Then everyone rushed to make arrangements, and Tang long had already walked out of the Tianhong palace.

He gathered the people of Tangmen together and made some arrangements with them.

It is impossible for Tang long to go to the city of ice and snow with the warriors here. There are so many things he has to do, so he can only ask Nuo Co luha and his more than 80 heavenly ancestors to go to the city of ice and snow.

Of course, you also have to go back to the ice and snow palace.

If there is a quiet night, Tang long will be able to rest assured. If something happens to them on their way, Tang long can know it through his spiritual connection with Youye, and he can come here quickly.

Tang Long and Youye have roughly explained the matter. Looking at Li's running, they said, "these 80 Tianzu are familiar with you, so you should take care of their affairs along the way."

"Don't worry." Li Ben runway: "we will try our best to have a good relationship with them. After all, in the future, we will fight against the blood Temple together. In the future, we will all be allies. We must support and trust each other."

Tang long watched Murong cross the river and they said, "the most important thing on your way is to be responsible for safety, which should be especially careful."

"Good!" Murong river crossing, they nodded together.

They know that Tang Long is very general in terms of safety, including their own safety, which is what they should pay attention to most.

They are all the people of the blood temple and the spirits of the bloodthirsty Lord. This is a secret that can not be exposed at present.

Fortunately, their strength is very strong, and with so many strong Tianzu, they will not be in any danger unless there is an adverse situation on the road.

And whether it is Murong river crossing or Zhongli Cuiliu, they all have the escape talisman.

When they have to, they will use the escape Rune to leave.

Tang Long arranges things and waits for the real Ziyang people to come out outside the Tianhong palace. However, at this time, in the heart of Tang long, he suddenly thinks of Meng Xiaomeng's voice: "husband, there is something wrong with Qinglong city. Several warriors appear in the periphery of Qinglong city. They dress up as vagrant warriors and adventurous warriors, and look around Qinglong City carefully What's wrong? It seems that they should be proficient in the formation. It is obvious that they are exploring the formation of Qinglong city and so on

Tang Long guessed: "these people should be demons. It seems that Gao Tianye did not let me down."

After a pause, Tang long continued to use Huixin gate to talk to Meng Xiaomeng: "Xiaomeng, you can go and arrange to go to batian city to find Qingcheng, and ask her to send a strong ancestor of the family of days away or the heaven burial family to pretend to be a member of the blood god temple to attack one of these vagrant warriors. If you can strike a demon on those vagrant warriors The soul of Qinglong city will immediately pass the news of Qinglong city to the blood demons

"I see. I'll arrange it now!" Meng Xiaomeng is busy.

There are many reasons for Tang Long's arrangement to let the earth ancestors of Zhongli family or heaven burial family go to Qinglong city to attack those who are likely to be demons.

When the warriors of the Zhongli family and the celestial burial family attack these people, they will use the power of blood demons according to the arrangement.

If those people are really demons, the demons will think that there are people in the blood temple around Qinglong City, and the people with the blood temple are there to explore the situation, the people of the demon family will immediately believe all the information Gao Tianye gets, of course, they will also believe all the information that Tang Long told Gao Tianye, which will let the demon people Believe in a lot of things!

This is extremely beneficial to Tang Long's whole plan!

Meng Xiaomeng is in a hurry to find Mu Qingcheng in batian city to discuss how to carry out this matter.

In batian City, there are many celestial burial families and Zhongli families, and so on. There are also many warriors in the ancestral realm.

These warriors have been explored by Tang Long for a long time, and they are the most trusted people in the families of Zhong Li, Cangwu and so on.

Let these warriors go to Qinglong city to do this thing, and then we can do it without fail.

Mu Qingcheng and Meng Xiaomeng quickly selected people and took them to LingXiao palace, and then to Qinglong city.

Next, with the help of Meng Xiaomeng, these powerful local ancestors quietly left a gap specially opened by Meng Xiaomeng, a defensive border in Qinglong City, to carry out Tang Long's plan.

When they arrived outside the border, they attacked those people dressed as vagrant warriors around Qinglong city according to the plan made in advance.

The strength of these people is not strong, but the elementary level of dizu, and there are even two powerful warriors of ancestral territory.

Zhongli family and the heaven burial family of these strong local ancestors united together to kill one of the ancestors of the strength of the wandering warrior, the warrior was really hit the devil's soul.

One ranger was killed, and the rest fled in a hurry!

After pretending to chase these warriors for a while, all of them came back, and then went to report to Meng Xiaomeng.Meng Xiaomeng gets the news, and immediately arranges people to be in the periphery of white tiger city and around batian city together with Ling Qingyao's magic dance and flying snow. The news is sent to the people in the blood god temple that daqianworld has arranged a third city, Qinglong City, in the land of beasts!

Of course, this news can quickly reach the ears of those warriors in the blood temple.

Meng Xiaomeng and they know that, next, those warriors who have just transferred to white tiger city will send people to understand the situation of Qinglong City, and then they will definitely go to Qinglong city to make arrangements.

By this time, Tang Long's plan in the land of beasts was a big step forward!

At this time, Tang long had already said goodbye to Ziyang immortal. He contacted Ye Qingling, a precious girl in his heart. He wanted to go to Ye Qingling to see the situation.

Ye Qingling and xuelinyue are in a big city in TianChao continent, which is very famous in TianChao continent.

This is a very big city.

And the environment of this city is very, very special.

This city is called Cloud City!

The reason why it is called "Cloud City" is that the city is shrouded in clouds and fog all the year round. From a distance, the city is like a heavenly palace with clouds and mists. Even if you come to this city, you can see fog and clouds everywhere.

The special environment of Yunwu city is due to its special geographical environment.

First of all, the environment of the whole TianChao continent is very strange. It is extremely cold and humid all year round. In addition, mountains and trees can be seen everywhere in all directions.

In addition, many parts of the continent have vast oceans, mysterious swamps, and all kinds of strange poisonous insects.

The temperature in this area of Yunwu city is higher, and the water vapor is transpiration.

Yunwu city is on such a very humid continent. There are rolling mountains in all directions around Yunwu city. Rivers and lakes can be seen everywhere in the mountains. There are karst caves under the ground in some places around the mountains, and the mountains are full of clouds all the time.

Under the gathering of cloud and fog transpiration, the fog will gather in the valley and gather in the Cloud City in the valley. This makes the city full of clouds and fog all the year round, which is very magical.

Most of the people who live in Yunwu city are local merchants, mercenaries of mercenary regiment, vagrant warriors and so on.

They live here mainly because of the geographical environment around Yunwu city.

Among the mountains around Yunwu City, the environment is very special, so it is very suitable for the growth of all kinds of Tiancai Dibao, especially those living in humid environment.

Therefore, there are many herbal medicine shops in Yunwu City, and there are three or four auction houses, and there are also many special purchasing stations for purchasing medicinal materials!

these purchasing stations are basically set up by people from the blood god temple to purchase various kinds of medicinal materials.

The place where Tang Long was at this time was a training room in a very spacious guest room of an inn in Yunwu city.

The cultivation room opens isolation and defense barriers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!