At this time, Tang Long was also with Tang Kuo. In the tower of time, he tempered the silver pearl that he had obtained in the temple of sealing demons, that is, the magic weapon of holy light God ox, and tempered the magic weapon into his magic weapon.

The magic weapon of Shengguang Shenniu is very powerful, even compared with the Holy Light gourd that Tang Long got before.

After all this, Tang Long asked Tang Kuo to continue their practice in the ninth emperor's mansion. He took the tower of time, contacted Ling Qingyao in his heart, and summoned the wisdom heart gate between him and Ling Qingyao, and appeared in front of Ling Qingyao.

Ling Qingyao is still in Zhuque city.

At this time, she and Tang long are in a training room in Zhuque city.

Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao and asked, "Xiaomeng, are they all in Zhuque city?"

Ling Qingyao said: "Xiaomeng and Feixue have gone to Baihu city together. This is the arrangement of master Qianji Baiyu. Shifu means that the battle of Zhuque city is about to start. This is a battle that must be defeated, and it must also be a disastrous defeat. Therefore, it must be very dangerous. Our strength is not enough. It is better not to stay in Zhuque city during the war."

Tang Long agreed: "it's right that you don't stay in Zhuque city. Together in White Tiger City, there is a transmission array leading to Zhuque city and a transmission array leading to Qinglong city. If there is any situation in Zhuque City, you can return to Zhuque city at any time."

White Tiger City is also a war city that Tang Long prepared in advance to be destroyed.

Now the White Tiger City is very quiet, there are few people in it, only some of the ancestors arranged by xunkong are dealing with some basic things.

Now the White Tiger City has been covered by a large psychedelic array arranged in advance.

The same is true of Qinglong city.

Only the city of rosefinch is fully exposed.

Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and said, "husband, I'm going to take you to see the masters. They have gathered together more than 20 new Tianzu from the great world, so that you can explore their spirits."

"Good!" Tang long promised that he had changed his appearance by using magic power.

He changed his appearance into the image of Tang long, the first in the sea of spirits.

From now on, whether it's Zhuque City, Qinglong City, or white tiger City, he will appear in this way, so as not to endanger his identity in the blood temple.

When he was in batian city and in the city of ice and snow, he would appear like No. 4 Tang long in the Linghai.

In the holy city of blood demons, of course, he was what he was.

When Ling Qingyao and other Tang dragons are ready, they cancel the isolation and defense barriers in the training room, and take Tang long to find Qianji Baiyu.

Then everything went well.

Tang Long explored the situation of the more than 20 Tianzu who came to Zhuque city. They were all spirits of the whole world, and there was no blood Demon power or demon power on them.

What's more, the powerful Tianzu gathered in Zhuque city at this time have already known that Tang Long is the one who has been searching for the blood god in the world, and the one who can detect the soul of the blood devil.

These martial artists don't know more about Tang long. Only Meng Haoran can fully understand the more complicated situation of Tang long.

Ling Qingyao had already gone to white tiger city.

After exploring the spirits of the more than 20 heavenly ancestors, Tang long had a general understanding of the basic situation of Zhuque city.

At present, all kinds of defense and isolation barriers have been opened in Zhuque City, and all kinds of defenses in the city have been completed, waiting for the opening of the war.

The comprehensive combat power of Zhuque city is now very strong.

In addition to the more than 20 Tianzu in the world that Tang long had just explored, there are now quite a few Tianzu in Zhuque city. There are 245 Tianzu in Zhuque city!

Among the 245 heavenly ancestors, five are strong in the nine levels of Tianzu, and there are more than a dozen warriors in the eight levels of Tianzu.

With such a strong comprehensive strength, it is not easy to win the city as soon as possible, even if the blood demon ancestor of the blood god temple comes in person.

In addition to these Tianzu strongmen, Zhuque city has a total of 1000 earth ancestors.

All of them were from LingXiao palace, Qingyun sect, and some Taigu clan people who were rescued by Qianji Baiyu.

Of course, these people are also very safe. Tang Long has been exploring their spirits to ensure that there is absolutely no demon or blood demon among them.

There are 1000 strong local ancestors here. They control the formation of some places in Zhuque city. In addition, they do some logistical work.

It was the 245 heavenly ancestors who took part in the battle.

These Tianzu, Meng Haoran as the commander-in-chief, and Qianji Baiyu followed Guan Tianqing as the Deputy commander-in-chief.

The three of them are responsible for the dispatch of the strong in Zhuque city!Tang Long is in charge of the whole situation here.

He wants to control the whole trend of the war, and the launch and control of the most important array in Zhuque City, and the use of Shanshui Tianmen array, etc., all of which are under his control.

Zhuge Lingyun and the purple emperor picked the stars. They all went to batian city before. They would not participate in the battle of Zhuge city. Now they are all hidden in the magic light city over there!

The city of magic light now has a total of 119 Tianzu strongmen in the world. Of course, these people do not include the Dragon guards and other people.

Tang Long has a comprehensive understanding of the current situation of Zhuque City, and his heart is full of blood.

He has been preparing for the war in the land of beasts for so long, and now it is finally about to start!

He looked at Qianji Baiyu and said, "master, before the battle of Zhuque city is opened, I will go to the closed door first. I will make many scrolls. When the war starts, you can call me immediately. I will go to the White Tiger City first!"

"Good!" Qianji Baiyu nodded and said, "you can rest assured to be busy with you. As long as the war begins, I will send someone to call you right away!"

Tang long no longer said much, turned and left, through the Zhuque city to the White Tiger City transmission array, directly to the White Tiger City.

White Tiger City is very quiet now. There are only more than 100 people in total.

These more than 100 people are from LingXiao palace, and they are all martial arts of ancestral territory. They are mainly responsible for the security work around them.

It should be because the whole white tiger city is blocked by the enchantment boundary. People outside see that this is just a wasteland. Moreover, the White Tiger City is far away from the rosefinch City, and the location is not obvious. Therefore, they do not worry about how much danger will happen outside the White Tiger City in a short time.

When Tang Long arrived in the White Tiger City, he went to a very spacious basement in the White Tiger City, summoned the time tower, and then went to the time tower to make self exploding scrolls.

Some time ago, he was too busy, so he had not finished making this self exploding scroll. He had to make 200 self exploding scrolls. Now he has made more than 100 self exploding scrolls, which is still far from complete.

Ling Qingyao, Feixue and Meng Xiaomeng are all in white tiger city. These days they all go to the tower of time to accompany Tang long.

Tang Long was so busy and tired that he talked to them and relaxed.

Time is in a hurry. Tang Long is busy in the tower of time. He has been busy for a month.

Outside the tower of time, only one day has passed.

In this day, there has been a movement outside the city of rosefinch. The people in the blood temple have begun to mobilize. There are a lot of people in the blood temple. Among them, there are more than 500 strong Tianzu!

Moreover, in addition to the Tianzu strongmen, there are more than 2000 dizu strongmen.

There are even many variations.

These mutant deities are basically wild animals, which have reached the high level and even the peak combat power of dizu.

The mutated beast is much more powerful than the ordinary beast of the same level, and it is very difficult to kill the mutant beast. , the fastest update of the webnovel!