Ye Qingling and Xue linyue take these five people who escaped here by chance to the center of the array arranged by Tang long.

Ye Qingling looked at the five humanitarians: "you stay here and don't go anywhere. We will be responsible for resisting the poisonous corpses outside. As for two of you who have been poisoned by corpses, you don't have to worry about it for the moment. My husband will help the poisoned people to treat them later."

After hearing what ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue said, the five men went to explore the surrounding area and knew that there were twelve super powerful divine beasts protecting their safety. All of a sudden, there was a light of hope in their eyes.

At this time, they should listen to Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue arranged them in a place beside themselves, so that they could rest here. No matter what happened, they could never leave.

If they leave rashly, once something happens, ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue will not be responsible.

Some of the poisonous corpses attacking here are on the ground, others are flying up high and attacking at high altitude. At this time, the number of poisonous corpses attacking divine beasts has exceeded 1000.

These poisonous corpses are not strong in combat. Most of them can only attack on the ground because they can't even reach the fighting power of the king.

In the face of the attack of such a weak poisonous corpse, these beasts can easily deal with it.

However, golden monkeys and other supernatural animals have to be careful, because the attacks of these poisonous corpses are highly toxic, and even the powerful energy from the poisonous corpses contains corpse poison.

If you are accidentally poisoned by corpses, the combat power of the mythical beasts will also decline rapidly, and even these mythical beasts may change into corpses at that time!

All the time, the beast's attack was very fierce, and the poisonous corpses were flying around.

It's just that it's hard to kill a poison corpse.

Even if these poisonous corpses were blasted out of the air for thousands of meters and landed on the ground, even if their chest collapsed and their arms and legs were broken, they could not die at all. They got up and screamed and rushed towards this side.

The most frightening thing is that some poisonous corpses were blasted short arms and broken legs. These arms and legs fell to the ground and were immediately eaten by other poisonous corpses.

Even some poisonous corpses are smashed by bombardment, and the broken poison corpses will be eaten by the poisonous corpses that catch up behind. Such a scene is really terrible!

Ye Qingling and xuelinyue are in the distance, and they dare not even look at the tragic situation there.

After the poisonous corpses eat the broken poison corpses on the ground, their combat power can be improved. Therefore, at this time, the more poison corpses are smashed around here, the more powerful the remaining poison corpses are!

This kind of situation makes Tang Long feel a chill when arranging the array.

He knew that if there were more and more such poisonous corpses, if they were constantly attacking cities in all directions, their combat power would be more and more powerful, and their destructive power would certainly be more and more amazing.

If these poisonous corpses are always devouring each other, then how terrible will the poisoned corpses be!

"Now there are poisonous corpses with the fighting power of the God worship God sect, and even more powerful poison corpses. According to such a speed, it will not be long before the poisonous corpses of the emperor of heaven's fighting power, the poisonous corpses of the ancestral territory's fighting power, and even the poisonous corpses of Tianzu's fighting power..."

Tang Long was very worried.

He knows that if you don't solve the poisonous corpses here, the consequences will be very serious indeed. The poisonous corpses around the array are not serious.

The poisonous corpses that came in from outside the city had the ability to hurt the ancestors like Longao Zhanyun last night.

If Tianzu is poisoned, if he becomes a poisoned corpse, his combat power is directly the level of Tianzu!

This is extremely terrible!

"The problem of this poisoned corpse must be solved completely!" Although Tang Long was still worried about the situation in Zhuque City, he knew that the matter here must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it could be allowed to develop, and the serious consequences might not be much less than the disaster caused by the blood temple.

The blood Temple attacks the whole world, and now there is not much time to kill ordinary people. The main target of the blood temple is still those who are strong in the world.

Although many ordinary people have been persecuted by the blood Temple people, it is better than the carpet like destruction of poison corpses.

The result of the carpet like destruction of poison corpses is bound to be extremely serious.

"The situation here is very bad, and we can't let the situation get worse. It seems that after I have arranged the array, I have to go back to the ninth emperor's palace. I can't solve the problem here only by myself and the divine beast."

Tang long thought in his mind that he had made a decision that all the poisonous corpses here must be completely solved, and that the people who control the poisonous corpses and poisonous animals must be found.

Only by finding and killing the people who control the poisonous corpses and poisonous animals, can the disaster of poisonous corpses not be rampant and cause more serious consequences.

"Why did ling'er and yue'er come here with long Ao Zhan Yun? What did they come here for? "Tang Long once again suddenly thought of this problem.

Of course, he didn't have time to explore the issue or ask them.

Now he has to set up these arrays here as soon as possible.

The beast's attack continues.

Around the array arranged by Tang long, there are more and more poisonous corpses gathered from all directions. However, the combat power of these poisonous corpses is still not very strong.

The most powerful poisonous corpses, those attacking from outside the city of cloud and fog, who are carrying out carpet attack, are still far away from Tang long.

Those poisonous corpses will be killed in random way. Even if they encounter other poisonous corpses in the city, they will be killed and eaten.

In this case, with the advance of those poisonous corpses, the combat effectiveness of those poisonous corpses is still constantly improving!

On the side of Tang long, the fighting power of poisonous corpses attacking divine beasts is also increasing.

However, in the present situation, the twelve immortal beasts left by Tang Long outside the array can still be easily dealt with. After all, even if those poisonous corpses devour each other, their combat power can not be upgraded to the fighting power of earth ancestors and heavenly ancestors.

Tang Long's array arrangement speed has been accelerated a lot.

Ye Qingling and Xue linyue are always nervous. The five survivors who have been rescued beside them are extremely afraid and nervous. They sit together not far away and shiver all over!

In a hurry, an hour passed.

The array arranged by Tang Long is coming to an end, and the array is about to be finished. However, those powerful poisonous corpses in the distance are getting closer and closer to Tang long.

In order to ensure safety, Tang Long has exerted his power of divine power and spiritual power, and summoned them from Fengtian flag.

They came out from the flag and explored the situation here. They were all shocked and stunned!

It was the first time they had seen such a miserable situation.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen asked Tang long, "where is this place? What are these poisonous people doing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!