Tang Long knows that both Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf are very concerned about the situation in the southern part of Daqian world.

He looked at them and said, "the development of the southern part of the world is not bad. Everything is still under control." Then, after a pause, he looked at Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf and said, "next, you are ready to retreat. When the time is right, you will leave the blood Temple together!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Dongguo wild wolf and Xiuli long crane's eyes are filled with joy.

Xiuli Changhe even said: "let's find a way to send someone to the blood demon kingdom. There are some family members in the blood demon kingdom. As for the matter of the blood demon holy city, we can easily arrange it. We don't have many people in the blood demon city. We can go after a walk."

Dongguo wolf followed: "we plan to find a way to transfer our family members in the blood demon world, and then we will leave together."

Tang Long stopped them and said, "the people of the blood demon kingdom must not come here. Now the dark gate has been controlled by zunshang. Once many people leave the blood demon world in a hurry and arrive here, it will be very difficult to hide them from you. When the Lord suspects, we will all be in great danger!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf get nervous.

Xiuli Changhe said: "once the war in the land of beasts is over, many things will certainly not be hidden. If our family members do not move away together, I'm afraid we will attack our family members when the Venerable Master knows everything!"

Tang Long said: "I have other arrangements for the blood demon world." After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "it's really time to prepare for the blood demon world, otherwise I'm afraid everything will be too late by then."

Hearing Tang Long's words, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf both have a bright eye. They recognize that Tang Long's words have meaning.

Dongguo wolf asked in a hurry: "Tang long, do you have some arrangements in the blood demon world?"

Tang Long said: "in the blood demon world, I do have arrangements. I have controlled a continent in the blood demon world for a long time. Strictly speaking, there is not only one continent. It is very secret. Our family members can ensure absolute security when they pass by."

Hearing Tang Long say so, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf are relieved.

Tang long looked at the two humanitarians: "you will send someone to go back to the blood demon Kingdom quietly and arrange your family members quietly, but you must not make too big moves. Only deal with the things that need to be handled in your home. Everything will wait for my news. Moreover, the people here in the blood demon city also need to be transferred back to the blood demon world as far as possible. It is relatively safer in the blood demon kingdom."

After a pause, Tang long continued: "when the war in the land of beasts is coming to an end, and when the warriors of the demon clan appear in a large area, our plan of retreat can begin."

Xiuli long crane and Dongguo wild wolf looked at each other, and then Xiuli long crane looked at Tang Long and said, "we will arrange according to what you said."

Tang Long knew that not only did he leave Changhe, but they also had to prepare for the retreat, as did the magic incense family.

Next, the enchanting land of the blood demon world will become very important.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "bing'er, you should inform Zhong Li family and other family members who are still in the blood demon holy city as soon as possible, and tell them to prepare for the personnel transfer immediately. You can arrange this matter

Dongfang bing'er said: "don't worry, I will let the generals and Tang Kuo inform them of this matter."

Tang Long said: "in addition, we should pay attention to the situation of Danshi League at any time to prevent the Dan gods from being sent to the land of beasts. Those Dan gods are very powerful. At the critical time, if we can, we should find a way to take these Dan gods away."

"Good." Oriental ice son way: "this matter I will let Qing Luan attention."

Next, Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf discussed this matter with Tang Long here. They left in a hurry.

After they left, Dongfang bing'er looked at Tang Long and asked, "my husband, will you keep an eye on our Tang house?"

"Not for the time being." Tang Long's eyes were full of meditation. After a moment, he said: "the statue of the blood temple is obviously very cunning. Before he pretended to be investigating the people of the demons, he had already made a decision. In fact, he didn't care who was the devil family in the Baili family and so on. He investigated those things just for the demons His real intention is to kill all the families when the time is up, and use the ruthless means that you can't let go of your mistakes! "

Oriental ice son worried: "Gao Tianye there will be danger?" After a pause, he continued, "if Gao Tianye is in danger, will not many of your plans come to nothing?"

Tang Long is very sure: "Gao Tianye is very safe!"

Oriental ice son Leng Leng Leng Leng: "why shine Canglong, these families have such a big thing, Gao Tianye can be very safe?"

Tang Long said: "Gao Tianye has the power of demons, which has been known for a long time. Moreover, no matter whether it is the glory of Canglong or the Baili family, all the plots against me, all the people of the demons who appeared at that time are obviously involved in Gao Tianye. The reason why Gao Tianye doesn't move Gao Tianye now is that he has guessed that Gao Tianye has a great price to live ValueAfter a pause, Tang long continued: "in order not to move Gao Tianye, zunshang will not even move Gaofu for the time being. I think that there must be a very serious problem in Gaofu!"

Dongfang bing'er said: "Gao Tianye is connected with the demons. The people in the blood temple have already known that Gao Tianye will continue to use Gao Tianye again? What value can Gao Tianye have? Why didn't the demons kill Gao Tianye

Tang Long's mouth showed a meaningful smile, and his deep eyes showed a ray of wisdom: "such a man in the light is the battlefield where the ancestor of the devil and the ancestor of the blood devil compete for intelligence. They have arranged too many plots on Gao Tianye, and both sides have too much speculation. Many things need to be done with the help of such a person!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Dongfang bing'er immediately understood Tang Long's idea.

She knew that there must have been a lot of true and false news in Gao Tianye's body, which was constantly transmitted to the ears of the devil and the blood devil through Gao Tianye and the people around him.

According to the true and false news, they will judge how many arrangements the other side has in order to make themselves in this conspiracy and ultimately get the maximum benefit.

Without Gao Tianye, whether it is the ancestor of the devil or the ancestor of the blood devil, they have lost the judgment basis of the opponent.

Therefore, although Gao Tianye is in the light, it is extremely safe!

Dongfang bing'er looked at Tang long, a little worried: "husband, you also have a game of chess on Gao Tianye. Is this chess game dangerous?"

Tang Long's game in Gao Tianye is of course very important. Dongfang bing'er is very clear about this game.

Tang Long wants to use Gao Tianye to deal with yingtianhe, and to use the demons to get the seal of the blood god temple. Obviously, Tang Long wants to use Gao Tianye to indirectly use yingtianhe, but in turn, Ying Tianhe also uses Tang Long with Gao Tianye!

These things are intertwined. They are really complicated.

Even if Tang Long is not careful in this matter, there will certainly be great danger.

Tang long did not worry about his own danger in this matter. He looked at Dongfang bing'er and said with a smile: "Gao Tianye is in a complex situation. Now he must be frightened every day. He now places great hopes on me. I hope I can help him solve the devil power in his body. I will take the absolute initiative in this respect."

After a pause, he followed: "even though he is not afraid of death, even if Ying Tianhe knows about this matter, Ying Tianhe will completely hide my secret, because he has a bigger plot on me. Unfortunately, he doesn't know the real comprehensive strength of the Tang government. This is the key to my victory."

Dongfang bing'er thought for a while and worried, "but where is the blood temple? Gao Tianye is surrounded by people from the blood temple, and these people control Gao Tianye in the light. "

Tang Long said: "you don't have to worry about this side of the blood temple. Gao Tianye doesn't know too many secrets about me. At most, he knows that I have a little way to refine his demon power. Moreover, I haven't successfully studied the means of refining. Even if it is passed to the blood temple, it's no big deal!"

Dongfang bing'er said: "what if the people in the blood Temple attach great importance to this matter, come to you for inquiry, or take you away directly, and let you study the power of the devil

Tang Long said: "I have been prepared for this point. Before that, mordantianjue asked me to study the power of the devil. I told him that it was not easy. If the people from the blood god temple came to me, I thought that the person who came to me must be mo Tianjue. I would tell Mo Tianjue that I was trying to get Gao Tianye's secret. I said that on purpose The light of hope to Gao Tianye deceives him

"I will tell Mo Tianjue that I can't quench the power of the devil now, and he will surely believe these words."

Dongfang bing'er said: "what if it's not the devil who comes to you?"

Tang Long said: "even if it's not devil Tianjue who comes to me or someone from the blood temple comes to me, they will still believe my words, because it's extremely difficult to quench the power of the devil. If I didn't have the power of light and realized the law of reproduction, even I couldn't have done it."

After a pause, Tang Long went on: "as long as I don't let them know that I can use the power of the light, or let them know that I understand the law of reproduction, everything will be OK!"

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