The black robed warrior had just blocked the attack of Tang Long Shengguang gourd, but he was suddenly attacked behind him.

Feeling the breath of energy and life suddenly appeared behind him, the black robed warrior turned around in a hurry and saw more than 20 ghosts attacking him.

He did not dare to have the slightest hesitation. His sword turned into a rainbow, and with the powerful power of demons, he bombarded these ghosts.

With the attack of his sword, the powerful demonic power broke out from the long sword and turned into a strong current like a wave, which collided with the energy from the ghost attack in front of him.


The roar of the earth shaking sky sounded, and two powerful energy collided. At the place where the energy collided, an extremely ferocious strong wind was formed. The strong wind roared and swept, and spread out in all directions.

Obviously, the black robed warrior this time, reluctantly blocked the ghost's attack.

However, just as he resisted the attack of ghosts, there was danger above his head.

He had felt the fierce attack over his head!

He can no longer resist this attack!

Above his head, at the moment when he just went to resist the attack of ghosts, there was a slight twist of water lines in a space, and then Tang Long suddenly flew out of the twisted space.

Tang longcai flashed out of the distorted space and directly launched a powerful magic attack.

At this time, Tang Long's fist has burst out a powerful golden light energy, and the fist contains a powerful power of holy light and stars. Above the head of the black robed warrior, he directly and fiercely blows at the head of the black robed warrior!

Batian fist!

With the blow out of his fist, the golden light energy burst out from his fist, and condensed into a golden light energy boxing containing the power of powerful laws.

The golden light energy giant fist is like the top of Mount Taishan. It seems that it is pounding on the top of the black robed warrior's head, directly hitting the black robed warrior down to the ground below!

"Eat me a rake!"

Suddenly, there was a thunderclap. It was the pig Gang hyena's drinking.

Pig Gang hye and long Ying gang are united. They just bombard a demon warrior. In a flash, they see the black robed warrior who is bombarded by Tang long. They don't want to think about it. Pig Gang hye attacks them with a rake.

This rake attack in the past, the black robed warrior had no idea at all, and had no chance to resist it.

The rake hit hard on the chest of the black robed warrior, and the black robed warrior was blown out.

The spirit of a demon flies out.

Just after the devil's soul flew out, long Ying flew over. A long sword broke out in her hand, and the sword awned fiercely into the heart of the devil's soul. Then the sword awoke and exploded.

The explosion energy of the sword will smash the spirit of the devil that just flew out, turn it into the dark devil power and howl everywhere!

"Take it for me!"

Tang Long has already rushed to come over, the mind moves, controls the Holy Light gourd to fly over.

The powerful power of Holy Light erupted from the gourd of holy light. The power of Holy Light enveloped the spirit of the broken devil. Without waiting for the spirit of the devil to condense again, it was directly collected into the Holy Light Hu.

Pig Gang hye and long Ying help Tang Long solve the black robed warrior. They immediately rush to kill another black robed warrior.

Tang Long's eyes fell on the bell which was falling to the ground!

The bell is the magic weapon of the black robed warrior who has just been killed.

This magic weapon is called magic soul bell.

Tang Long knows that the magic soul bell is a good thing!

"Magic soul ring, this thing can play a very important role in attacking the enemy in some special times. Although it seems that the attack of the magic soul bell can only target a certain person, it is already very good!"

"I have Tiangang magic heart mantra, which is of limited use to me. If you give it to Xiaohu, Xiaohu will have the magic soul bell. With his demon sword, the power of this magic soul bell will surely be better displayed!"

Tang long thought in his heart that the palm of his hand contained a strong attraction and grabbed the magic soul bell. He directly sucked the magic soul bell up and took it into the sky sealing flag.

Then his eyes fell on something else.

It's a sword. It's shining silver.

This sword is just the one used by the warrior in black.

This is also the same magic weapon, such magic weapon Tang Long certainly will not waste, No.

He reached out and the powerful energy burst out of his palm, and the sword falling towards the ground was directly absorbed by the powerful energy from his palm.

Soon, the sword was caught in Tang Long's hand.

But at this time, the girl turned into a snow wolf king flew over: "boss, I want this sword!""You want it. Here you are!" Tang Long didn't want to think about it. He handed the sword of the magic weapon to the wind and snow wolf king.

This sword is also very good. It's a rare artifact. It's almost a wild artifact.

The most important thing is that the sword has been tempered into a magic weapon. Next, the king of the wind and snow wolf only needs to take it to the heavenly spirit garden and put on the brand of the spirit of the wind and snow wolf king. This sword belongs to the king of the wind and Snow Wolf.

The king of wind and snow wolf left with his sword. Tang Long's eyes fell on the body of a black robed warrior not far away, and his eyes were sharp.

The black robed warrior is actually a warrior of the eight levels of Tianzu.

Obviously, among all the black robed warriors here, the strength of this black robed warrior is the strongest, and it is obvious that this black robed warrior is still a wizard, and a strong soul power erupts from his body!

Soul power is similar to spiritual power, but it is different. It also has strong attack power, and can even be integrated into the vitality to enhance the attack power of vitality.

But the soul power can not be used to refine the elixir.

At this time, Zuba Chong's black robed warrior broke out with the most powerful demonic power. The powerful energy turned into a fierce dark energy mountain, which drove out a dozen ghosts and dozens of purple fire wolves in front of him.

Then the Black Warrior wants to escape!

"If you want to escape, you have to ask me if I want to!" Tang Long's eyes showed a sharp look.

He used his body method, and his body suddenly flashed. He directly applied the law of space and quickly blocked the past towards the black robed warrior.

The black robed warrior just flew out the ghost and the wolf of purple fire in front of him, and was about to rush out. Suddenly, he saw that the space in a place ahead was distorted by ripples.

Then, in this corrugated and twisted space, Tang Long appeared:

"I'm afraid it's impossible to escape!"

Tang Long stares at the black robed warrior, and his palm explodes with golden energy, and the God demon's hand has already been used.

A huge palm with more than 100 meters of energy was directly condensed by Tang long.

He has long inspired the power of the universe, and cast the archaic thunder curse, in this case, he cast the magic hand to cover the sky, the attack power is very powerful.

The black robed warrior in front of him felt the powerful power of Tang Long's attack, and his eyes also showed a touch of surprise.

But he didn't care about the attack of Tang Long's hand.

"Just Tianzu, although your means really shocked me, you want to stop me. It's a dream of a fool!"

The black robed warrior said in a low voice, holding a dark ball in his hand.

The diameter of the dark ball is more than five meters. There are many strange runes on it. There are many holes around the ball. This is the special magic weapon of the black robed Warrior: the earth shaking ball!

"Boy, I'll smash you in one go!"

The black robed warrior drank a lot, and the earth shaking ball burst out a powerful demon power, which even contained the power of space sealing.

The force of the space sealing broke out from the earth shaking ball and directly shrouded in the Tang dragon.

Suddenly Tang long felt that the space around him was condensed, and it was extremely difficult for him to move. , the fastest update of the webnovel!