Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "the hiding animals here are really afraid of the light, but it's a pity that although the luminous shirt on my body can also shine, the light is limited, which is not enough to completely restrain these hiding animals and not to let them retreat."

"These earth hiding animals should not be afraid of the general light, but the strong light," he said

Tang Long said: "I have a lot of dazzle light shields. With the light from these shields, I should be able to block these hiding animals. At least, I can make them dare not come out."

Xuanyuan sky array said: "even so, we still have to be careful. The fighting power of these hiding animals is very strong, and they are always hidden in these stone walls. They can completely restrain their movements, and even can be integrated with the surrounding stone walls. It's too difficult to prevent them!"

"Don't you see that the strong bombardment just now and the strength is roaring, there is no crack in the surrounding stone wall, and even a piece of gravel is not broken!"

Tang Long and they turned to see that the surrounding stone walls were indeed intact!

The king of the abyss said: "it seems that there are many hiding animals around here, and their ability to use the art of earth hiding has reached the peak. All the rocks around are covered by the power of the law of earth. Even if the stone walls are broken by bombardment, they will be controlled by the earth hiding animals and reunited on the horses!"

Xuanyuan sky array said: "no matter what, let's go. We have a dazzle shield. We should be able to make the ground hiding animals dare not rush out. Although the attack power of these ground hiding beasts is very strong, they are obviously afraid of the strong light. This has made us much safer!"

Tang Long said: "next, I will follow Xuanyuan Tianzhen, and the rest of us will be behind me. We will move forward as fast as possible. As long as I feel dangerous in my heart, I will use dazzle shield immediately!"

"This method is OK. You have a sixth sense. If there is a major danger, we can make a good defense in advance. As long as we are prepared, even if the fighting power of the earth escaping beast can reach the level of five and six, we don't have to panic too much!"

The king of the abyss said: "these land hiding beasts are so powerful that they have obviously survived for a long time. They must also have high intelligence quotient. We can spread a strong momentum on us, at least to make those who are less powerful dare not appear!"

Said, the king of the abyss, the strong momentum is the first to burst out.

Tang Long and their body, momentum also directly burst out.

At the same time, Tang Long also displayed the boundary of spiritual power and the power of divine power.

He has just inspired the power of the universe. At this time, his momentum has soared, and his combat power has improved a lot. Even though there are five times and six times of Tianzu's fighting force suddenly rushing out, he can resist it.

The demon of death looked at Tang Long and said: "you can call out your soul tower, let the wolf of purple fire come out and open the road ahead. The wolf of purple fire burns purple flame on his body, which has deterrent effect on the ground hiding animals. In case of danger around, the wolf of purple fire can also attack!"

Tang long thought that the suggestion of death demons was very reasonable. He immediately summoned the soul tower, and then summoned 144 Wolves of purple fire.

The purple fire wolf's body burns the colorful light flame, surrounds Tang Long and them directly.

At present, this passage is extremely spacious. It is a super large passage with a diameter of more than 20 meters. Tang Long galloped forward along this passage. Xuanyuan sky array was in the front of them. Tang Long followed closely, and then the king of the abyss.

They are all alert and ready for danger.

Among the surrounding stone walls, the head of a head of ground escapee suddenly comes out, and opens its mouth directly.

However, as long as there are hiding animals coming out, Tang long will immediately use the glare shield to stimulate dazzle.

As long as the dazzling purple light burst out on the glare shield, all the elusive beasts around would shrink back and disappear without a trace.

In this case, Tang Long and they were not blocked by any more, and they were flying forward extremely fast all the way.

Such a rapid journey has been beyond the expectation of Xuanyuan Tianzhen.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen thought that it might take about two hours to reach the place where the holy Tiangang was born. However, it was only less than one third of the time that they had arrived at their destination.

They have reached a very big cave.

The cave is extremely spacious, more than 50000 square meters in size, and there is a kind of white and strange light in the cave.

The white light is from a very strange thing.

It was small, about the size of a fist, and looked like a beating flame, with a silvery glow in the center of the flame.

The flame is in front of the cave, 20 meters in front of Tang Long and 20 meters away from the ground. There are demonic forces gathering around. All of them are burned by this small flame and absorbed into the light.A layer of dark energy was always enveloped in the periphery of the white beating flame.

Tang Long's exploration shows that this layer of dark energy is the devil's power. It is because of this layer of devil's power that the light emitted from the light cluster is not so bright.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "this should be the holy Tiangang, which is the natural generation of heaven and earth. There is extremely strong Demon power between heaven and earth here, but it is the place where the light source of the dark demon world is located. Therefore, holy Tiangang is generated here." From all sides,

for a long time, he continued, "although this is where the source of light is, it is because of the extremely strong demonic power between the heavenly lands, that the source of light has long been suppressed, and the energy of the oppressed light source has been gathered in this central position. For months and years, the essence of the world is absorbed and formed, and it has become a sacred heavenly gang."

Tang Long said, "how can I get this thing?"

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "you go over and pack it in a box."

After a pause, Xuanyuan sky array added: "the holy Tiangang is the God of heaven and earth, and the breath released is of great benefit to the earth hiding beast. Therefore, if you start to obtain the holy Tiangang, there will be a lot of elusive beasts attacking around, and the fighting power of these earth hiding beasts must be very strong!"

Tang Long frowned and said, "so we should be very careful when we get this holy sky Gang?"

"Not bad!" Xuanyuan sky array nodded solemnly and said, "we must be fully prepared first, then you can go to obtain this holy sky gang."

Vatian looked at Tang Long and said, "you are ready to use the dazzle shield. You are ready to pack the holy Tiangang box. Once you get the holy Tiangang, you will immediately use the dazzle skill. At the same time, we will quickly evacuate!"


Tang Long nodded and looked at the holy sky gang in front of him. Then he moved his mind. Two glare shields that had not been used before appeared on his arm.

Then he turned and looked around.

At this time, he had a heavy feeling in his heart.

He knew that among the stone walls around him, there were already a lot of Di Dun beasts staring at him, but because he had not reached out to get the holy Tiangang, and these ground hiding beasts were afraid of the strong light, so they did not attack him for the time being.

Once he receives the holy Tiangang, these earth hiding beasts will rush out of the surrounding stone walls and attack him immediately.

Ready, he said in a deep voice, "get ready for action!"

They are beside Tang long. They all have serious faces.

They know that the fighting power of the ground hiding beasts here is very strong, and once these ground hiding beasts rush out of the stone walls, their attacks will be very crazy and fierce.

They have to block the first ferocious attack of the Terran and then evacuate quickly.

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