest collapsed.

He was bombarded and flew back. In a twinkling of an eye, he had been flying for tens of meters. The life breath that swept out of his body was changed into chaos. The breath of self explosion was directly confused by the bombardment, and the self explosion operation was stopped.

Bai Li Luan Quan is obviously seriously injured.

At this time, there were two more things in the hands of Baili random fist.

One of these two things is a fist sized crystal stone, which emits blood red light and bursts out strange energy.

Another thing is a rune!


Runkong rune is crushed!

At the same time, his flying back body suddenly stopped. His blood Demon power exploded wildly. His eyes were fixed on the purple emperor picking stars and others in front of him.

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