Next, Ling Qingyao hurriedly arranged some things about White Tiger City and Qinglong city. Tang Long also wanted to leave immediately to meet Gao Tianye in the city of genius.

Now it's night outside the tower of time. Both Dongfang binger and Beigong Xianer are in the Tang mansion of the city of genius.

Dongfang bing'er came to the city of genius to discuss some things with Beigong Xianer. At this time, the matter had been discussed and knew that Gao Tianye was coming. Dongfang bing'er didn't want Gao Tianye to see her in the Tang mansion, the city of genius. So he told Tang long in his heart, and then quietly went back to the city of genius through the peach blossom forest in the backyard of the city of genius.

Beigong Xianer is waiting for Tang long to come in a training room in the city of genius.

Through the Huixin gate between Tang Long and Beigong Xianer, Tang Long goes to Beigong Xianer, looks at Beigong Xianer and asks, "is Gao Tianye alone?"

"Yes." Beigong xian'er nodded and said, "he took shenglingdan and changed his appearance. He was very cautious. He even changed his appearance into a young girl. It's quite like him!"

Tang Long said: "no matter how easy he looks and makes-up, his whereabouts will surely be watched by the blood demons and demons. Especially the demons, they must be watching him closely. He can't escape from the control of the demons!"

Beigong Xianer asked, "will he bring you any danger when he comes to our Tang house like this?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "everyone knows that Gao Tianye came to me to solve his demonic power. This matter is very clear to the God of blood and Ying Tianhe of demons. Therefore, he will not pose any danger to me when he comes to the Tang mansion."

"The North Palace fairy son way:" still be careful a bit

Tang Long said: "don't worry. After tonight, Gao Tianye will not appear in front of us again. I think this is the last time he will come to see me."

"Do you mean Gao Tianye is going to die?" he asked

Tang Long nodded and said: "Gao Tianye's value stops at the chaos of the blood demon holy city. The chaos of the blood demon holy city is the biggest plan of the demons and the biggest plan of yingtianhe. After tonight, the plan will start to start. When the plan reaches a critical level, Ying Tianhe will surely kill Gao Tian Wild, so as not to change the plan! "

With that, Tang Long directly cancelled the isolation and defense barriers of the cultivation room, and took Beigong Xianer's hand: "let's go and see Gao Tianye's last side!"

Gao Tianye is already waiting for Tang long in a study in Tang Fu, the city of genius.

What's more, he had already removed his skill of transfiguration and restored his original appearance, but he did not restore his strength and breath, so that the effect of shenglingdan he took would not disappear.

Tang Long came to see Gao Tianye on his own. Beigong Xianer did not follow him. She went to the living room to sit in order not to disturb the meeting between Tang Long and Gao Tianye.

Beigong Xianer knows that this meeting between Tang Long and Gao Tianye this evening plays a crucial role in the whole war situation.

This is a secret meeting, which can't be known by the people in the blood temple.

Tang Long went to Gao Tianye's study and opened the isolation and defense barriers of the study. Gao Tianye had already looked at him and said, "Tang long, have you figured out the way to solve the devil's power?"

Tang Long sighed: "it's not so easy. You can't be too anxious. Last time I told you, you have to wait for a while. Now it's only a long time. You can urge me!"

Gao Tianye said anxiously: "I can't help it. I heard that the war on the land of beasts has already started. And just yesterday, mordantianjue went to me personally and asked me to tell him all the names of the demons I knew. He would give me freedom, otherwise he would arrest me!"

Tang Long asked, "how do you answer the Lord of magic heaven?"

Gao Tianye said: "for the sake of temporary safety, I can only tell the devil Tianjue some things. I told a lot of things about the devil clan that I knew. I sold several dead men's hidden strongholds. It's enough for him to be busy for a while."

Then he sighed: "I'm being watched almost all the time by the demons and the two groups of people in the blood temple. As long as I do something that makes them dissatisfied, they may kill me at any time!"

Tang Long asked, "the devil people around you, why don't you tell the devil Tianjue?"

Gao Tianye said: "how dare I move this man? His strength is stronger than me, and he has magic rune. I am under his control at any time. If he wants me to die, I will die. I must listen to him in everything before my demonic power is relieved, or I will die without a grave

After a pause, he continued: "most importantly, I can see that there are many big figures of the demon clan hiding behind him. I can't escape from their control."

After that, Gao Tianye sighed again, looked at Tang Long and said with a bitter smile: "to be honest, all the information about the demons that I have told you about the demon family has actually been approved by the people of the demon family around me. I don't know what he is thinking. He is going to sell so many people of the demon family. I'm at his mercy now, or I'll die at any time 。”Tang Long asked, "did you come to me this time, or did you want to come by yourself, or did the devil people around you let you come?"

Gao Tianye said: "of course, I want to come by myself, but I can't avoid his sight. With his permission, I said that I came to you to take the 400 healing elixirs you made for me. This reason is very suitable."

Tang Long curiously said: "since you have obtained his permission, why do you want to change your appearance? Do you still take shenglingdan

Gao Tianye said: "this is what he asked. He said that if I come to the Tang mansion now, I can't be found by anyone in the blood temple. In this way, I'm more safe, and you can be more safe."

Tang long had a sudden curiosity: "that demon clan's people would even consider my safety?"

Gao Tianye said: "he hopes you can help them refine more elixirs. He even said that if possible, he would like to cooperate with you, but this cooperation may need to be discussed later."

Tang Long said: "last time you asked me to help you refine healing elixir, I have finished refining."

Said, he is to stand up: "you wait a moment, I'll get it."

Gao Tianye nodded.

Tang Long removed the isolation barrier in his study. He walked out of the study and went into a training room not far away. Then he summoned golden monkey and asked him to go to Tianling garden to find pig ganghye and take out the elixirs.

The Tang dragons were refined by the soul of pig Gang hye's puppet. They had been refined long ago and put in the heavenly spirit garden.

Golden monkey took out the box containing the elixir from Tianling garden and gave it to Tang long.

Tang Long left the training room, and soon returned to Gao Tianye's study, reopening the isolation and defense barriers in the study.

Then, he handed the box to Gao Tianye: "the elixirs are all here. You can take them to the people of the demons clan."

Gao Tianye took the box, did not open it, directly received the space ring.

Tang Long asked, "do you want me to continue refining elixir for them? If they have this demand, if they can give me a satisfactory reward, I will still agree

Last time Gao Tianye gave him that magic gourd, he sent it to great use.

If the demons can still give him such a magic weapon, he doesn't mind refining some more miraculous elixir for them.

Gao Tianye said with a bitter face: "Tang long, you'd better seize the time to help me study the power of the devil. I really don't have much time!"

After a pause, he asked, "to what extent have you studied the power of demons?"

Tang Long said: "my recent research has gained a lot. I am sure that I can quench the devil's power from you. However, if I use this method to refine the devil's power, it will pose a great threat to the spirits. If this problem is solved, everything will be OK."

Gao Tianye asked in a hurry: "how long will it take to solve this problem?"

Tang long thought for a moment and said, "I haven't had many other things recently. I've been working hard on this issue. I guess ten days is enough!"

Gao Tianye said in a hurry: "can't it be faster? It must take ten days? "

Tang Long glared at Gao Tianye with dissatisfaction: "I've been fast enough. You forget it. Last time I told you that it will take a long time. Now it only takes 10 days. This is very fast. You think it's easy to study this!"

Gao Tianye sighed: "Tang long, all my hopes are on you. Ten days is ten days. After ten days, you must do what you say, or I will die without a burial place, and you will not be very safe!"

Tang long curled his lips: "what's wrong with me?"

Gao Tianye gritted his teeth and said, "Tang long, to be honest, I have learned from those people of the demon clan that they want to cooperate with you on the surface. In fact, they have planned to deal with you. If you can really help me solve the danger of the devil power in me, I promise you that I will help you get rid of the danger at that time. Otherwise, I will die and you will be afraid Die, too

Tang Long listened to Gao Tianye's words, and his face became angry.

He glared at Gao Tianye and said angrily, "Gao Tianye, are you threatening me? You should know that I helped you with the devil's power. It was out of kindness that you threatened me with this? "

"I'm not threatening you." Gao Tianye seriously said: "it is absolutely true that the demons will kill you, and as far as I know, they are 100% sure they can kill you!"

Tang Long snorted and asked in disbelief, "how are they going to kill me? Do you want to break into our Tang mansion? "

Gao Tianye said: "you helped me to solve the problem of devil power. I will tell you immediately how they want to kill you. I promise, the way they kill you is absolutely beyond your imagination. Now I can only reveal a little to you. This is part of their whole plan. They plan to kill you in the holy city of blood demons, and they will have a way to control you and let you stay there When you have to appear in the holy city of blood demons, you can't hide , the fastest update of the webnovel!