In fact, each layer of the tower has its own rules, which are of course made by the owner of the tower.

In fact, the warriors who break through the layers in the sky tower will not die in the end. Before dying, a life channel will be opened in the sky tower, which will directly send the warrior who is in great danger out of the tower.

Moreover, there is also a strong law of life in this life channel. When the warrior leaves the tower, the life in danger will be strengthened by the law of life.

Of course, if you can't succeed, serious injury is inevitable, even some will be very sad!

But those who break through the ranks will never die.

"The spirit of the old man who used to be the owner of the sky tower, he passed on the creation law to me. This creation law also contains the overlapping law. It seems to be a very powerful law, but the information content of that law is too large, and now I have no time to study it."

"I've been in the tower for a long time. Outside the tower, the moon must have been in a hurry. I'd better go out first."

Tang long thought in his mind, and the sky tower was in his flag.

The sky tower can't change its size at will. It's always so big. Fortunately, the space in the sky sealing flag of Tang Long is very large. Otherwise, it's not easy to take away such a big sky tower.

The sky tower was taken away by Tang long, who appeared directly in front of them in the north wind and bright moon.

Now it's dark.

Beifeng Mingyue and JIAYE Xuanji, as well as the old man who was transformed into a god beast, were a little anxious outside. Suddenly they saw the sky tower disappear, and then they saw Tang Long appear in the place where the sky tower disappeared. They were all stunned.

Tang Long has been flying towards them.

Soon he had flown in front of them.

He looked at the old man with a smile and said, "master, I have already broken through the 18 floors of the sky tower, and after I arrived at the 18th floor, I got the inheritance of the original owner of the tower, and became the master of the tower and got the tower!"

The old man looked at Tang Long and exclaimed in his eyes: "I didn't expect that you could break through the 18th floor of the sky tower, and it took less than a day."

North wind bright moon already in tense up and down to look at Tang Long: "husband, you have nothing to do?"

Tang Long was very sure: "don't worry, I'm good."

If you can pass the third pass of the third pass, you can pass the third pass

Originally, the old man did not intend to continue to assess Tang long, but after thinking about it, he finally decided to explore the foundation of Tang Long's strength again and want to know what kind of comprehensive strength Tang Long has reached.

Tang long can break through the 18th floor of the sky tower, which makes him very surprised.

He looked at Tang Long and said: "the assessment of this level is very simple. I will attack you personally. You can't fight back, you can only dodge. If you can persist in my hand for 10 minutes, you will pass my examination!"

"Ten minutes? Not yet Gaye Xuanji and Beifeng Mingyue all stare at the old man.

This old man is just a bully!

You know, the strength of the old man has been very strong, absolutely has exceeded the level of Tianzu, reached the level of banbuzu God, and even has been the fighting power of banbuzu God at least seven times!

Such a super terror strong man, even if Tang long can fight back, in the hands of the old man is certainly less than 10 minutes.

JIAYE Xuanji felt that if he could not fight back, Tang long would never have been able to persist for ten minutes without defeat under the old man's attack.

Even Tang long felt that he could not hold on for half a minute.

The old man looked at the north wind and the bright moon and Kaya Xuanji's staring eyes, and said with a smile: "you can rest assured that I will never kill him. I just want to test and see how long he can persist in front of my opponents of this level. At the same time, it is also necessary to let him know how powerful the strongest enemy he will face."

When Tang long heard the old man's words, he was already grateful.

He knew that the old man's test on him was obviously a kind of accomplishment for him. He knew that he would fight against the blood demon clan and the blood demon ancestor in the future. Therefore, he should let him know in advance how terrible the strong people at the level of the blood demon ancestor were.

He looked at the old man and said, "master, let's start now."

The old man turned his head and looked at Kaya Xuanji and Beifeng Mingyue: "you retreat to 5000 meters away, gather your energy to protect yourself, don't get close to it!"

The north wind and bright moon and JIAYE Xianji looked at each other and nodded at the beginning.

Then they flew back together.

Not long ago, they had reached 5000 meters away. They stopped in the air in the distance, gathered their energy to protect themselves and looked at Tang Long and their side.At this time, the old man had already looked at Tang Long and said: "next, you can only dodge in this area within km. Within this range, you can use any means to dodge my attack!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded, flew back a little, and slightly widened the distance with the old man.

"It's on!"

The old man's eyes suddenly showed a heavy, powerful body suddenly burst out, a finger is to point to Tang long.

With the old man's finger pointing out, the space in front of him suddenly had a terrible distortion. The sound of sound explosion exploded, and a sharp silver light was pointed out, and it had appeared in front of Tang long.

The silver light passed through 50 meters in an instant, less than 10 meters away from Tang Long!

And at this time Tang Long suddenly felt very heavy all over!

"The law of gravity!"

Tang Long's heart was shocked, and he gathered his strength to resist.

The old man's law of gravity is very powerful, which is more than ten times more powerful than the law of gravity exerted by the ordinary four heavy and five heavy warriors of Tianzu.

Under the effect of the law of gravity, Tang Long even stopped in the air became very difficult, the speed of movement has been greatly limited.

In this case, it is obvious that he can't dodge the attack of the old man's finger!

"I can't resist any move!"

Tang Long was shocked in his heart. He had a clear understanding of the fighting power possessed by such a strong man.

Although he had already guessed that it was obviously impossible for him to deal with the strong people at the level of the blood demon ancestor, it was just a guess.

He can't know how terrible this level of strong people are before they really face them!

Now he knows more about the horror of the strong at this level.

Fortunately, although facing great danger and being controlled by the law of gravity, Tang Long's state of mind has always remained in an ethereal state, and his reaction speed in the face of any danger has always been in the highest state!

The law of gravity made him suddenly ten times heavier, and it was much more difficult for him to fly in the air.

Since it is difficult to fly, can't it fall down?!

Because of his sudden heavy as a mountain, his falling speed will also be affected by the opponent's law of gravity, falling speed will be much faster!

"Use your strength

His mind is so fast that the body method of Brahman Dun has been applied to the limit, and he directly borrows the law of gravity exerted on him by the old man. The whole person turns into a golden light and will fall down to the sea surface very quickly!

It was impossible for him to dodge the old man's attack this time.

But because he borrowed the force of the old man's law of gravity, and even more, he showed the law of speed in the rapid landing. Under his full exertion, he was able to avoid the old man's attack this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!