At this time, at the headquarters of the ghost family, ghost Tianpu was asking a warrior in the family: "those Tianzu outside have not come back yet? In terms of time, they should have come back from the abyss. "

The warrior said, "I sent someone there to learn about the situation, but after I got there, I didn't even find anyone!"

"Did you go to the bottom of the abyss

"I went to see it and found nothing." The warrior said, pause, followed: "however, we found traces of fierce fighting in a place there."

Hearing the words of the warrior, the ghost Tianpu's eyes suddenly showed a touch of gloom: "has holy Tiangang been robbed? Who can have such a powerful means to rob the holy sky Gang? You know, there are a lot of people sent to take the holy Tiangang this time, and they are all strong in Tianzu! "

The report's warrior guessed: "is it possible that he is a member of the cold-blooded family?"

Ghost Tianpu frowned and thought: "although the cold-blooded family's strength is not weaker than our family's, but they also know about the sacred Tiangang, but they don't know where the dark abyss is, let alone when the holy Tiangang will appear."

The warrior who reported the situation said, "what if they found out about it from somewhere?"

Ghost Tianpu thought for a moment, looked at the warrior and said, "you immediately send someone to the cold-blooded family to check the activity. If you find anything, come and report to me immediately."

"Yes With a promise, the warrior turned and left in a hurry.

Waiting for the warrior to leave, the ghost Tianpu murmured to himself, "am I going to go to the abyss in person?"

At this time, a warrior rushed in and looked at the ghost Tianpu and said, "master, the order of the devil's father has arrived."

"What order?" Ghost Tianpu asked with a frown.

The warrior said, "it's an order. Let's send someone to support the beast land."

"I see." Ghost Tianpu frowned and was in a bad mood. After all, now, none of the family Tianzu sent to take the holy Tiangang has come back. He doesn't know his life or death, which makes him a little nervous and worried.

If those Tianzu are killed, and now the family sends Tianzu to the heaven beast land of the whole world, the comprehensive strength of the ghost family will be greatly reduced.

But he couldn't listen to the orders of the devil's father.

The most important thing is that he is very clear that this war with the blood demons is very important, which is related to the survival of the demons and the next major interests of his ghost family!

"I've sent so many Tianzu to obtain holy Tiangang. It's impossible to have an accident Maybe they met something else on the way, or what they got in the world, and they haven't come back. "

He thought in his mind, looking at the warrior, he said: "you go tell the emissary, I'll send someone to the land of beasts."

The warrior said, "the emissary said that we should send at least ten Tianzu. Now in our demon family, other families have also sent many Tianzu. The situation there is very important. The devil ancestor asked me to tell you that you must not take it lightly and take the overall situation into consideration."

"I see!" Ghost Tianpu nodded and said, "you go."

The warrior did not leave, and continued: "the emissary also said, let the Lord of the house you, immediately arrange the affairs of the ghost family, arrange all the affairs of your territory, and after ten days, let you personally take 20 strong members of your family to meet with the ancestor of the devil."

"I'll make arrangements for the family." Ghost heaven is universal.

The warrior didn't say anything more and turned around and hurried away.

Ghost Tianpu stood up and strode out to choose the strong one of the family's Tianzu to carry out the orders of the devil's father. Of course, he also had to explain these people specially.

When these people arrived in the great world, in addition to resisting the attack of the blood temple, they also had to plunder all kinds of resources of the great world, and even all kinds of resources of the blood demons.

Of course, these people also have to rob some of the world's Dan God back, and some women!

In addition to killing, ghost Tianpu also has a big hobby. This hobby is that he likes women very much, especially young girls.

For this war with the blood demons, he is more optimistic, he thinks this time the demons will win the final victory.

So he has to prepare in advance what he can enjoy.

"According to the plan of the ancestor of demons, the holy city of blood demons should be ours in ten days' time, and the dark gate will also be under our control. At that time, I will take at least half of the world and other things that the blood demons plunder and return to my ghost family. As for those women, I will take all of them, and I will do a good harm to them."

He thought to himself that he had already felt a little blood boiling, and his body flashed into a black smoke and disappeared.

At this time, in the land of beasts, the war was still going on. The battle lasted for such a long time. The place where the original Qinglong city was located was already torn apart by the powerful force.Even within the radius of hundreds of thousands of meters, the ground is full of fragments and cracks.

High above the sky, the roar of the sky is always constant.

At this time, the war between the demons and the blood demons has entered a white hot state, and all the battles are the strong ones above Tianzu.

Those warriors of the demon clan have undergone a terrible transformation, which looks like a black monster.

There are many tentacles on the monsters, which attack in all directions.

At this time, the appearance of blood demons also changed. Although they still look like human beings, they also have many tentacles.

These antennae are like poisonous snakes, but the front of the antennae is a palm. The antennae can stretch freely, and the length is more than 100 meters!

Both sides are fighting at high altitude, and the space is constantly being blasted to pieces.

Even many places in the sky have been bombarded out of space black holes one by one. In the space black holes one by one, the space turbulence is constantly sweeping out, spreading everywhere, gathering the howling energy in all directions, turning into a fierce wind, constantly ravaging the world!

At this time, let alone in the place of the great war, even in the whole land of beasts, the wind gradually began to blow everywhere.

In the place where Qinglong city is located and tens of thousands of meters above the sky, the two super strong blood demons, the red headed devil and the killer demon, are fighting against the super strong of the two demon clans.

One of the two super strong demons is the soul ancestor, and the other is the existence of a ancestral God level of the demon clan.

This ancestor god is called exterminator!

Exterminating the ancestors also knew the red headed devil, and the two sides had many times of intersection.

The red headed devil knows that exterminating the ancestor is second only to the devil's ancestor in the demon clan. His status is very high in the demon clan, and he has many subordinates. Therefore, the power of exterminating the ancestor is also very strong.

At this time, the soul ancestor and the exterminated ancestor joined hands to bombard the blood demons and the red headed demons.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha The soul ancestor burst into laughter, and his voice was filled with obvious complacency.

At this time, the demon had been attacked by the spirit ancestor. Although he was also the strength of the half step ancestor god, he could not fight the spirit ancestor at this time.

He was suppressed by the Hun Zu.

The most important thing is that although the red headed devil is already a strong ancestor at the ancestral God level, it is actually the extinct ancestor who can not fight the demons at this time, and those attacked by the exterminated ancestor fall behind.

In fact, the strength of the red headed demons is similar to that of exterminating the ancestors. Even though they have been fighting for two days, under normal circumstances, they are still very difficult to distinguish.

But what shocked the red headed devil was that the exterminator had a very powerful magic weapon. The attack of this magic weapon made him extremely afraid!

This magic weapon is a ferocious magic weapon in the shape of Warcraft: the black tiger with split ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!