Hearing the words of the ghost eye, the eyes of the remaining four poisonous people immediately showed obvious joy.

"I will let my poisonous dragon go to fight now!" he said

The ghost man nodded and agreed: "we should do this. First, we should improve the fighting power of our poisonous dragons. Moreover, we should first make the combat power of a few poisonous beasts reach the level of four, even five, or even higher."

The black demon said: "if our poisonous beast can solve those people and the supernatural beasts over there, and let those people be poisoned, our harvest will be even greater than killing several cities. In order to be safe, we should let the poisonous dragon fight!"

Then, after a simple discussion, the five drug addicts soon unified their ideas.

They flew straight up, left the back of their mount, and ordered their dragon to fly toward the place of fierce battle.

They spent a lot of effort to cultivate these five poisonous dragons. They all looked like Tyrannosaurus Rex. These poisonous dragons were not ordinary poisonous animals. They found them in the mysterious place after they arrived at the TianChao continent.

The poisonous dragon was a monster long ago, which took hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate by using some extremely strange means. After the five poisonous men got the five poisonous dragons, the poisonous dragon was transformed again by these five people.

At this time, the five poisonous Dragons of these five people not only have extremely strong vitality, but also have the ability to regenerate with extraordinary terror.

Even the size of these dragons can skyrocket!


After getting the order of the poison man, the five poisonous dragons directly roared and flew towards the place of fierce battle together. They soon flew into the fierce battle situation.

Then these five poisonous dragons, together with so many poisonous animals over there, attack Tang Long and others, and attack the supernatural beasts brought by Tang long.

Tang Long has detected the arrival of these poisonous dragons.

"The breath of these poisonous dragons is strange. It not only contains strong corpse gas, but also contains obvious breath of life. Such a special breath is somewhat similar to the previous generals and ministers!"

Tang Long knows that the five poisonous dragons flying over must be very difficult to kill.

The poisonous dragon roared, and together with the poisonous beast, attacked Duan Fei and other deities more fiercely.

Tang Long is still using the God subduing punishment.

Above the sky, a golden light energy vortex has covered the sky of tens of thousands of meters. In this energy vortex, the thunderbolt of golden lightning comes down continuously, and the sound wave concussion force of thunderbolt is also constantly vibrating from the energy vortex.

Under the fierce attack of thunder and lightning, those poisonous beasts with relatively weak combat power could not resist such a bombardment at all, and they were flying everywhere.

However, these poisonous animals were blown away, and soon more poisonous animals came.

However, with the death of more and more poisonous animals and the battle power of the remaining poisonous beasts getting stronger and stronger, the dead bats flying out of the hentianmen gate have been unable to defeat the remaining poisonous beasts here.

Even the energy monsters in Xuanyuan sky array blood refining Tianhe are unable to defeat these poisonous beasts at this time.

The most important thing is that the defense of these poisonous animals is becoming stronger and stronger. Even if they are bombed, they will never die.

As long as such poisonous animals are not destroyed by bombardment, they will not die at all.

Even if there is only one head left after being bombarded, the head can continue to attack, condense strong corpse Qi and bite frantically towards the front!

The effect of the group attack they used to fight against the beasts was weakening. They were unable to kill the more powerful poisonous beasts. However, they had to stop using the group attack methods and began to use their powerful magical skills to deal with these poisonous beasts.

The range of attack is very large, but the attack power should be weakened a lot.

If you don't use group attack, their attack power will increase a lot.

Their current strength is equal to that of Tang long at this time, and they can use the power of stars. They have a strong fighting power. Even in the face of dizu's high-level poisonous beasts, they can still deal with them relatively easily.

However, now these poisonous animals have become more and more powerful, and their speed of killing them is much slower than before.

Then they attacked for three or four hours, but they didn't kill many poisonous animals.

Now there are nearly 100000 poisonous animals here.

Tang Long knows that if we continue to fight like this, the speed is too slow. Even if we fight for another day, the number of these poisonous beasts will not be reduced to only 10000.

It will take at least a lot of days to end the battle.

But before this evening, Tang long must end the battle here, and he must thoroughly solve the problem of these poisonous animals in front of him, because he must go back to Zhuque city this evening.

"It seems that it's time to use the array!"Tang Long made a decision in his heart.

In order to quickly end the battle with the poison beast, he plans to make a final attack.

He has to be fully prepared for this final attack.

"Cut the sky, you return to the array, seize the time to have a good rest for a while." Tang Long said to them.

They have been fighting for a long time and are very tired. If they continue to fight, they will soon be exhausted, and it will be very dangerous. So Tang long must let them recover first.

Although Tang Long's vitality was extremely abundant, he was already a little tired at this time.

He contacted Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue in his heart and asked them to open the defense barrier he had arranged there in the array center, and then let the five surviving Warriors also go to the defense barrier to make them pay attention to their safety.

Then Tang Long asked them to go to Fengtian flag to rest, let his eight animals, and Duan Fei, and so on, so that these animals could continue to persist for a period of time.

Tang Long himself should take a rest and recover his physical strength and vitality as soon as possible.

And Tang Long wants to help some injured animals heal.

After they recovered well, they helped some animals to heal. After that, Tang long could let Duan Fei and other animals rest.

Those purple fire wolves don't need to rest, and ghosts don't need to rest. There are purple fire wolves and ghosts standing on top of them to help Duan Fei and other divine animals. At this stage, they can relieve a lot of pressure on Duan Fei and others.

However, due to the withdrawal of Tang Long and vatian from the battle, Duan Fei's pressure has increased a lot, and has changed from the original attack to a thorough defense, not for meritorious service but for nothing.

As long as Duan Fei and other divine beasts can block the attack of these poisonous beasts in the next period of time, they will have completed the task well.

The five poison men in the distance saw that the war situation here was gradually changing. They found that the number of poisonous animals being killed and swallowed was less and less. The eyes of the five poison men immediately showed a touch of joy.

They know that the war situation is gradually changing, and the poison beast is gradually showing its advantages.

The black devil laughed, and said darkly, "it seems that those supernatural beasts are at the end of their strength now!"

"Now we should not have much danger in the past. We should also improve our strength. We can't let all of our poison beasts' combat power exceed our strength? In this way, we can't control the poisonous animals well! "

"That's right. We really need to improve our strength." The ghost man agreed: "the most important thing is that even if we go there now, there is no danger. Now we can go there."

Obviously, the five of them are very cautious indeed. Even under the current situation, even though they know that they have gained the upper hand, they still dare not move forward easily.

They watched from a distance and saw that their poisonous dragons were flying several black dragons, and they ate several poisonous beasts in succession. They discovered that the fighting power of their poisonous dragons was rapidly improving, and the whole situation was more and more beneficial to them. They finally decided to fly over and get closer to the war situation.

They are not fighting for the past, they are fighting to improve their strength.

The five of them looked at each other with a touch of blood red light in their eyes, and then they all looked up to the sky and roared:


"Roar, roar, roar, roar..."

The roar shocked the heaven and earth, which contained extremely strong corpse gas, and the corpse gas also contained the powerful power of blood demons.

All kinds of mysterious blood red runes, as well as green runes, burst out from their bodies, and their bodies were shrouded in countless mysterious runes.

Under the cover of countless mysterious runes, their bodies began to undergo extremely terrible changes.

Their bodies soared, and soon they all soared to more than 50 meters.

And their heads have become extremely large.

"Let's have a big meal!"

In the dark voice of the dark devil, there was a shivering sharpness. When the voice fell, he turned into a green light and flew towards the place of fierce battle.

The mouth and so on also followed him, toward the fierce battle place to fly past.

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