Tang Long asked, "are there many powerful people in the blood Temple who use such chains as weapons?"

"Some people do use chains as weapons." Ice fire old man said: "this chain is not only very tough, but also very long. After becoming a magic weapon, it can be controlled at will. It can even stretch ten times after becoming a magic weapon. Once trapped, the spirit can't escape!"

At this time, Tang Long and Binghuo old man have fallen into the magma layer under the volcano. Tang Long has felt a terrible flame energy, constantly sweeping up from the magma below.

Even the temperature of the magma here is many times higher than that of the ordinary magma.

Ice fire old man said: "the power of poisonous fire contained in this magma is much stronger than ordinary places, and it contains real Yang fire, so the temperature is extremely high."

With that, he burst out a mass of flame energy.

The flame energy enveloped him, and he sank into the tumbling magma.

Tang Long has been able to detect at this time, in this rolling magma surface, here arranged a very powerful seal array.

Because of the seal array, the magma will not gush upward.

At this time, the upward force of the magma is very strong.

"It seems that if there is no seal arranged by the old man, the magma will not stop erupting upward. The reason why the magma erupted before is really because of the old man's control."

Tang long thought in his mind that he always condensed the power of the sky fire to protect his whole body, and then he quickly sank down in the magma.

After a long time they had sunk to a place.

This seems to be the bottom of the magma. Tang Long's feet have fallen on the ground, and the old man beside him has stopped.

Binghuo old man turned his head and looked at Tang long. The power of the fire broke out on his body, forming a huge flame wave, pushing away the boiling magma around him. Around Tang Long and Binghuo old man, a large space without magma was formed.

Tang long looked down and found that the place where he stepped was a red stone ground, on which many mysterious runes were depicted.

And on this ground, five meters in front of Tang Long's feet, there is a small hole which is not very big. The chain controlling the old man of ice and fire extends from this small hole.

At this time, around the small hole on the ground, Tang Long also saw a tiny gap. The gap was rectangular, and there were many mysterious runes around it. Tang Long knew at a glance that it should be a sealed door.

Ice fire old man has looked at Tang Long and said: "this is not the bottom of the magma, but in the middle of the waist. What you step on is a piece of magmatic stone, which I refined with the power of poisonous fire. It is incomparably hard. I refined the surrounding magma to form magmatic stone, and created a house. The house is the archaic soul lock array that controls me!"

Tang Long curiously said, "why don't you use the power of the poisonous fire of the magma to break the ancient lock soul array?"

Ice fire old man said: "this array can only be cracked by means of manipulation. If it is broken by force, the soul breaking rule will break out. Moreover, the runes in the chain that devour the brand of life will explode, which will directly absorb the life brand in my spirit. Therefore, I can not destroy this array by the power of magma, but I must protect it carefully Dharma will not be destroyed. Unless I can untie this array one day, I must protect it all the time. "

When the old man closed his hands slowly, he could see the long gap between his hands.

This is indeed a door, a stone gate covered with seal.

"Let's go in." Ice fire old man said, he first flew down from the open stone gate.

Of course, Tang Long also took off with him.

Through this stone gate, Tang Long has already arrived in a very spacious house. The house is made of magma stone refined by the old man of ice and fire. Many mysterious runes are also depicted on the walls, on the ground, and so on.

When Tang Long saw these runes, he could see that there was a strong seal array and defense array in the house.

This is obviously a specially arranged array to prevent the house from being destroyed.

Old man Binghuo said: "under the ground, the Archean lock soul array is isolated and protected by a layer of magmatic stone. As long as the layer of magmatic rock is uncovered, you can see the Archean lock soul array protected in it, and you can also see the interface of the chain."

Say, ice fire old man agglomerates vitality, palm toward a place on the ground suddenly force a suction, suddenly a piece of magma stone paved floor is to fly up.

Next, the ice fire old man kept waving his hands, and the powerful energy burst out. The floor on the ground flew up and flew to the top of Tang Long's head. It was suspended and did not fall down.

In the case of the ice fire old man constantly exerting his magic power to suck and pull the floor, all the floors on the ground soon disappeared.What Tang Long saw was still the red ground. What was different was that the rune array depicted on the ground at this time was completely different from those on the stones that had been lifted before.

In the center of the stone chamber floor, four chains extend to connect the hands and feet of the old man.

Looking at Tang long, Binghuo old man said: "what is depicted on the ground is the archaic soul locking array. This array is extremely profound. I have studied it for many years, but I still can't work out the mystery. It's impossible to crack this array."

Tang long looked at the array depicted on the ground and quickly judged that it was indeed a very profound and complicated array.

Although this array is not very large, it contains the law of evolution of the universe, contains the law of life, contains many profound and mysterious laws!

"It seems that it is really difficult to crack this array in a short time." Tang long looked at the archaic soul locking array, turned his head and said, "although this array is really profound and complicated, I believe I still have a way to crack this array."

Ice fire old man wryly: "I have studied this array for so many years, but I have no way. Young man, even if you have high attainments in the array, it is definitely not easy to crack this array."

Tang Long said: "master, to tell you the truth, I actually signed the spirit contract with many energy life bodies. These energy life bodies were super strong existence hundreds of thousands of years ago, even tens of millions of years ago. Only because of some difficulties, they were seriously damaged and their strength was greatly weakened. They were trapped in some places and finally rescued by me. They would stay with me He has high attainments in the array! "

When the old man heard Tang Long's words, his eyes suddenly showed a strange light: "do you mean that there are ancient energy beings around you who are proficient in array?"

"Yes." Tang Long said, direct mind move, will Xuanyuan Tianzhen, will cut the sky and so on, will eight people are all summoned from the sky flag.

They came out of the flag together and looked at the environment here. They all felt a little curious.

But they didn't feel how hot the room was.

This is not surprising. Although this room is in the magma, because the defense and isolation boundaries arranged here are very strong and have strong isolation ability, the terrible high temperature outside will not spread in at all.

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