Tang long studied how to use the power of the holy light to refine the spirits of the warriors of the demons. His ultimate goal was to refine the spirits of the blood demons, the spirits of the bloodthirsty demons and the bloodthirsty demons.

Next, in the tower of time, Tang long continued to study with them how to use the power of light to refine the spirit of the devil.

They also came up with a lot of methods to arrange various powerful life law arrays, arrange various kinds of array to protect spirits and spirits, and even arranged various ancient arrays that can protect the brand of life.

But it's hard to succeed in the end.

In this way, four or five days have passed since Tang Long was in the tower of time.

The spirits of the demons captured by Tang long have been used up by now.

Of course, in the process of refining, Tang Long also had a good harvest. He had made great progress in using the power of the light, controlling the power of the light, and even using the eternal star.

He is continuing to study hard, trying to refine the spirit of the devil. Suddenly, some warriors of the Dragon Guard and some heavenly daughters of the Tang clan all came to the tower of time.

They do not come to disturb Tang long after they come in. They sit quietly in the tower of time to practice, and they should skillfully use the power of light.

It's already noon outside.

When Tang Longzheng was studying the power of the holy light and discussing some things with vatian in the tower of time, the voice of Dongfang bing'er suddenly rang out: "husband, Gong Hongba file is coming!"

Tang Long asked curiously in his heart, "what does Gong Hongba file do at this time?"

Dongfang bing'er said: "he gave me a list, saying that he had found out the names of some martial artists who were hiding in the Dan league who were hostile to the Tang family, and even found out the ghosts of several Zhongli and Moxiang families!"

Hearing the news, Tang Long was very happy.

He didn't expect that Gong Hongba file could not only find out the internal ghosts of danmeng and Danshi League, but also find out the ghosts in several Zhongli families and other families.

Obviously, this can make Tang Long's side more secure.

He immediately said to Dongfang bing'er in his heart: "you take the names of these ghosts to Zhong Li maniac and Moxiang Wanggu, and let them try to deal with them!"

"Good!" Oriental ice son should a, immediately again way: "husband, he came here to have some business."

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked.

Dongfang bing'er said: "he has got a kind of Tiancai Dibao that can enhance his spiritual strength. He wants you to help him refine the elixir. However, he said that there are few materials and local treasures on this day, so he can only refine one elixir, so he can't give it to you."

"That's it Tang Long didn't really care whether Gong Hongba file paid him or not. He felt that the paper Gong Hongba handed to Dongfang binger to investigate the internal ghost had already gained a lot.

He immediately said to Dongfang bing'er in his heart, "I'll go back now."

With that, he turned his head and looked at them: "our research has come to an end. I have to go back to the holy city of blood demons to deal with some things."

"Good!" Vatian and they nodded together, and then they all went back to the sky sealing flag of Tang long.

Tang Long summoned the wisdom heart gate between the East bing'er and Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons. Of course, it was in a training room in the holy city of blood demons.

After arriving here, Tang Long went directly to the living room with Dongfang bing'er.

Gong Hongba file is waiting for Tang long in the living room. Huangfu Ning'er is chatting with him here. Seeing Tang Long coming, Gong Hongba file naturally stops chatting with him.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "childe Tang, I have something to look for from you. I hope you can help me."

Tang Long grinned and said: "elder Gong Hongtian, you don't have to be so polite to me. Bing Er has told me just now that you want to refine some miraculous elixir. Just give me the medicinal materials, and I'll help you refine them!"

"Good, good!" Gong Hongba file nodded happily.

He didn't expect Tang long to be so cheerful.

In fact, the Tiancai Dibao he got had something to do with Tang long.

Although Gong Hongba file didn't go there himself to deal with the shining Canglong in King City last time, he let a person who has a good relationship with him go there, and this person also got a high reward after that incident.

Of course, Tang Long didn't get the reward.

But in addition to Tang long, other people were praised by the emperor. Even the man who had a good relationship with Gong Hongba file had a higher status in the blood temple.

So the man tried to repay Gong Hongba file. He worked hard for a long time and found a second grade magic medicine that could enhance his mental power!

The second grade divine medicine is very precious. Although Gong Hongba file is the God of Dan and the level of refining the elixir is not bad, he still dare not refine this elixir by himself, for fear of wasting the medicinal materials in vain.In fact, it is very difficult for the Dan God of the blood temple to improve his mental power.

But Gong Hongba filed this period of time, his mental strength has been improved a little bit, even to the edge of breakthrough.

This of course makes Gong Hongba file extremely surprised.

In fact, the reason why Gong Hongba file's spiritual strength has been improved is also inseparable from Tang long, because since he cooperated with Tang Fu, he has been able to get some chaotic natural fire every month.

He originally used these chaotic fire to refine elixir.

Then he had other ideas.

He knew that the reason why Tang Long's spiritual power could continue to improve was that Tang Long's chaotic sky fire could suppress the erosion of the blood devil's power on the spirits, which led to the improvement of the spiritual power would not be hindered by the power of the blood devil.

Having figured out all these, Gong Hongba has been working hard and trying to find a good way to improve his mental strength.

He didn't use the chaotic sky fire to refine the elixir, and he used the chaos fire to refine his own spirit.

Of course, he had to endure a lot of pain in doing so, but this kind of refining really changed his spirit to a certain extent and became a little stronger.

The most important thing is that he has found that his spiritual power can be improved a little bit when he uses chaos to refine the spirit.

He was extremely surprised by the discovery.

So this time he got the Tiancai Dibao to improve his mental power. He immediately came to Tang long, hoping that Tang long could help him refine the elixir, refine the elixir with higher quality, and improve his spiritual power.

Gonghongba file is really excellent in the research of medicinal materials, and also has great experience in the research of Lingdan.

He has studied that when refining his spirit with chaos sky fire, the quality of his refining elixir can be improved again!

Of course, he wasted a lot of chaos in doing so.

However, with the support of Tang government, he can get 50 bottles of chaotic sky fire in a month, and he doesn't have to go to fight in the whole world. He has plenty of time, and he doesn't want to help more people refine elixirs. So he can barely use these chaotic sky fires in this way.

Gong Hongba file took out a box and handed it to Tang Long: "master Tang, I'll trouble you this time."

Tang Long waved his hand and said: "what's the trouble? It's just refining a miraculous elixir. If I don't have time, I'll say otherwise. If I have time, it's a piece of cake!"

Said, Tang Long took the box: "I'm going to help you refine elixir."

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