One hundred and eight ghosts appeared and all attacked the eight masters.

Then the flag was called out by Tang long.

When the eight soldiers of the blood demon clan who were bound in the distance saw the glittering flag of Fengtian on the top of the dragon head of Tang Dynasty, they were deeply shocked and greedy:

"my God, this is the sky sealing flag!"

"The boy is carrying the flag of the heaven. What is his identity?"

"Quick, kill him for me, we must kill him, as long as we kill him, we only need to leave here, the world is us, the whole heaven and earth is ours!"

"Let's use the best means to control the body and kill him as quickly as possible!"


At this time, the eight bound warriors burst out with powerful blood Demon power, and the blood Demon power also contains many mysterious blood red runes.

These blood runes contain the power of life.

The blood red Rune flew towards the eight avatars and directly integrated into the eight avatars.

All of a sudden, the fighting power of these eight avatars has been improved a lot.

Under the fierce attack of the eight avatars, the wolf of purple fire was directly smashed into forty or fifty heads. Although the ghosts came up and surrounded them, they were all directly bombarded and flew out.

Then all of them rushed towards Tang Long fiercely!

Tang Long's eyes are full of pride.

"Since I have summoned the flag, you can't be alive. Today, I will solve you anyway!"

With that, Tang Long's mind moved, and the sky sealing flag directly rose above his head. In the flag, a group of golden light energy beams flew out one after another.

These energy light groups are all integrated into the body of those purple fire wolves, into the body of each ghost.

Suddenly, the fighting power of ghost and Wolf of purple fire was improved a lot.

Next, Tang Long launched the constellation totem array depicted on the Fengtian flag. The totems of the twelve constellations were condensed in the Fengtian flag. Then all the constellation gods and beasts with the energy condensed all flew out and attacked the martial masters of these blood demons.

In the distance, the warriors of the eight blood demons bound on the pillar did not expect Tang long to have such a means.

They stare at Tang long one by one, and the shock in their eyes becomes more and more obvious.

They didn't expect Tang long to be so difficult!

One of the warriors stared at Tang Long and said coldly, "boy, since you are here, you are doomed to be swallowed by us. Do you think your current means can deal with our original incarnation? And since none of the people who controlled us before could kill us, do you think you would be able to kill us? "

"If I can kill you, you will soon know!"

Tang Long said that he had condensed four swords of law: tianxie magic Dao, tianxie ghost Dao, Canghai Baodao, and xueyin Dao!

These Dao of laws contain not only the power of stars, but also the power of chaos and cold!

Even it contains the law of explosion, the law of lightning!

The sword of law condenses out, and Tang Long immediately displays the archaic thunder curse.

The power of Taigu thunder mantra is extremely powerful, which can make Tang Long's combat power soar to a great extent in a short period of time.

With the archaic thunder curse, Tang Long's attack becomes more fierce.

He stares at the weakest one of the eight avatars in front of him. He must kill the weakest one first!

His mind moved, so that the wolf of purple fire and so on were directly surrounded by several other avatars. His body flashed, and in a flash, he was in front of the weakest one.

This is the original incarnation whose fighting power reaches the sixth level of Tianzu.

With Tang Long's fighting power now, there will be no difficulty in dealing with such a powerful body.

What he was afraid of was the most powerful self incarnation here, which was the original incarnation of Tianzu's eight battle forces.

There are three in total here!

Tang long had to wait until the last moment to deal with the three heavenly ancestors' eight powers of combat power. Now he must first destroy the ancestor's six fighting abilities.

"Lei Yan destroys soul!"

The deep voice rings out, which contains a strong sound wave concussion force, so that the surrounding space is layer by layer concussion.

At this time, Tang Long's body has burst out the vast and powerful atmosphere of the sea.

His figure flashed, and suddenly disappeared!

The disappearance of this time surprised the Tianzu of the eight blood demons who were bound.

At this time, the eight heavenly ancestors had already felt that the power of space surged up over the head of the father of Zuzu's six forces of combat power, and then an extremely domineering and powerful momentum suddenly burst out.Under the cover of this momentum, the whole space here has produced a terrible distortion, and even the energy between heaven and earth is solidified because of the distortion of this space!

"No, this is the force of space distortion and space solidification!"

"This boy has such a profound understanding of the laws of space. He not only exerts space transfer, but also exerts the force of space distortion and space solidification at the same time."

The eyes of the eight bound warriors were deeply shocked.

At this time, they suddenly felt that a powerful pressure of hegemony broke out. This kind of pressure was like an invisible mountain. It even overwhelmed their hearts and made them feel a little scared.

"How can this be possible? The boy should be..."


The eight warriors were still shocked. A fierce and domineering sword had been cut down from the sky like lightning, and it was directly and violently chopped on the top of the head of the immortal who had only the sixth power of Tianzu.

The Buddha was cut in two at once.

Then the knife awn exploded, which produced a powerful and powerful shock wave, which broke the split body into two parts, and turned into a roaring force to spread and spread!


At this time, a thunderous roar came from the sky. At this time, there was a sharp sword in the sky, and it was chopped down towards the original Buddha of the seventh heaven ancestor.

The knife awn chopped down, and suddenly disappeared, followed by the awn appeared in that day, the seven times of the ancestors of the original division of the head of half a meter.

This is the attack of the law sword of tianxie ghost Dao.


After the law of tianxie ghost Dao reappeared, the blade awn tore the space and roared down. It seemed that it was about to chop on the top of the head of the ancestor Qizhong's original body.

On this day, Zu Qi Chong's head suddenly burst out a fierce blood red light.

The blood red light turns into a blood red sword to resist the attack of Tang long, the sword of law.


The attack of tianxie ghost sword is resisted, and it explodes directly, which smashes the long sword condensed by the blood demon's power.

At this moment, at the moment when the long sword condensed by the power of blood demon explodes, it is also a sharp blade. It contains powerful ice and fire energy, contains the power of stars and the power of holy light. It cuts down like lightning.

This is the attack of tianxie magic sword.

Although he has blocked the attack of tianxie ghost sword, he can no longer resist the attack of tianxie magic sword.

The sword of the law of tianxie magic sword is also extremely aggressive. In an instant, it tears the roaring strong wind and cuts it on the top of the head of the ancestor's seven powerful forces, and then explodes!

On that day, the original body of the seven strong fighting power of Zu was directly smashed by the bombardment!

Such a situation surprised the eight warriors of the blood demons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!