Tang Long learned how to create the soul of art. And he knew that it would not take too long or too much effort to create a magic soul that could be used here with his skillful and versatile magic means. He decided to try immediately.

According to his own situation here, he thinks it is most appropriate to create a wolf's soul.

With this decision, his mind was to withdraw from the Fengtian flag, and then directly moved his mind. In this inheritance room, he summoned the snow wolf king. With the cooperation of the snow wolf king, Tang Long spent nearly 10 minutes to create a soul of art.

Of course, he created the soul with the power of demons.

After the creation of the soul of the art of their own brand, Tang long in accordance with the Xuanyuan Tianzhen theory, the soul into their own Dan yuan, and then Tang long continued to accept the inheritance here.

With the soul of art, the inheritance here can be reluctantly accepted.

Although the inheritance information that Tang Long got at this time still could not exist in his spirit sea, but these information could already be contained by Tang Long's art soul, and Tang long could understand the profound meaning of the life skill of ten thousand capital stocks through the soul.

In this case, the inheritance can continue, of course, there are still some defects, which requires Tang long to study and realize when accepting the inheritance.

Fortunately, this inheritance lasted a long time, and the inheritance was even repeated three times in a row, so that Tang long had enough time to learn and understand. Moreover, with the existence of the soul of art, it could also leave a part of the inheritance brand in the soul of art.

Time is in a hurry, the twinkling of an eye has passed a night.

By this time it was already dark outside.

In the room, the turbulent power of inheritance has gradually weakened, and finally it is completely disappeared.

Tang Long has already accepted the inheritance of this magical skill. Unfortunately, what he has accepted is not complete, and there are many defects in it. This requires him to study hard in the next few years, so that he can finally improve it.

"After receiving the inheritance from here, I have to ask ghost George and ghost Tianpu about some of the essentials of the life skill of ten thousand shares. I said that I seldom studied the magic arts before. Although many things have been inherited, they can't be understood. Let him explain them to me."

"Through their explanation, I should be able to have a better understanding of the profound meaning of the life skill of ten thousand shares, and it will be much easier to improve it."

Tang Long secretly thought that the inheritance seal in this room had disappeared.

Outside the door came the voice of a warrior, obviously not the voice of ghost George.

This is a girl's voice, is a very nice girl's voice: "little devil elder, have you finished training?"

Tang Long said, "I have finished my training."

With that, he went to the door and opened the door, and immediately saw a beautiful and beautiful girl who looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old.

The girl's pretty face with a touch of red, excellent figure, looking at Tang long, with a little light in her eyes: "little devil elder, I really envy you. In our family, it's not easy to get the inheritance here. You are the youngest warrior who comes here."

Tang long looked at the girl with a smile: "if you practice hard, you will have this day."

"I hope so." The girl said, already turned around: "elder George is waiting for you in the living room. You can go with me to see elder George in the living room."

"Good!" Tang Long agreed, followed the girl, and soon walked into the living room.

In the living room, ghost temple is not here, only ghost George.

Ghost George is drinking tea.

Seeing Tang Long come out with this beautiful girl, ghost George put down his tea cup, looked at Tang Long with a smile and asked, "little devil, how is the inheritance and acceptance going smoothly?"

Tang long looked a little depressed: "not very smooth."

"Oh?" A flash of surprise flashed in George's eyes: "how can it not go well? Can you tell me? Did not receive the inheritance, or what happened? "

Tang Long said: "I have received the inheritance, but the inheritance is too complicated and profound. I can't understand it. In many places, I can only barely remember it, so I can't use this eternal life skill."

"Well." The ghost George was silent for a moment and asked, "tell me, what's the difficulty? I wonder if I can help you

The voice dropped, and without waiting for Tang long to answer, he asked again, "have you got the inheritance of the soul of art?"

Tang Long said, "of course I got this."

Ghost George's face showed a satisfied look: "if you get the soul, it means that the inheritance is very smooth. As for the use of some skills of this magic power, there will be some difficulties. With your experience and what you have learned, you can immediately feel the profound essence of this magic power. It is really impossible. Without my help, it would be normal You have to work hard for at least half a year

Tang Long said, "but I really want to be able to use this magic power immediately."Ghost George said, "you don't have to worry. First tell me what kind of magic soul you get?" After a pause, he explained: "the inheritance of our ancient life skills was created by the earliest chief executive of our family. A total of ten art spirits are sealed. When inheriting, they will be inherited according to their own acceptance ability and talent."

Tang Long was a little nervous when he heard what the ghost George said.

He knew that the soul of art in the inheritance was obviously the key, but his soul was not inherited, but was temporarily condensed by himself.

It's also thanks to Xuanyuan Tianzhen's understanding of the essence of this eternal book of life and how to refine the soul of art. In addition, thanks to his ability to use the magic power of all kinds, he can easily condense illusions. Otherwise, the eight achievements of inheritance will fail.

He looked at the ghost George and said, "what I got is the spirit of the wolf."

"The spirit of Sirius? It's not bad. It's one of the ten magic spirits that exist in it, and the third is its potential. " Said ghost George.

When Tang long heard the ghost George's words, he was immediately relieved.

If the spirit of the wolf does not exist in that inheritance, he may have to make a hard explanation. Even his explanation can not be believed by ghost George.

Fortunately, there is the spirit of wolf in the inheritance, which can make ghost George believe him more.

Ghost George looked at Tang Long and said, "of the ten magic spirits, the most powerful one is the evil dragon spirit, and then the tiger spirit. The Sirius spirit is already very good, which is the soul of the main attack."

Obviously, the ten magic spirits in it are all based on the strong life brand of the divine beast.

Tang long looked at the ghost George and said, "elder George, I think you'd better teach me this ancient life skill again. If you don't understand it, I'll ask you again. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't understand the essence of this ancient life skill."

Ghost George said: "I'm here to this idea, this eternal life skills you have been passed on, some of the unspeakable mysteries you already know, some basic things I'll teach you."

Then he stood up and said, "come with me, go to the training room."

"Good!" Tang Long agreed, followed the ghost George, and soon entered a very spacious training room.

Ghost Tianpu is also in the training room.

Seeing Tang Long and ghost George coming in, ghost Tianpu immediately looked at ghost George and asked, "how about the inheritance of the little devil?"

Ghost George said: "it's not bad. It's passed down to Sirius. It's just that the magic power is too profound. He seldom practiced the magic power before. So many places need to explain it to him so that he can quickly understand the magic power."

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