"The sky fire burns the soul!"

The deep voice sounded, and Zhao Youtian was wrapped up by the flames. The flames gathered around him and formed a giant flame of more than ten meters.

At this time, Zhao Youtian's appearance had a great change, as if he himself suddenly soared ten times, and became a flaming giant burning the real fire of the sky.

In this state, his combat power has been greatly improved. Originally, Tang long used the power of divine power and domain boundaries to suppress his combat power. At this time, his combat power was restored to the level of Tianzu's five fold combat power!

Obviously, what he is using now is a very powerful means to enhance the combat effectiveness.

"Boy, your strength really surprised me, but that's enough, because you are absolutely not my opponent!"

With that, Zhao Youtian's body suddenly flashed, and the whole person seemed to be a flame meteor, flying up towards the Tang Long lightning in the sky.

When he was flying upward, because the speed was too fast, his head constantly collided with the air above him. Unexpectedly, the sound of sonic explosion came from the space above him, forming a semicircular flame arc on his head.

He was flying up the sky at this time, using the law of speed!


The sound of sonic boom is still fading. He has already flown a hundred meters above the sky. At this time, Tang Long also uses the speed rule.

Tang long did not intend to dodge Zhao Youtian's attack.

He also flew directly towards Zhao Youtian, who rushed up rapidly. The icy cold energy broke out on his body. The law of speed was also applied to the limit. He rushed straight towards Zhao Youtian.

The distance between the two sides is less than 50 meters.

Two people attack together!

Zhao Youtian stares at Tang long. His flaming sword condenses the power of the real fire of Tianyang, and the blazing light suddenly erupts on the sword, burning with flames.

The flame was so powerful that it seemed to burn everything.

The sword awn burst out, suddenly shocked, and turned into three swords in an instant.

Three swords are another shock, immediately turned into nine swords!

At the same time, the nine swords attack the sky like lightning, forming a nine palace totem, which is less than 20 meters away from Tang Long!

Tang Long's attack this time is also very fierce.

The deep voice contains the power of thunder, which is arrogant from Tang Long's mouth. It contains a kind of heavy and majestic atmosphere, which seems to be able to frighten people's spirits: "archaic thunder curse, tyranny fist!"

Although Tang Long still used the same kind of magic power boxing, the difference is that Tang long used the archaic thunder curse of the natural disaster curse!

The power of Taigu thunder mantra is extremely powerful. Even if Tianzu is strong, its strength can be improved a lot.

With the strength of Tang Long's Tianzu Yizhong realm at this time, he can use this archaic thunder mantra, which can directly improve his combat power, and he can maintain this state for ten minutes!

The combat power of the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty can be directly promoted to the third level of the emperor.

At this time, Tang Long also quietly used the means of sealing the sky flag to enhance the combat effectiveness. In addition, Tang long had already used nine anti heaven and divine magic forms. In this case, the attack power of his fist was dozens of times stronger than his previous attack!

His spirit is highly concentrated and his strength is fully exerted.

In the fist, the extremely cold energy erupted again, which actually contained a kind of domineering and pressing force that seemed to crush the heaven and earth.

The power of this pressure is contained in his momentum, which can frighten people's spirits.

Under the influence of this powerful force, the power of the nine flames and swords attacked by Zhao Youtian was affected, and the power was weakened a lot.

Even Zhao Youtian's heart has suddenly produced a heavy feeling, even produced the feeling of being unable to defeat the opponent.

It was a little incredible to him.

He knew that this feeling should be the result of Tang Long's dominating power.

He didn't expect that Tang Long's attack could contain such a powerful effect of dominating power: "is there a lot of people's trust in him after this boy, and has a strong power of faith? Without the trust of many people, he could not have such a strong power of faith and power of domination. Even my heart was affected! "

Tang long does not know that his attack contains the power of the power of the master, and he has always been some blank in the use of the power of the master.

They did not tell him more about the power of domination.

He is only skilled in the use of divine power.

What he didn't know was that the use of the power of domination did not need to be deliberately used. It was an attack accompanied by assistance and an extremely mysterious energy.

The power of domination comes from the mind with the rotation of the mind.

Because this kind of energy does not need to work, and Tang long can't reveal his identity and make a greater impact in the whole world, so they have never told Tang long how to be powerful and use the power of domination!Tang Long's fist has been pounding down.

Ba Tian Shen Quan contains the power of thunder and lightning law, the skill of ice escape, and the law of explosion!

The icy cold energy condenses into an energy giant fist with a diameter of more than 20 meters. It seems that the energy giant fist has collided with Zhao Youtian's nine flames and swords!

Once again, the roar of the explosion was heard.

To the great shock of the people around, the result of this time was totally beyond their expectation, because they saw that after the collision of the energy from Tang Long's attack and Zhao Youtian's attack, an extremely powerful and ferocious shock wave was produced.

This strong gas shock wave contains Tang Long's cold and strong Qi, as well as Zhao Youtian's flame power.

The two kinds of powerful forces collided with each other in a disorderly way, and constantly broke out into thunder and roar, forming a powerful blast wave of ice and fire, which even rolled and swept down Zhao Youtian and bombarded him in the past!

Obviously, this attack Tang Long actually has the absolute upper hand!

"How could that be possible?"

"This boy's attack actually has the upper hand, and Zhao Youtian has fallen behind!"

"It's no wonder that he was young enough to become the master of the Tang clan. Indeed, he has some means. He is not only a great ancestor, but also has such a strong strength. I hope he is not a talent in the blood temple!"


In the voice of this discussion, the rolling strong gas shock wave has been extremely fierce bombardment to Zhao Youtian's head.

Zhao Youtian was shocked to the extreme, but did not panic.

His mind moved, condensing the vitality of Tianyang real fire and turning into a flame energy shield on his head.

The powerful shock wave swept by was so powerful that it broke Zhao Youtian's twisted flame shield, and then it bombarded Zhao Youtian's head with great momentum.

Zhao Youtian was bombarded again and flew down a hundred meters.

He had just stabilized his falling body, and suddenly a space in front of him appeared the water pattern twisted wave, and then a figure appeared in the space with twisted water lines.

Of course, Tang Long came out!

Zhao Youtian saw Tang Long and was about to gather his strength to attack Tang long in front of him. Suddenly, he heard a voice.

This is Tang Long's voice, which only he can hear.

He heard Tang Long gather Qi into a voice and said to him: "in fact, I am the same as you, I am also a member of the demon clan!"

"You too..."

Zhao Youtian immediately widened his eyes.

He stares at Tang long in disbelief and is shocked.

However, he was shocked at the moment, and immediately responded: "this boy is clearly Danzu, how can he be a member of the demon clan? This is obviously a trick to me, a lie to me

"This kid can't be a demon, absolutely not!"

Zhao Youtian's heart is very clear that the people of the demon clan can not have Danshi at all, some can only be witches!

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