Tang long used the sea to explore the surrounding situation.

But at this time, Tang Long's heart suddenly rose a very dangerous feeling.

This feeling comes from the top of his head.

At this time, above his head, suddenly, an extremely terrible energy, containing a deep breath of cold and cold, bombarded him fiercely!

"The power of the blood devil!"

Tang Long explored the energy, felt the nature of the energy, and made a judgment in his heart.

He knew that this energy was definitely the power of blood demons.

He was very surprised. What he had seen before was the power of the devil. At this time, the powerful energy coming from the attack was actually the power of the blood devil!

"In this demon temple, not only the existence of the devil's power is sealed, but also the existence of the blood devil's power is sealed. This is really surprising to me. Who is the person who built this demon temple?"

Tang long thought in his mind that he had tried his best to condense the vitality, the power of chaotic fire and the power of Jiuyou Tianhan.

Then his fist burst out a powerful energy, towards the air of this bombardment from the blood Demon power, directly is mercilessly resisted up.

He has already inspired the power of the universe by attacking the demon bull before, and has also used the means to enhance his strength.

At this time, these means to enhance the strength are still there.

In addition, Tang Long summoned his magic weapons, wanhun tower and Zhentian Ding. Just now, they were pulled here by the powerful pulling force, just above the head of Tang long.

Among the two magic weapons, the law of gravity and the law of seal burst out, covering the whole space around Tang long.

Tang Long's fist contains the law of explosion, which condenses the power of chaotic sky fire and the power of holy light. It bombards the sky fiercely. It directly collides with the blood Demon power bombarded from the sky!


The collision made Tang Long's fist numb.

Fortunately, the powerful blood Demon power above his head has been smashed by the energy contained in his fist.

However, the energy of the blood Demon power just broke, and Tang Long suddenly felt that a powerful blood Demon power had exploded in front of him in a place not far away from him!

"What the hell is this?"

Tang Long was shocked because he explored the situation around here with the help of the vast sea. He did not find any life around him.

There is no energy life here, only a stream of energy attacking him.

Even the energy of the blood demon's power attacking him was totally inexplicable. Before it was generated, even the force of space did not explode, and even the air gushed. The energy was suddenly condensed around him.

What's more, the power of the power of blood demons from the attack is extremely powerful. Even if you are a warrior in the six level and seven level realm of Tianzu, it will be very difficult to resist such sudden attacks!

"There should be a strong attack array here!"

"It's just that the attack array is obviously different from the general attack array. When the energy is condensed, there will be traces, at least there will be a flow of strength. However, the launch of this attack array is traceless, which is extremely high and deep!"

Tang long thought in his mind that his body moved, and his fist had been pounded out in front of him:

"emperor level thundering fist!"

The fist is the force of the fist.

But at this time, it was in this moment that Tang Long suddenly felt that there was a powerful blood demon's power over his head, behind his back, and on both sides of himself, and attacked him!


Tang Long was shocked!

His fist has collided with the energy of the blood Demon power in front of him. All of a sudden, there are so many powerful blood demons around him. It's too late for him to resist the attack!

Such a powerful attack, as long as you bear it, you will be seriously injured, not to mention that there are several powerful energies around you at the same time!

"Blood god mask!"

In the end, Tang Long's mind remained calm. Even at the most dangerous and tense time, even though he could not see everything around him, he still made the fastest decision.

The blood god shield is the self-contained defense means of Ruyi Demon Armor, which can directly increase the Tang dragon's own defense power by 100 times in this defense!

This is already a means of absolute defense.

Not to mention, at this time, Tang Long still displayed various means to enhance its strength, but also displayed the power of the universe.

This time, the defense of the blood god mask is extremely strong.

"BoomThe power of blood demons in all directions were severely bombarded on the cover of blood god.

The shield of blood God did not break, which completely resisted several powerful attacks around.

In the mask of blood god, Tang Long is safe and sound.

"It seems that the sudden attack around here is not only one. At any time, anywhere, anywhere around, it is possible to suddenly generate a powerful energy of blood Demon power, and as soon as this energy is generated, it will directly attack me!"

"Even around here, there will suddenly be a lot of powerful energy to attack me at the same time!"

"The most important thing is that the attack power of this sudden energy is extremely powerful, which makes me hard to resist!"

"In this case, I just try my best to resist it. It won't last long at all. In this way, my energy will be consumed very quickly, and it will make me extremely passive."

"Now the best way is to dodge!"

Thinking of this, Tang Long's mind moved. He applied the law of speed and space to the limit. He calmed down and explored the surroundings, mainly feeling his own feelings.

He fully inspired the power of the sixth sense, relying on the sixth sense to detect the sudden attack around him and dodge as fast as possible. Only in this way can he ensure that he will not be attacked by this powerful energy.

At the same time, he knew that he had to analyze and study the situation here, otherwise he would not dodge for long. After all, he not only inspired the power of the universe, but also cast the archaic thunder curse in the fierce battle with the demon giant bull.

These two powerful powers have been used for such a long time. Even if he is now, he can't persist for a long time, let alone fight with the demon giant bull. He has already consumed a lot of energy.

"In 20 minutes, I have to get out of this situation!"

Tang long thought in his mind that he would exert the law of swallowing and absorbing the turbulent energy between heaven and earth as much as possible, so that his vitality could be supplemented, and he could persist in this dangerous environment for a longer time.

And he has to maximize the laws of speed and space.

With concentration and concentration, Tang Long explored the dangers around him at any time with his sixth sense, and tried to dodge by using the laws of speed and space.

It was always in absolute darkness, and there was no light.

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