Tang long did not know the name of the blood soul world before, this is the first time I heard of it.

Now that he has the name and a little clue about the origin of the blood demons, it is not so difficult for him to investigate where the bleeding soul world is.

If the blood soul world belongs to the blood demon world, it is a small world belonging to the blood demon world. He has many ways to send it to investigate and find out.

If the blood soul world doesn't belong to the blood demon world at all, he has a way to investigate.

You know, at this time, in his Fengtian flag, they still control many real blood demon spirits, some of which have already explained a lot of things.

"Where is the blood soul world? I can ask them to inquire about the blood demon spirits controlled in the Fengtian flag. As for the eight guys in front of me, they are too powerful, and they are very strange energy life bodies. Don't be careless!"

"The most important thing is that they've been here for so long that they don't know a lot about things now."

Tang long thought, looking at the eight strong Tianzu who were bound on the silver pillars, he looked at the Tianzu in the middle and said, "tell me first where the endless abyss of the blood soul world is. You should at least tell me what continent this place is in and where it is in the world of blood and soul."

In the middle of the day, the ancestor said: "the endless abyss is in the dark land of the blood soul world, in the mountain of death in the black dark land, when you arrive at the dark land, you will naturally know where the endless abyss is."

After a pause, the ancestor continued: "I can tell you for sure that you can't reach the world of blood and soul without us!"

Tang long looked at them and said, "you have said the secret you know. Then, no matter whether the secret is true or not, I have made a decision!"

In the middle of the day, Zu quickly asked, "what decision have you made?"

Tang long looked at the warrior, and his eyes suddenly became extremely fierce. He said in a cold voice, "I will never do anything to let go of the tiger, so I decided that I can't let you go anyway!"

As he said that, his mind moved, and the chaotic fire burst out of the heaven and earth cauldron suddenly rose.

And at this time, in Tang Long's body, the raging chaos of the sky fire also broke out madly, integrated into the heaven and earth cauldron, combined with the energy from the eternal star, more quickly and ferociously refined the warriors of the eight blood demons.

The warriors of these eight blood demons did not expect that Tang Long was determined to kill them. In their eyes, there was extreme panic.

They glared at Tang Long and said in a loud voice:

"young man, you let us go. As long as you let us go, we promise that we will not let you regret it in the future!"

"We can give you everything you want!"

"Stop it, or you will regret it. We know a lot of secrets!"

"There is a huge secret in the place we just said. If we die, even if you go there, you won't get the nine star parting flower. If you go, you will surely die!"

Tang long did not stop, but the tone of his voice softened.

Looking at the warriors of the eight blood demons, he said, "the secret you told me just now is not enough to liberate all eight of you. If you know more secrets, you can tell me!"

After a pause, he added: "for example, how can we reach the blood soul realm? What is the secret of the blood devil's soul? Where does the soul of blood demon come from? Where does the spirit of blood demon come from? I want to know all this! "

Hearing Tang Long's words, the eyes of the eight blood demons suddenly showed a shock!

One of them glared at Tang Long: "do you know the secret of our blood demon soul?"

"Of course I know!" Tang Long snorted: "I know that the spirits of bloodthirsty masters and bloodthirsty demons are actually the furnace cauldrons cultivated by your blood demons, and the containers you cultivate!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, the eight demons looked at each other, and then the power of life began to spread wildly on them!

Tang Long explores this kind of situation, in the heart also can't help but some surprise.

Because he knows, these eight guys are obviously using a very strange way, is to let themselves die as soon as possible!

They're going to kill themselves!

"These eight guys asked me to let them go. It's very likely that they didn't have good intentions at all. They must have found out that I was the spirit of a bloodthirsty demon. They thought that after they were free, they could directly use the soul moving method to get my container!"

"It's a pity that I am not the spirit of the bloodthirsty Lord at all, and I will never let them go!"

"Anyway, at least one thing I've been able to confirm is that they are the real blood demon spirits, and they are also the energy life bodies that have been refined and produced mysterious changes."

Tang long thought, at this time also no more to say, condense the power of chaos fire, burning these eight energy life bodies faster!Tang Long is very curious about the blood and soul world mentioned by these eight guys.

He is also very concerned about the nine star parting flower.

However, he is not willing to take risks, because the strength of these eight people is too strong, they are all energy life bodies, and they are obviously very cunning. In case of any accident, he will be very dangerous, because many of his secrets have been known by these eight people.

"I can ask them to interrogate the spirits of the blood demons in Fengtian flag about the blood soul world. Moreover, I have many opportunities to deal with the blood demons in the future. I don't believe that I can't find out these secrets!"

"The most important thing is that I don't have much time right now. The war in the land of beasts is about to start. I want to finish the work here as soon as possible, and then return to the other side of the land of beasts."

Tang long tried to refine the warriors of the eight blood demons.

At this time, the warriors of the eight blood demons didn't say a word more.

The vitality of their bodies contains the brand of life, and they are beginning to lose more and more quickly. Obviously, they are determined to commit suicide and die quickly.

Tang Long was not surprised when he explored their situation. The eight men were detained here. The people who held them must have interrogated them about many things, but they obviously didn't say anything about them.

Obviously, these eight guys are very strict.

Therefore, Tang Long is not sure whether the news about the nine star parting flower is true or not. This is probably just a lie fabricated by these guys.

Tang Long condensed the power of the holy light and integrated into them.

They are no longer resistant to the invasion of the power of light, nor to the burning and refining of chaos.

In this way, the speed of Tanglong refining them was obviously much faster, and then almost an hour later, the eight energy life bodies were thoroughly refined by Tang Long!

Their brand of life has been completely broken, the breath of life has no longer existed.

After a while, their very special energy life body also gradually dissipated, and soon disappeared.

Because of the disappearance of the eight energy life bodies, the seal of the lock soul arranged by the chain will also disappear automatically. At this time, the chain has fallen to the ground.

One end of the chain was still attached to the silver pillar.

Tang Long walked past and went to one of the silver pillars. After looking at the pillar, he knew that it was also made of Holy Light crystal.

The pillars are connected to the ground, and many profound and complex runes are depicted on the pillars, which contain the power of soul locking!

Tang Long looks at the chain on the ground.

This chain is not made of Holy Light crystal, but made of a very special metal material. Tang long can't see what the metal material is. Tang long can only find out that the metal material contains powerful power of holy light.

Obviously, this metal material is not ordinary material.

Tang Long picked up the chain and tried hard to break it. But he tried his best to pull the chain. All of a sudden, he was surprised by the tenacity of the chain.

"This chain is very strange. It is not a magic weapon, but at least it can be regarded as a high-level artifact. It is extremely hard, and Tang Long has been pulling it constantly."

He looked at the chain carefully and saw that many mysterious runes were depicted on the chain.

These runes are extremely complex and extremely strange.

Tang long looked at these runes carefully, but even he could not understand the profound meaning of these runes.

"Anyway, I'll take the chain first, and it may be useful later."

Tang long thought in his mind that he was going to see the joint where the chain was connected to the silver pillar. He wanted to find a way to cancel the chain, but suddenly he felt a powerful force of space behind him suddenly burst out from a place.

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