Tang long, Beifeng, Mingyue, and JIAYE Xianji looked at each other, and all of them rushed to catch up with the old man and flew there

for a short time, they had already flown forward for about 100000 meters.

The old man stopped here, and his eyes fell on Kaya Xuanji and Beifeng Mingyue: "next, you can't give this boy any help, you can only watch from afar!"

Then he looked at Tang Long: "are you ready?"

"Ready!" Tang Longdao.

"Good!" The old man nodded and said, "this place has a very strong ancient array. As long as you can break through this array and break this array, you can even pass the first level!"

The voice falls, he looks at the north wind bright moon and the kasyaya Xuanji: "you two retreat ten thousand meters away!"

JIAYE Xuanji and Beifeng Mingyue looked at each other.

Beifeng Mingyue looked at Tang long a little worried: "husband, you should be careful!"

Tang long looked at her with a smile: "don't worry, I'll be OK, especially in the array. I'm confident that in this world, there are not many people who can surpass me."

Hearing Tang Long's words, Beifeng Mingyue is also a little relieved. She also knows that Tang Long has high attainments in array.

She and Kaya Xuanji flew out into the distance together, and soon they were ten thousand meters away.

The old man looked at Tang Long and said, "next, you should remember that in this array, you can't rely on any external force, including the use of divine animals, or even use your own avatar. Otherwise, it will be considered as a failure to break through the barrier!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded and agreed.

The old man paused, and his expression on his face also became a little serious: "you have to think well, once you start to break through the barrier, there will be no end. If you can't make it, you will be locked in this array forever. No one can let you out, forever and ever!"

"Good!" Tang Long solemnly agreed.

In order to get the sealed pulse, he decided to take a risk.

He knew that his current strength was far from being able to fight against the blood demons and demons, but the war in the land of beasts was about to start.

He has no more time, he must try every means to improve himself, so he must not miss any opportunity.

He must get the sealed pulse here!

If he can integrate one more divine pulse, he can improve in all aspects, and even the effect of taking the elixir to enhance his strength can be improved, which can accelerate the speed of his strength improvement.

So he had to take the risk.

The old man said no more. He folded his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints.

With the change of his fingerprints, a heavy feeling suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

Tang long felt this heavy feeling and immediately knew that this was the law of gravity.

Under the influence of this Law of gravity, Tang Long has clearly felt that his whole body is suddenly ten times heavier, and the difficulty of flying in the air is also greatly improved.

And then he felt, within the confines of the law of gravity, the force of another law came into being.

The law of water!

With the creation of the law of water, the sea below suddenly surges wildly up into the sky.

Around Tang long, within ten thousand meters, the sea water formed a huge circle and flew up. The sea water circle rose from the sea to the high altitude, forming a large wall of water condensed by sea water.

Of course, the water wall is not just a simple water curtain wall. The water curtain contains the powerful law of water and the extremely powerful energy of heaven and earth. Moreover, the sea water in the water wall is still flowing.

In the distance, the mystery of Kaya and the bright moon of the north wind are already on the periphery of the water curtain wall.

They have already seen that Tang Long is completely surrounded by a water curtain wall with a diameter of more than 20000 meters.

This is exactly the wall formed by the sea water.

The lower part of the sea wall is connected with the sea surface, and the height of the sky is more than ten thousand meters. Moreover, the sea water in the sea wall is always turbulent.

The most important thing is that through the wall of the sea water, Kaya Xuanji and Beifeng Mingyue could not see anything inside the sea water wall. The sea water wall isolated everything inside.

They can't even detect any breath in the sea wall!

They don't know where the old man is or where Tang Long is!

The bright moon in the north wind was a little nervous. He turned his head and looked at Kaya Xuanji and said, "master Kaya, will my husband be in danger?"

JIAYE Xianji was also a little uneasy, but he still comforted the north wind Mingyue and said, "don't worry, childe Tang will not be in danger. I can see that this elder has no malice towards him. It may be just a kind of trial."

Beifeng Mingyue heard this and knew that she was right, but she was still nervous.Tang Long was in the wall of water flow. At this time, he couldn't find out anything outside, and he couldn't see any environment outside.

He looked up into the sky.

Ten thousand meters above the sky, the water in the current wall has been capped at high altitude. With the crazy surging of the sea water above, a sea water cover with a diameter of more than 20000 meters has been formed in the sky of 10000 meters!

The cover of the sea water condenses into a huge array of energy disks formed by the sea water.

The energy disc array contains terrible cold energy, all kinds of mysterious runes, and powerful water law!

All around, the sea water is always flowing.

"This is obviously the art of water escape. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to apply the skill to such a large extent and to such a large extent."

"And it seems that the level is not so simple, it should be just the beginning!"

Tang long thought silently.

The old man is still standing in front of Tang long, his hands are changing his fingerprints quickly.

With the rapid change of the old man's fingerprints, the sea water below is more crazy and turbulent. In the sea wall with a diameter of more than 20000 meters, the sea water continuously diffuses into the sea water wall.

Then, the sea water in the sea water wall extends from some places in the inner ring of the sea water wall, connecting the sea water wall, and forming a series of sea water walls extending to all directions.

These seawater walls continue to bend around and spread out in the sea water wall, which makes the sea water walls become more and more, one by one!

Tang Long was in the sea wall, looking at the wall formed by the continuous condensation and expansion of the sea water. He had already realized: "this seems to be arranged with the sea wall, a maze like array!"

Tang Long knows something about maze array.

If you want to solve the maze array, you should first determine the orientation, and then you should know what principle the labyrinth array is based on and what natural laws of heaven and earth are used to arrange the array.

As long as we find this rule, it will be much easier to crack the maze array.

At this time, the maze array is obviously still being arranged. If you want to see the mystery of the maze array, you should start to observe and study it carefully. This is obviously the most appropriate time.

Tang Long immediately put aside all the thoughts in his mind and focused on looking at the sea water walls which were constantly extending out. He looked at the direction of the expansion of the sea water walls, looking for the law of the expansion of the sea water walls.

The old man is still not far in front of Tang long. At this time, he has stopped changing his hands.

He saw that Tang Long was carefully observing the surging of the sea water at this time. He also saw a touch of admiration in his eyes when he observed the formation law of the sea wall. He could see that Tang Long was obviously good at array.

At this time, in the sea wall, the strong law of gravity between heaven and earth still exists, and the law of water also exists.

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