Strange old head said: "I think it's better for you to pass on some of your highest experience in life perception, and you can also carry out your inheritance in medical skills. All of these can grow with the life that has just been bred. He has just had the wisdom to understand these things. This will make his growth extremely healthy, and even improve the body of your eternal body to the maximum extent."

After listening to the strange old man's words, Mu Qingcheng immediately made a decision.

She knows how to use the magic power of huangquan needle!

There are many profound things in the magic power of the yellow spring needle, such as the perception of life, the perception of nature, and so on!

Moreover, with the help of this inheritance, Mu Qingcheng can integrate some of his medical knowledge, the knowledge of refining elixir, and even the knowledge of spiritual power, and so on.

"This should be the most suitable one?" Mu Qingcheng thought.

Thinking of this, she immediately thought of a question, busy looking at the strange old man asked: "I gave birth to this life, he can become a Dan Shi in the future?"

The strange old man laughed and said definitely: "if you integrate the most special elixir in my world, he will become a Dan master in the future after he is born, because my elixir is the source of spiritual power."

Hearing the strange old man's words, Mu Qingcheng's hesitation was relieved.

The strange old man said seriously: "you have eternal body. If you can transform your constitution from the day after tomorrow to the nature, you will become one of the most perfect special constitutions in the whole world. Tang Long has refined the chaotic body. Your advantages will be combined in the life born in this new pregnancy. With my strange elixir, once he grows up in the future, he will surely become one of the most perfect special constitutions in the world It's going to be earth shaking! "

Mu Qingcheng said: "if it is as you said, I will certainly thank you very much!"

Looking at Mu Qingcheng, the strange old man said, "I don't need your thanks. I just hope that the life that you and Tang Long gave birth to has no defects. This is what I strive for. I'm doing what I love to do. What kind of thanks do I need? "

Mu Qingcheng said: "well, wait for me. I'll sum up what I want to inherit first, and then you can open this jar!"

"Good!" Strange old agreed, and then admonished: "remember, you must not be greedy, can only be integrated into a magic power, too much can not be passed on!" After a pause, he continued, "besides, this is only the first time, and there is an opportunity for inheritance."

"I firmly remember your advice!" Mu Qingcheng promised, seriously: "you can rest assured, I will certainly pay attention to, absolutely won't be greedy."

The strange old man continued: "if you have finished the exploration, and you know that there is no danger in the blue light water mass, and you decide to merge this thing, you must remember that only by dropping a drop of blood on this thing can this thing be integrated into the new life. At that time, it will become the most powerful magic weapon of this new life in the future without any regrets."

"I see." Mu Qingcheng nodded solemnly.

Then she went to sit down nearby and went into meditation. She wanted to sum up all the information she knew about the needle and put all the information she knew about the needle into it.

She knows that this is obviously a very good opportunity. It will not only be of great benefit to her own future, but also to the life she has bred and the crystallization of her own and Tang Long's life.

Strange old man beside, see Mu Qingcheng meditate, in the eye showed a touch of deep expectation.

Almost an hour later, Mu Qingcheng's meditation was finally completed.

She stood up and went back to the jar. Looking at the old man, she said, "I'm ready. Next, you tell me how to inherit and what to pay attention to."

"Good." The strange old man nodded and began to talk about the matters needing attention with Mu Qingcheng.

It took more than half an hour for the old man to finish.

Then he looked at Mu Qingcheng and said, "now you are ready, let's start!"

"Good!" Mu Qingcheng agreed.

Strange old head said: "before opening the jar, I can tell you very seriously, Qingcheng, this thing is absolutely not harmful to you at all, and after this thing is completed, you and Tang long will not have any regrets in the future."

"I know." Mu Qingcheng said: "I'm ready. If there is no danger, I won't waste your painstaking efforts."

The old man nodded and opened the jar.

As soon as the jar was opened, the strange water mass floated up towards the sky, seemingly unconscious, just a water mass.

However, there are still dense and extremely fine lines in the water mass, which are like tiny nerves. Moreover, these subtle lines like nerves always contain a trace of weak lightning!

The old man had already said in a deep voice, "start now!"When Mu Qingcheng heard the voice of the strange old man, he was in a hurry according to the old man's words. He gathered his mental strength to explore the energy contained in the water mass and explore the secrets contained in it. At the same time, he began to carry out inheritance.

Her delicate hands lifted up, and with her vitality running, a drop of fresh blood flew out of her fingertips and flew towards the water mass.

This drop of blood just fell on the strange water mass, it immediately integrated into it, and then the water mass emitted a faint blood red light.

What's more, there is a faint breath of life on this water mass!

Mu Qingcheng is still seriously exploring the water mass, and she has put her mind very peaceful according to the strange old man's words. She thinks of all kinds of things before Tang long, and her heart is full of infinite love.

This deep love fused her peace of mind at this time and her spiritual strength. She integrated the profound meaning of the huangquan needle into it, and began to carry out the spiritual inheritance of supernatural powers.

This kind of inheritance is very strange. Even though Mu Qingcheng has never tried before, it is slightly similar to making a heritage scroll, but it is quite different.

The strange old man is not far away from Mu Qing City. At this time, his face is tense, and the sweat on his forehead is rolling down.

He couldn't help murmuring to himself: "we must succeed, no matter how, we must succeed. Otherwise, all our efforts will be in vain, and the world I live in will be totally hopeless!"

"All hope is at this moment, and we must not fail!"


Mu Qingcheng doesn't know what the strange old man is murmuring. She has entered the realm of emptiness.

Her whole mind is integrated into the strange water mass, while carrying out inheritance and exploring everything contained in the water mass.

She found out that there was no danger in the water mass. It was like a very strange artifact. There seemed to be a magical artifact space in it, which could accommodate a lot of existence and even inheritance.

What makes Mu Qingcheng curious is that at this time, there seem to be many secrets in the space where the artifact is located, but these secrets are extremely profound, even if it is her, they are some incomprehensible!

However, she had already felt a strong affinity in the water mass, which was similar to what she felt when she got the magic weapon.

And there is also a strange feeling that people are willing to accept, and even contains a lot of powerful energy that she can't understand.

She tried to feel the energy.

She soon found that these energies and spiritual power are similar, endless, which contains a profound meaning of existence! , the fastest update of the webnovel!