After understanding the situation, Tang long looked at Ye Qingling and Xue linyue and said, "if this city is in danger tonight, you must remember that you should not act rashly at any time."

Ye Qingling asked, "brother long, what about you?"

Tang Long said in a deep voice: "I must see the situation of those poisonous corpses, and I must solve the problem of poisonous corpses here. I have to see if there is really someone behind the poisonous corpse, and whether the controlling people are those who escape from the laboratory of Qianji keel. If it is really those people who are holding the research results of Qianji keel, they are making a good use of it Wave, I must destroy them, otherwise it will cause great trouble to the whole world in the future

Then, Tang Long took out two defense scrolls from the space ring and handed them to Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue: "this is the defense scroll I made recently. Take it!"

Ye Qingling said: "we still have defense scrolls on us."

Tang Long said: "you can be more safe with a few more. After all, according to what you said, the fighting power of those poisonous corpses and poisonous beasts is obviously very strong, and the defensive border arranged by a scroll may not be able to block them for long!"

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue both took over the scroll together after hearing Tang Long said so.

Tang Long asked, "the guest room is not safe. We'd better go to a more open place. I'll arrange a defense border in the open place, and add your defense scroll, so that we can be more secure."

Ye Qingling said: "let's go to a place outside the inn. There is a big square there, and the surroundings have become very empty."

Tang Long said: "go, go to the place you said to have a look!"

You know, although the walls of this inn are very thick, and there are defensive barriers, this kind of shielding is not very effective at all. Once those poisonous corpses and poisonous animals rush to attack the inn, it is obvious that the walls of the inn can not stop it for long.

Tang Long needs to find a suitable place to arrange a strong defense array!

Although the time is limited now, Tang Long knows the art of earth hiding after all, and has the help of ghosts. When he uses the skill of earth hiding, and then asks ghosts to help, the arrangement of the array will not be very slow.

Most importantly, he doesn't have to set up a big array.

"Ling'er, yue'er, I'll go and ask elder long Ao to come out first. Then we'll leave the Inn and go to the square you said outside." Tang Long said, already stood up.

He soon went to the door of the training room where Longao Zhanyun was located, and then knocked on the door: "master long Ao, we have to leave here now."

The door opened quickly, and then long Ao Zhan Yun came out.

He looked at Tang Long and asked, "where are we going?"

Tang Long said: "let's go to the square outside. I'm going there to arrange a defensive array to ensure your safety. I've heard linger tell me about the poisonous animals and corpses. I have to check it out here and see what's going on here."

Long Ao Zhanyun said: "I'll help you, and I think that we have to deal with things here, otherwise the consequences will be extremely serious. In just two days, all the people in a city will become poisonous corpses. If this development continues, the whole TianChao continent will fall, and soon, the poisonous corpse will spread to every corner of the world Fall

Tang Long said: "I will deal with these poisonous corpses. You just need to protect Yueer and linger." Said, already turned to walk toward the window: "Ling Er, moon son, things should not be too late, we go now!"

He opened the window and flew out.

Ye Qingling and Xue linyue of course also immediately flew out together, and long Ao Zhanyun did not hesitate to fly out.

They soon arrived at the square that ye Qingling said before.

In fact, the square is also equipped with a strong defense barrier. Unfortunately, the defense border arranged here has been shattered by the bombardment as early as last night.

The ground of the square has been bombarded with rubble, leaving only an open mess.

Tang Long turned his head and looked around him. There was chaos around him. There were ruins in all directions!

Tang long looked at Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue and said, "call out your Divine beast. I need a little time to arrange the array. If the poisonous corpse and poisonous beast attack at this time, your beast must be responsible for resisting it!"

"Good!" Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue agreed and immediately called out their god beast.

Each of them has two divine beasts, and they are all of high level.

At this time, the fighting power of their gods and beasts has been very strong, and they have grown to the level of level II ancient gods and beasts. The combat power of this level of gods and beasts can be equal to the strength possessed by warriors in the dual realm of Tianzu.

Tang Long summoned all his eight beasts.

At this time, all of his eight beasts had grown to the level of four ancient gods. Even if he was a warrior who faced the four levels of Tianzu, he had no problem dealing with it.Gods and beasts are transformed into human beings to prevent danger from happening. Dragon AO and Zhanyun also go around to prevent accidents.

Tang Long was sitting cross legged in the middle of the square.

First of all, he used the magic power to transform his appearance into the image of the second Tang dragon in the sea of spirits, and then used the Tianmei wild ancient array.

Tianmei wild ancient array quickly expanded, and soon covered the whole square. Even after a while, the place around the square within several kilometers had been covered by the ancient array.

Then Tang Long's mind moved and called out Zhenwu Tianshu!

In Zhenwu Tianshu, the small Zhenwu Tiancheng, which is condensed by energy, flies out. Zhenwu Tiancheng is gradually expanded to the same size as Tianmei wild ancient array.

After finishing these preparations, Tang Long summoned the ghosts and began to arrange the array here.

What he is arranging now is the array of Zhenwu Tiancheng.

Of course, in the array of Zhenwu Tiancheng, he must also arrange a large array of mountains and rivers and Tianmen, so that the array arranged by Tang Long not only has a strong attack power, but also has a strong defense force.

"As long as this array is successfully arranged, even though those poisonous corpses and poisonous beasts are more powerful and the number is more, it is definitely not easy to rush into this array."

Tang long thought, as long as his array layout is completed, ye Qingling and their safety can be relieved a lot.

Under the control of Tang Long's efforts, the whole ground began to shake violently in a large area around the square.

The ground had already roared.

Ye Qingling and they had already seen that in all directions around Tang long, the gravel on the ground was gradually fused together, and even the debris in all directions was combined with each other at this time, forming peaks of various shapes!

The peak is not very high. It stops growing at 50 meters.

Tang Long's array is not very big, because of the limited time, he can only arrange a small array.

However, even if it is a small array, its power will still be relatively strong.

Under the control of Tang long, the whole square, even within kilometers around the square, has undergone earth shaking changes in the surrounding ground environment, and the rudiment of the array is rapidly forming.

Long Ao Zhanyun is not far away. While paying attention to the safety around him, he is still seizing time to recover as soon as possible. At this time, his poison injury has almost recovered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!