Ye Qingling used huixinmen to contact Tang long. At first, she told Tang long that something had happened to her side and that the sky was going to fall. Tang Long knew that ye Qingling and her side must have met with very important things, which may be a major change.

But ye Qingling said that things over there were not very dangerous.

Tang Long guessed that ye Qingling did not want to delay his side of the matter.

He quickly asked Ye Qingling again in his heart: "ling'er, isn't it really dangerous for you there?"

Ye Qingling said: "it's master long Ao who was poisoned. Nothing else. Now master long Ao is using his energy to suppress the poison. He can't die for a while. However, he may not last long, so you have to come here as soon as possible."

After a pause, ye Qingling went on: "brother long, don't worry, I and yue'er are very good, we have nothing to do."

Tang Long listened to Ye Qingling saying so, but he was also a little relieved.

But he knew that ye Qingling's things would not be very simple, because long Ao Zhan Yun was the patriarch of the Fengling clan, and his strength was very strong, which was already the strength of the double realm of Tianzu.

Such a strong person can be poisoned. The poison must be very serious.

He said to Ye Qingling in his heart: "ling'er, you and yue'er should pay attention to safety. Don't go to other places for the time being. You can rest assured that I will finish my affairs as soon as possible and then go to your side."

"You have to be quick." Ye qinglingdao, the voice dropped, is already cut off the soul contact with Tang long.

Tang Long was very worried at this time.

He was not only worried about ye Qingling's situation, but also about the war in the land of beasts and the situation in the city of rosefinch, which is now in war.

This war is definitely not a joke. If it is not for the dream city, the situation here is very special. He would not come here at all.

At this time, Tang Long quickly contacted Meng Xiaomeng with huixinmen: "Xiaomeng, what's the situation of Zhuque city?"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "the battle in Zhuque city is still in a stalemate, but the people we arranged outside the White Tiger City have found that the warriors with blood temple are moving towards the White Tiger City!"

Tang Long asked, "are there many people in the blood Temple transferred from the White Tiger City?"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "at present, we can only know that people from the blood temple have come to the White Tiger City. After all, we have to be very careful not to be found by them, and their actions are also very careful, so we can't know the real situation."

Tang Long asked, "is there anything wrong with Qinglong city?"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "Qinglong city is very quiet. There is no situation for the moment."

Tang Long frowned at Meng Xiaomeng's words, and thought to himself, "didn't Gao Tianye pass on my words to the demons? If so, the situation of the demons will be bad, and then the demons will have a big fall! "

Then he thought again: "Gao Tianye must be very honest and cooperative in front of the demons. He wants to make himself suffer less, and he has to find a way to get more important information about the demons, so as to be a chip for turning around in the future. Under such circumstances, he can not fail to pay homage to those people of the demon clan."

"The most important thing is that the demons asked Gao Tianye to go to the Tang mansion in the city of genius to find me. The purpose is not so simple. Gao Tianye should not conceal the matter about Qinglong city!"

Tang long thought in his mind, he knew that at this time he could no longer find someone to deliver the message to the demons.

If his behavior of secretly helping the demons is too obvious, the people of the demons will immediately have doubts, and they will think that there must be some major purpose in this way.

Therefore, Tang Long is very cautious in delivering messages to the demons.

"I hope Gao Tianye doesn't let me down."

He thought to himself that he had already flown into the dream city with Ziyang immortal and they had reached the sky of Tianhong palace.

Tang Long explored the temple of Tianhong at the bottom of the hall and quickly determined that there were still some people in the hall at that time, and their strength was not weak.

However, these people did not show up at this time, and the temple of Tianhong was quiet.

"It seems that the Tianhong palace must have been controlled by the demons before. Something happened to the Purple Dragon Castle. I'm afraid we've already got the news. It's possible that there were demons around the Purple Dragon Castle. When we smashed the border in the Purple Dragon Castle and broke the attack array, someone came to the dream city to deliver the message."

"Most of the demons here should have been evacuated by now."

Tang long thought in his mind that he fell down from the sky with Ziyang immortal and saw that he had landed at the gate of Tianhong palace.

Immortal Ziyang looked at Tang Long and said, "master of Tang clan, I know you know a lot about the demons and blood demons. I hope you can give us some answers we want next."Tang Long said: "you can rest assured that I will not let you down."

At this time, he still has a lot of things to do, so he hopes to finish the work here as soon as possible.

Looking at Ziyang immortal, he said: "we have a lot of people coming here. I'm not familiar with these people, but you should know these people better. So, I hope you can control these people and the situation here. At least, there will be no chaos."

Immortal Ziyang said: "don't worry, these people won't make a big trouble in a short time. After all, in addition to the hidden demons, the rest of them are warriors in the whole world, and they have been attacked by blood demons one after another some time ago."

Tang Long said: "those warriors who attack their blood demons are in fact disguised as demons!"

Ziyang immortal pupil a congealed: "how to say?"

Tang Long said: "it is not convenient to elaborate now. We have solved the situation here first." After a pause, he asked, "are you familiar with Tianhong palace?"

"It's quite familiar, but there's someone more familiar than me." "Chunyangzi, you should be familiar with Tianhong palace," said immortal Ziyang

"Of course The warrior came forward, looked at Tang Long and said, "I used to be in the Tianhong palace. I know everything here like the palm of my hand. Please ask me what you want to know."

Tang Long asked, "can there be a more secret space in the temple of Tianhong?"

"Yes!" There are not only a few different Yang degrees, but also a lot of pure space

Tang Long asked again: "the borders arranged in the Tianhong Palace should be pretty good. Should these fences have a strong defense?"

Chunyangzi said: "don't worry. The defense of the boundary in Tianhong palace is very strong. Even if the warrior is at the peak of the earth ancestor, it will take a long time to smash the defense boundary of Tianhong palace."

Tang Long listened to chunyangzi's words and felt relieved.

He turned his head and looked at all the warriors who concentrated here, gathering the power of the original law of thunder and lightning, The voice spread like a rolling thunder, so that every warrior here can clearly hear: "next, we will go to the Hongbao hall with me. If anyone leaves without permission, it will be considered as a member of the demon clan or the blood demon clan. I only need you to wait for three hours, so it should be ok?"

"Three hours later, you can find out which one of us is the devil clan and who is the blood demon clan?" a warrior exclaimed

"Of course," Tang Long replied positively

Another warrior asked, "what if you can't find out?"

Tang Long said: "if I can't find out, or even if I find out that you are not satisfied with the results, I can be arrested and dealt with as you like. Even with so many warriors from Tangmen, they are all at your disposal!"

He had come to the end of the matter, and there was nothing for these people to say, even if they still had doubts about him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!