When Tang longcai knew Wei Chi Lingtian, his strength was only the four levels of Tianzu.

But later, Tang Long helped Wei Chiling to refine the elixir of Tiandi Yiqi Hunyuan pill. After taking the elixir, he practiced for a long time, and his strength was also improved to reach the five levels of Tianzu.

If this time here, his strength can be improved again, he can reach the six levels of Tianzu. Of course, he is looking forward to it.

Tang Long has a big box in his hand.

This box contains a round mushroom elixir.

The round mushroom fairy pill is a kind of elixir made by the round mushrooms which were found in the holes of the space guarded by the hole guarding monsters when Tang Long was in tianyuntai before.

Most of the round mushroom elixir Tang Long is handed over to Mu Qingcheng for management. He has some left here. At this time, he will use the round mushroom fairy pill to improve Wei Chi Lingtian's strength.

In addition to the round mushroom elixir, Tang Long here has a few of his quenched light of hope.

At this time, he had opened the box in his hand and took out four round mushroom fairy pills to Wei Chi Lingtian. They said, "you take this round mushroom fairy pill, first improve your strength."

Wei Chi Ling Tian saw Tang Long's elixir and explored that the elixir diffused a strong breath. Their eyes were full of surprise.

They were busy to take the elixir, and then took the elixir and began to practice.

Tang Long was nearby. He did not practice and began to practice using the power of the light and the law of reproduction.

Although he is now very skilled in using the power of the light and copying the law, he still needs to continue to practice and become more proficient.

What's more, he will soon use it frequently.

In the tower of time, under the earnest cultivation of Wei Chi Lingtian, three hours passed quickly.

Wei Chi Lingtian has completed their cultivation. They have absorbed the medicinal power of round mushroom and fairy pill. Their strength has been improved to varying degrees, but unfortunately, they have not been able to advance.

This situation is also expected by Tang long, after all, Tianzu promotion is very difficult.

Tang Long took out another box, which contained the light of hope after his quenching.

There are only four lights of hope in this box.

Tang Long took out the four lights of hope, then looked at Wei Chi Ling Tian and said, "this is the light of hope, but this light of hope has been tempered by me, and there will be no more danger. After you take this light of hope, you can enhance your strength."

Wei Chi Lingtian did not expect that Tang long had the light of hope in his hand.

And Tang long can actually quench the danger in the light of hope.

Button Gulu hum looked at Tang Long and asked cautiously, "have you taken this? Are you sure there's no danger? "

Tang Long smile: "not only I took, night also took, there is no danger."

Hearing Tang Long say so, button Gulu hum, they all rest assured.

They took the light of hope handed by Tang Long and took it. Then they began to practice seriously. This time, they spent more than three hours.

More than three hours later, their practice had been completed.

This time, their strength has been improved, but also successfully promoted, the most important thing is that the strength of nucoloha has also been successfully promoted.

In fact, the strength of nuico luha had reached the middle level of Tianzu's seven levels before. He took the round mushroom fairy pill, and at this time he took the light of hope. His strength has been promoted to the eight levels of Tianzu.

In fact, it was a bit of a fluke. Even though he took these two kinds of treasures, his strength was only at the last moment, with the help of Tang Long's huangquan divine needle, that he could make a breakthrough and be promoted to success. He could not be promoted to success just by a little bit.

Once the strength of a warrior reaches the eight levels of Tianzu, it is not easy to improve it.

Wei Chi Lingtian and Zhao Xingyun, as well as Niu Gulu hum, their strength has also been promoted to a higher level.

Now weichi Lingtian is the strength of Tianzu's six realms.

He was very satisfied to reach the six levels of Tianzu.

In fact, his strength at this time was only reluctantly improved, and just barely reached the level of the sixth level of the ancestor.

Tang Long explored their strength improvement and knew that although their cultivation talents were very good and their divine pulse was also very strong, because they did not have so many divine veins as themselves, even though they took round mushroom fairy pills and then took things like the light of hope, the degree of strength improvement was still very limited.

Of course, the extent of their promotion is also very good.

Tang long looked at Wei Chi Lingtian and said, "tomorrow if Li Ran, they would like to have a competition. On our side, the people who want you to come to fight. Your strength has been improved a lot, especially for Niu Co luha. Tianzu Bazhong's combat power is already the strongest here!"Nucoloha nodded.

Hanyu city gathered here Tianzu strong people, that is, Li ran their people, many of them, a total of more than 30, but of these more than 30, the strongest is Tianzu Qizhong.

Niu guluha is now the strength of Tianzu's eight level realm. He has enhanced his confidence in the warriors who defeat the seven levels of Tianzu.

Help them to improve their strength, Tang long at this time is completely at ease.

He took up the tower of time and reappeared in front of them in the dark night. At this time, it was already dawn outside. After everyone went to eat together, they all came to the inn.

Li Ran and they were all on the first floor of the inn.

At this time, there are many people outside the inn. These people are not strong in Tianzu realm. They are basically warriors in dizu realm, with more than 500 people.

In some places far away from these 500 people, there are thousands of warriors gathered. Most of them are from different places. Of course, there are also some warriors who are local people of Hanyu city.

Many people who originally lived in Hanyu city left in a hurry last night because of the sudden war in Hanyu city. They went to other places and did not dare to come back for the time being.

Now the Hanyu city is almost destroyed, especially around the inn. All the buildings within ten thousand meters around it have collapsed and the ground is full of ravines and cracks!

In the spacious hall on the first floor of the inn, Li Ran and they all sat together in a circle.

Li ran first looked at Tang Long and said, "Tang clan leader, yesterday you told us that today you will tell us some secrets about the demons. I think you must know a lot of Secrets of blood demons. Now you should tell us all these secrets?"

Tang Long said: "I really know a lot about these secrets. I can tell you."

Gongyang Tianyou said: "in this case, you can talk about it!"

Tang Long said: "first of all, I want to tell you about a very special kind of person. This kind of person is called a wizard."

"Who is a wizard?" asked Gongyang Tianyou

Tang Long said: "witches can also use the power of blood demons, but they are members of the demon clan. I guess these witches can also change. When their demonic power breaks out completely, I believe they can no longer use the power of blood demons."

After a pause, Tang long continued: "let me tell you what is the spirit of the devil, what is the heart of the devil, and what is the power of the blood devil."

What he is going to say now is what he thought ahead of time.

Of course he can't make it clear.

He knows that among these people, RAM God bless them, there must be demon people hiding. He can't let these people know him too much, and he can't let these people know that he has learned a lot

However, he talked about the heart of the devil, the means of controlling the power of the demons, that is, the Runes of the devil emperor, and so on.

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