They, as well as the red flame lion, were all following Tang Long's back, flying forward rapidly together.

They soon arrived at their destination.

Seeing the situation ahead, even if it was Tang long, there was a surprise in his eyes that could not be concealed: "I really didn't expect that there would be such a magical place here!"

When they saw the environment in front of them, their eyes were full of obvious surprise.

What they see is a natural pool.

The power of samadhi fire was constantly sweeping around the pool. The pool was filled with white fog. Only after they explored it, could they know that there was an extremely cold breath in the pool!

Obviously, the water pool is located in a very rare place where the extremely cold forces of heaven and earth converge violently. The ice cold energy contained in this place is absolutely frightful!

Tang Long explored the cold power in the pool, even though he felt a sharp chill.

Around such a cold pool, there are five layers of cold array. With this array, the cold pool can absorb the cold power from the cold veins at the bottom of the earth!

The force of ice and cold is controlled by the array within the range of the cold pool, and it can't surge out.

The most important thing is that around the cold pool, there is always a powerful power of samadhi fire!

On the periphery of the power of samadhi true fire, there are hundreds of powerful ancient arrays arranged in this vast area in all directions. These arrays include arrays for condensing the power of life, for condensing aura, for gathering all kinds of energy, and for releasing the power of fire.

The array arranged here is extremely profound. Even if they are cutting the sky, they can't find out the profound meaning of some arrays. They can't see what these arrays are used for!

Around the cold pool, the sky cold array is arranged next to the edge of the cold pool. In the inner circle of this array, a lot of Tiancai Dibao that emits ice cold energy is planted.

Next to the outer ring of the array is a lot of Tiancai Dibao that emits fire energy.

These Tiancai Dibao grow very vigorously.

Among the two circles of Tiancai Dibao, the Tiancai Dibao in the inner circle exudes the ultimate cold force, while the outer one emits the ultimate power of samadhi fire. Moreover, in the space between the two rings of Tiancai Dibao, that is, the circle of array arranged around the cold pool, there are many sky fire crystal inlaid every other distance on those strange runes!

Sky fire burning crystal is an extremely rare treasure!

This treasure is not a kind of natural material, but a kind of natural crystal stone.

This is a kind of spar with fire property, which can absorb the power of fire between heaven and earth. When the power of flame stored in it is enough, it will release the power of flame crazily, so that the power of flame contained in the crystal can reach a balance.

The most important thing is, the extremely violent and disordered power of the flame. When the power of the flame is absorbed by the flame crystal of the sky fire and released, the power of the flame will become softer and purer.

Where does the power of fire come from? Tang Long and they have already known clearly under their exploration.

The power of the flame comes from below the flame crystals.

The sky fire crystal inlaid here has a very deep hole at the bottom of each crystal. There is an extremely strong boundary on the big hole!

The big hole leads to the deep underground, leading to the deep magma layer, and there are continuous raging magma fires in the big cave!

The magma fire erupted from the depths of the earth. It surged up and was controlled by the boundary. It surged to the flame crystal of the sky fire, which absorbed the power of the extremely violent poisonous fire.

The power of poisonous fire is absorbed by the burning crystal of sky fire, and is released from the crystal of sky fire wildly and fiercely!

The released flame energy and the ice cold energy at the junction of the cold array are restrained each other, so that the two kinds of energy of ice cold and fire reach a special balance at the interval of the array. The extremely cold force in the extremely cold pool is completely blocked by the array and this very magical arrangement.

The power of the flame released from the sky fire crystal is extremely fierce, which exceeds the extremely cold force contained in the cold pool. Therefore, a part of the flame power is released under the action of multiple arrays around the periphery.

The released energy is absorbed by the Tiancai Dibao which can absorb the energy of the flame, and then those Tiancai Dibao release the power of the flame.

The power of fire released by these heavenly materials and earth treasures is transformed into samadhi fire.

In the process that the power of fire outside the cold pool is transformed into samadhi true fire through Tiancai Dibao, the energy in the cold pool is gradually transformed into pure extremely cold force under the action of those Tiancai Dibao that absorb cold air.

This process is extremely complex and extremely magical.

Through the transformation and balance of various arrays arranged here, and through the absorption and release transformation of Tiancai Dibao planted here, it has become a natural place to generate the power of samadhi fire after unknown years!In addition, the cold pool in the middle has also become a special natural pool of cold forces.

Tang Long knew that he could not arrange such a delicate arrangement. Even if he was cutting down the sky, even if he was Xuanyuan sky array, he would never be able to arrange it.

In order to arrange such a place, in addition to borrowing the special geographical environment here, it is necessary to have a profound understanding of the array, a profound understanding of the characteristics of ice fire energy, an extremely in-depth study of various natural materials and earth treasures, as well as a very strange idea and a very bold speculation.

These links are indispensable!

"It's shocking to have such a layout!" Cutting the sky to explore the surrounding situation, research around the layout of a variety of mysterious array, his heart is also marvelous.

He wanted to learn how to arrange the array here.

Of course, even if he has learned how to arrange these arrays, it is difficult to create such a strange place. First of all, it is difficult to find the place where the cold air converges in the center.

What's more, the natural materials and treasures planted around here are also rare.

The most important thing is that in such a special environment, after the mutual transformation and refining of all kinds of energy, the medicinal power has changed a lot!

Xuanyuan sky array said: "I think even the people who set up the array here, even those who planted these natural materials and earth treasures, will never think that after millions of years of evolution, this place will become such a magical place. I am afraid the effect of this place is beyond the designer's expectation."

Tang Long explored these natural materials and treasures, and his heart was filled with a deep surprise: "these natural materials and treasures have long exceeded their own grades, and have undergone changes, and the worst of them have become low-quality magic drugs!"

Vatian nodded and said, "these medicinal materials have indeed changed, otherwise the power of fire here can not be transformed into the power of samadhi fire."

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "there are a lot of Tiancai Dibao around here, but there are obviously fewer Tiancai Dibao that can enhance the strength of the warrior. The rest can improve the growth speed of the divine beast."

Tang Long said: "this is also very good, I believe that I have obtained these natural materials and treasures, the strength will certainly have a great leap." , the fastest update of the webnovel!