Tang long looked at Gao Tianye, frowned and said, "what you said is very reasonable. Even if you don't want to betray me, some things and some secrets, I'm afraid you can't keep it. It seems that I have to continue to study and work out how to keep the spirit of your bloodthirsty Demon Lord, so that you can be completely safe. Otherwise, don't say you, even I will be in trouble!"

Said, he looked at Gao Tianye melancholy way: "had known that I help you will bring me such big trouble, I would not help you!"

Gao Tianye said: "it's no use saying these now, because you are already helping me. Tang long, if you think about it carefully, you can think of a good way. It can refine the devil's power, but can keep my blood devil's soul! "

Tang long thought about it and suddenly looked up at Gao Tianye: "by the way, I have a way. In fact, it's easy to solve this problem!"

Gao Tianye asked in a hurry: "how simple?"

Tang Long said: "you should know that I am in charge of the magic owl palace now. The magic owl palace manages a space for the blood god to devour the soul!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Gao Tianye's eyes suddenly showed a surprise: "you mean, let me go to the blood devil's power to devour the soul's space, so that I can have the blood devil's power again?"

Tang Long nodded: "I really mean that, but there is still a problem to be solved."

"What's the problem?" asked Gao Tianye

Tang Long said: "after you go into the space of swallowing your soul, you must find a person from the blood demon world to devour your soul. When others devour your soul, you will not exist!"

"That's true." Gao Tianye immediately frowned.

Although he wanted to solve his troubles, he didn't want to be devoured.

If the soul is swallowed up, he is no longer in existence. Even if the body still exists, it is occupied by others.

Tang long looked at Gao Tianye and said: "anyway, I have been able to solve the problem of the devil's power. So, you can bear with it for a few more days. I think there will be more than ten days. I will certainly find a way to only refine the devil's power and leave the blood devil's power. Will not all the problems be solved by then?"

Gao Tianye looked down and thought.

He knew that he was not in great danger at present. At least, before the end of the war in the land of beasts and the plot arranged by Ying Tianhe in the holy city of blood demons, he still needed to be used, so he was still safe for the time being.

At present, the war in the land of beasts has not yet started. Even if it does, it will last for a while at least.

Gao Tianye thinks that he should be safe for at least one month.

He immediately made a decision. Looking at Tang long, he said, "Tang long, I'll wait another ten days. I'll come back in ten days. Then you must help me to work out a solution to the devil's power."

Tang Long said: "I can help you, but you also have to help me!"

Gao Tianye asked, "what do you want me to help you with?"

Tang Long said: "you know, the people of the demon clan want to kill me, and yingtianhe wants to kill me. Don't let yingtianhe kill me. If yingtianhe has any actions and plans against me, you must tell me immediately!"

"Good!" Gao Tianye nodded and then said, "as long as I know something about yingtianhe, I will tell you."

He has made a decision in his heart. At least before Tang Long solves his danger, he will show his sincerity to cooperate with Tang Long and help Tang Long get rid of some dangers, provided that he can help.

He knew that before his danger was relieved, he could not let Tang Long die. When the danger on his body was relieved, he would say something else!

Tang Long knows Gao Tianye very well, but he also pretends to be confused about some things.

He looked at Gao Tianye and said, "I'll ask you for my safety in the future."

Gao Tianye said: "don't worry, I can help you in the devil clan. I will try my best to help you, and try not to let you be in danger because of me."

Tang Long said: "it's very late now, and you can't stay here for too long. This will make the demons have a lot of suspicions. Since I can't solve the problem of the devil power on you today, you'd better leave early, so as not to be suspected by the demons."

Gao Tianye nodded, stood up, but suddenly looked at Tang Long and said: "by the way, I think of one thing, which you know in advance should be beneficial."

Tang Long asked, "what's the matter?"

Gao Tianye said: "as far as I know, Ying Tianhe has recently sent people to arrest many Dan masters from all over the world, and secretly went to a place in the blood demon world, saying that he wanted to make some people become witches!"

After listening to Gao Tianye's words, Tang Long immediately frowned fiercely: "should Tianhe want to make something strange, or say, he wants to make some wizard or something?"

Tang Long knows how powerful the wizard is.

Ying Tianhe is very powerful now. If we get another group of wizard's men, it will be more powerful. Maybe the overall strength of this guy will be improved."It seems that I have to find a way to get rid of Ying Tianhe as soon as possible and keep him. The danger to me will be more and more serious."

Tang long thought in his mind and looked at Gao Tianye and said, "OK, I know about this. You can go back now."

Gao Tianye said no more and stood up.

Tang Long closed the border of his study and sent Gao Tianye away quietly.

After finishing his work, he did not come back. Instead, he went directly to the peach blossom forest of Tang mansion, the city of genius. Then he went to the Nine Emperor's mansion and arrived at the tower of time.

He has to continue to practice the law of reproduction, and he needs to be more proficient in controlling and using the power of the light.

The war was imminent, and he had to do some things thoroughly before the war.

In the tower of time, Tang Long began to practice the law of reproduction again. Of course, in addition to the law of reproduction, he also tried to cultivate and understand other laws. He hopes that his use of these laws can become more rapid and free, only in this way can his attack power be improved again.

Time is in a hurry. In the tower of time, he has been practicing hard for more than a month.

But just one day has passed outside the tower of time.

Through such a long time of hard training in the tower of time, Tang Long has achieved a very good level in mastering the power of various laws he has understood.

Moreover, he is more proficient in the integration of all kinds of vitality.

At this time, he stopped practicing and took out the box that he had got in Heiwu mountain from the sky sealing flag.

"I hope there's something I need in this box!"

He thought to himself that although the box was decorated with a seal, and the seal was quite complicated, it could not defeat him.

In less than two minutes, he untied the seal on the box and opened it.

The box is full of hope!

Tang Long counted it. There are more than 40 of them!

"I had guessed that the light of hope might have been in the box, and now it seems that it is right!"

Before Tang long had given Tang Kuo them the light of hope.

But Qin Ziyi didn't get it.

At this time, Tang long planned to give the light of hope to Qin Ziyi, so that their strength could be improved.

He tempered all these lights of hope and turned them into something that could enhance his strength without harm. Then he took out ten lights of hope and collected them into Fengtian flag. He planned to give all the remaining lights of hope to Mu Qingcheng and let muqingcheng give them to Qin Ziyi.

Zhong you is going to find them.

The bell is too far away from Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er to the imperial palace of the Nine Emperors. In the enchanting land of the blood demon world, Tang long can only personally deliver these hopes.

"I've been practicing in the tower of time for such a long time. It's time to have a rest."

Tang Long came out of the tower of time and was about to contact Zhong Li Xueyan in his heart. However, at this time, in his heart, Ling Qingyao's voice suddenly rang out: "husband, master, they have all come back from several places, and they have brought many strong Tianzu in Daqian world. In addition, Zhuque city has also come to many great worlds Tianzu strongman, you have to make time to come here! "

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