Tang Long agreed with Li Ran's idea and looked at Li Ben's track: "next, you can arrange it. All the people of Tangmen will stay here. We are not familiar with the rest of the martial arts with the strength below Tianzu. You are familiar with those warriors, so it's more appropriate for you to arrange."

"Good!" Li Ran agreed, and Wang and others began to make arrangements for those outside the cave strength did not reach the level of Tianzu.

Most of these warriors are from the forces of Tianzu, and they are important figures in these forces.

It's not very difficult for the Tianzu to arrange this.

In less than half an hour, those warriors with the strength below Tianzu were arranged, and then they went outside the cave together. People of their own forces gathered together and waited in the valley outside the cave.

The environment in the valley is very cold, but their strength is very strong, and they don't care about the cold.

The Tianzu strongmen returned to the cave and gathered in a place in the middle of the cave.

Each of them took out a futon and sat down in a circle. The soldiers who were found to have problems by Tang Long were still in a coma.

Li Ran looked at Tang Long and asked, "leader of Tang clan, are we going to interrogate these people together?"

Tang Long said: "I will give you a satisfactory result of the interrogation of these people. However, before interrogating these people, I have to mention one thing with you first."

Li Ran and asked, "what do you want to mention?"

Tang Long said: "we had a competition in this valley before. We had an agreement before the competition. Now the competition is finished, and I have found out the people of the demon clan hidden among you. Now, should you Tianzu fulfill your promise and join our Tangmen?"

"This..." Li Ran is still a little hesitant.

Beside Li Ran, a warrior of the triple realm of Tianzu said: "since I have made this promise before, then I will certainly fulfill my promise. Now that I am a member of the Tang clan, I am willing to abide by the rules of the Tang clan."

Feng Han also said at this time: "I would like to join the Tang clan.

His decision to join the Tang clan is relatively easy to make, because he is a vagrant warrior. He is not in any power. He only needs to consider himself and is very free to make any decision.

Moreover, he did not have the ambition of power, only the pursuit of the limit of martial arts.

Most importantly, he knew that the system of Tangmen was very free. Even if he joined the Tang clan, he would not be greatly constrained.

And now that the whole world is suffering a catastrophe, Feng Han also feels that if we do not unite, if we continue to disperse as before, each family will be wiped out sooner or later by the blood god or by the demons.

Joining Tangmen and defending his homeland is his idea now.

Tang people's comprehensive strength is obviously very strong, and Tang Long obviously has strong means to demons. In this case, Feng Han thinks that joining Tangmen should be the most correct choice he has made now.

But at this time, he also had some doubts.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "master of Tang clan, although I am willing to join Tangmen, I still want to ask you something."

Tang Long asked, "what do you want to ask?"

Feng Han said: "you can find out the demonic spirits of the demons. What about those spirits in the blood temple? Are you aware of the spirits of the bloodthirsty Lord and the bloodthirsty devil? "

Tang Long chuckled and said definitely, "I can find out the power of demons and blood demons, and I can also find out who owns the spirits of bloodthirsty demons or bloodthirsty demons."

Feng Han asked: "just now we explored so many people and there are so many demons. Why didn't you find a blood demon?"

Tang Long said: "there are some things you don't know. The blood demons are now in the land of beasts. They want to fight the biggest battle with the Tianzu gathered there. The demons are always hiding in the dark. The blood demons have jumped to the surface. The strategy of the blood demons is different from that of the demons. Some things are arranged and arranged It is also different. "

After a pause, Tang long continued: "the blood demons have great arrangements in the southern part of the great world. I am very clear about this arrangement, but things need to be solved one by one. We must first solve the problems of the demons."

Li ran by the side and said, "master of Tang clan, how much do you know about the situation of the land of beasts?"

Tang Long said: "I fully understand the situation of the land of beasts. The war in the land of beasts was originally led by our Tang clan."

After that, he glanced at the Tianzu and then said, "the strength of our Tangmen demonstrated here is not weak, but I can tell you clearly that this is only the tip of the iceberg of our Tangmen comprehensive strength. The real comprehensive strength of our Tangmen is very strong, otherwise I would not dare to fight directly with the blood god temple and the demons !”Gongyang Tianyou looked at Tang Long and said, "childe Tang, what I want to know is that after we join the Tangmen, will you immediately order us to go to the land of beasts to fight?"

Tang Long shook his head: "you will not go to the land of beasts in a short time. What you need to do next is to help me rule the southern part of the whole great world, and unite the strong Tianzu in the southern part of daqiandao as much as possible."

Gongyang Tianyou asked, "when we are united? Don't you worry about beast land? At that time, the Tianzu of the heaven and beast land in the world of heaven and beast might have been killed by the people of the blood god temple! "

Tang Long said: "now I can't make it clear what the war will be like in the land of beasts. What I can say is that if we want to fight against the blood god temple, we can't concentrate a few people. We must gather the Tianzu of the whole southern region of Daqian world, and we must do it as soon as possible."

After a pause, Tang Long said seriously, "I can give you a guarantee."

Li Ran asked curiously, "what guarantee can you make?"

Tang Long said: "I promise that this war with the blood demons will not be defeated in at least half a year. If we can all work together to attract all the Tianzu in the southern part of Daqian world, we will be able to turn the defeat back into victory after half a year."

Gongyang Tianyou looked at Tang Long with disbelief: "can you really be sure that the war on the other side of the land of beasts, our Tianzu of the great world, can persist for half a year without defeat?"

Tang Long said: "the battle of the land of beasts is just a starting point. Soon this war will leave the land of beasts. What I can guarantee is that the great world and the blood demons will never fail in this war for at least half a year!"

After a pause, Tang Long glanced at Li and ran them, and continued to say with certainty: "I can not only have the above guarantee, but also I can guarantee that you will participate in this war in half a year. Together, we will certainly be able to turn the whole situation around!"

Feng Han frowned and said, "isn't there a demon family?"

Tang long looked at Feng Han and said with a smile: "you should have seen that I know a lot about the demons. Of course, I will have ways to deal with them. I can tell you that there will be someone to deal with the demons. You can rest assured."

Wei Chi Lingtian looked at Li Ran and said, "I don't think it's time for us to discuss these things. First of all, we have to finish the agreement of the competition. Secondly, we have to interrogate the demons who have been caught by us. As for what will happen in the future, since all the big families want to join the Tangmen, we should trust the master of Tangmen!"

After the words dropped, Wei Chi Lingtian stopped a little, and his eyes first fell on Gongyang Tianyou and Wang Daluo: "in the previous contest, I won the Tang clan, and then the Supreme Master of Tangmen solved the internal danger of everyone, and explained a lot about the demons and blood demons. Now, you should honor chengruo and join the Tangmen. ”

Wang had already made a decision, but he didn't say much at this time. Looking at Tang long, he said seriously: "I will fulfill my promise now. I am willing to join Tangmen."

Gongyang Tianyou followed: "I would like to join Tangmen now."

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