The ghost suoha was stunned: "you come to help our family participate in tomorrow's competition, but the purpose is not to get the ghost spirit bead? So why are you? Do you just want to join our ghost family? Or do you want to see where the ghost beads come from? "

"I'm going to see where the ghost beads come from and what do they do? I don't want a second ghost bead Tang Long turned his mouth and looked at the ghost suoha and said, "the condition of my cooperation with you is that you must give me the ghost heaven soul bead for me to use now, and then I will help your family to participate in the competition tomorrow."

"Now I'll give you ghost beads!" The ghost thorhardt frowned.

Tang Long snorted: "I heard that there was a ghost heaven soul pearl before you split up in the East. I came here for this ghost heaven soul pearl. I must get the ghost sky soul pearl first, then I can join your family, and then I can cooperate with your family."

"I see!" The ghost suoha finally knows why Tang Long came.

He looked at Tang Long with a frown and said, "brother devil, your request is really embarrassing for me. You have not made any contribution to our family, and you want to get the ghost heaven soul bead directly. I'm afraid it's not right!"

"What's wrong with that?" Tang long curled his lips and said, "what's the use of collecting this ghost pearl for so long? Moreover, at such an important time, you don't know how to adapt, and you don't want to cooperate with me. If you go on like this, I'm afraid that the separation of the eastern part of your family will be finished, and you people will not develop in the future! "

After listening to Tang Long's words, the ghost suohatun frowned fiercely. The little devil's words were really ugly!

But Soha, the ghost, has to admit that the words of the little devil are true. The situation of the separation of the ghost family in the East is indeed very bad, and the responsibility lies mainly in their elders and the owners of the eastern family.

Tang Long's strength is obviously very strong, and Tang Long's arrival is really able to solve the big problem of the Eastern Division.

He thought about it for a while and put up with Tang Long's words, which were not very pleasant to hear.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "little devil brother, if I agree to give you a ghost heaven soul pearl, what benefits can you bring to our Eastern Division?"

Tang Long said: "I can bring you too many benefits. First of all, with me, the Eastern Division will have a super strong one. The Eastern Division will occupy a great advantage among other branches. Even if I am selected to the family headquarters, it will definitely bring great benefits to the Eastern Division. After all, everyone here knows about the competition of your family Tao, in addition to the ghost, heaven and soul beads, there are also resource allocation and so on. Are these not the interests of your Eastern Division? "

The ghost suoha does not deny that this is indeed very important for the Eastern Division. If the eastern part of the family can win this competition, the Eastern Division will gain great benefits, not just a ghost pearl.

And it's no secret. People in the territory under the jurisdiction of the ghost family all know about the competition between the families.

Even other families in the dark world know this kind of competition.

In fact, in the dark world, big families have this kind of competition.

Tang long looked at the ghost suoha and continued: "I join you in the separation of the eastern part of your family. If you encounter major problems after the separation, even if I can't deal with it, it doesn't matter, because there are thunder lion dragons behind me!"

When the ghost suoha heard Tang Long's words, his eyes immediately showed a ray of light!

Thunder lion dragon, this is thunder lion dragon!

If there is a thunder lion dragon that has grown to the highest level in the eastern part of the family as a deterrent, let alone in the ghost family. Even if it is placed in the whole demon clan, the status and status can be upgraded to a great level.

The ghost Soha tried to suppress the shock in his heart. He looked at Tang Long and said, "can you really move the thunder lion dragon?"

Tang long curled his lips: "thunder and lightning suoha is just one of them. Well, I know not only thunder lion dragon, but also a golden unicorn."

"What!" The ghost Soha was shocked again.

He felt that his breath was a little difficult. He looked at Tang Long and asked, "do you mean that there is not only a thunder lion dragon, but also a golden unicorn in devil mountain?"

Tang Long nodded his head for sure and said, "there are four ancient gods and two Archaean beasts that have a good relationship with me. There are also more than a dozen wild animals. As for the general deities and holy beasts, there are more."

Hearing the series of figures reported by Tang long, the ghost Soha was stunned.

He glared at Tang Long: "do you mean that you can please move all these?"

Tang Long said: "these animals are not usually in the same place. There are only golden unicorn and thunder lion dragon in the black magic mountain, and they will not appear generally. Unless it is my request, they are not willing to come out."

"That's it The ghost Soha had thought of many things in his mind.

He knew that the demons were going to fight against the blood temple, which would last for a long time, and after the war, all the powerful members of the demon clan would inevitably lose a lot.The headquarters of the ghost family has recently been sent more than half of the strong to participate in this war, and there will certainly be more staff to join the war.

He felt that if Tang long could join the ghost family, it would be of great benefit to the ghost family now and in the future. After all, there were so many magical animals behind Tang long that could not be hidden.

In some critical moments, these animals can obviously play an unimaginable role!

At least the ghost family with these animals, can ensure that the ghost family has always been strong!

Of course, the value of Tang Long itself is also very big, but tomorrow's contest, Tang long will certainly bring great benefits to the Eastern Division of the ghost family!

If we lose tomorrow's competition, the Eastern Division of the ghost family will be suppressed by other divisions. In the years to come, the distribution of all kinds of materials, whether money or medicine, will be greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that in the past, the Eastern Division has always been very strong, but now the comprehensive strength is declining rapidly. Once they fall to the last place in the competition tomorrow, these managers must be held accountable by the family headquarters.

They will even be punished by the family headquarters. They may even be sent out by the family headquarters to participate in the war with the blood demons, and they will become one of the victims!

The ghost suoha thought of these serious consequences, and then thought of the great benefits Tang long could bring. He had basically believed Tang long in his heart.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "little devil brother, if I want to see the animals you mentioned, can you let me see them?"

Tang Long frowned and said in a dilemma: "it's definitely not right now, because those magical beasts are all in other places. Even the thunder lion dragon and the golden Qilin are not in the devil mountain now. Besides, the devil mountain is far away from here, so it's not easy to get back and forth. Unless it's over here, if necessary, I'll find them for you to see!"

After that, Tang Long said solemnly, "but I said in front of me, these animals will never join your family, and they will never listen to you. Unless I ask them to help you, they will only listen to me and will not listen to you. You can't force them to ask for help."

The ghost suoha immediately said, "I didn't intend to let these animals join our family, nor would I ask them to listen to me. You don't have to worry too much about this. I just want to see them. That's all."

Tang Long immediately patted his chest: "if I just see you, it's no problem. When I'm free, I'll go to the thunder lion dragon and let the thunder lion dragon come to see you. It's a matter of one word to me."

"Good!" Soha nodded with satisfaction.

Tang long looked at the ghost suoha and said, "now you should agree to my request? Is it time to agree to our cooperation? "

The ghost suoha thought for a while, looked at Tang Long and said, "little devil brother, I can promise you that you will take part in tomorrow's contest first. If you win the contest, we will give you a ghost spirit pearl."

Of course, Tang long would not agree with the ghost Soha's request. He immediately made a very angry appearance, suddenly stood up and said angrily: "you don't believe my strength, do you? Do you think I'll lose tomorrow's contest? "

The ghost suoha looked at Tang Long and said that he was angry and angry. He was obviously a man who had no idea. He felt more and more relieved.

Although Tang Long appears very arrogant, very proud, but obviously, Tang Long is a very simple person. , the fastest update of the webnovel!