In the cave near the headquarters of the evil spirit sect, Tang Long finished his spiritual contact with Dongfang binger. He discussed some matters with Zhong Li Cangwu and asked for a escape talisman to return to the holy city of blood demons.

Everything is ready, just wait for the chaos of the blood demon holy city to begin.

Tang long speculated that before the chaos in the holy city of blood demons, there would surely be a war here for the newly built headquarters of evil spirit sect.

He is waiting here patiently. There are stars all over the sky outside. There is still no news from the blood devil holy city.

The headquarters of the evil spirit sect has never been moved.

Not far from Tang Long's side, the clock is away from Cangwu. They are already in a bit of a hurry. At this time, xuedizi and Gong Hongba file all follow Tang Xiaohu here.

Tang Xiaohu went to Tang long, looked at Tang Long and asked, "master, how is the situation here?"

Tang Long said: "there is no situation yet."

Tang Xiaohu stayed, and several warriors of shenlongwei quietly returned to batian city.

Xuedizi and gonghongba file are naturally left here.

When they met Zhong Li Cangwu and others here, they immediately went over to ask something. Of course, Zhong Li and Cangwu would not hide anything at this time. They told xuedizi and Gong Hongba about the blood demons in detail.

Tang long practiced quietly beside him.

Time is in a hurry, and it has been more than an hour. At this time, the night is deep. Suddenly, just as Tang Long and they are waiting patiently, a warrior comes to the hole of the deep hole in the ground in a hurry.

When they saw the warrior Dongkou, Zhong Li Cangwu immediately opened the defense and isolation barriers of the cave, and then they heard the roar of the sky shaking.

The warriors at the cave entrance are those who are arranged outside to investigate the movement.

This warrior is a warrior in the Tianzu realm of the heavenly burial family.

At this time, the warrior had already looked at the clock from Cangwu and said, "the evil spirit sect has been attacked, and many demons have come!"

"These people have finally come, and the young master of Tang predicted that the war really started from the evil spirit sect." When Zhong Li Cangwu heard the report of the warrior, his eyes immediately showed a sharp and sharp light: "it's really worthwhile for us to wait for such a long time, finally we have to wait!"

When the voice dropped, he turned to look at Tang Long and asked, "when are we going to act?"

Tang Long said: "let's wait first, this matter can't be anxious, but also must be cautious." After thinking for a while, he continued, "well, I'll go over and have a look first. I know the art of Tu Dun, and I can contact Qing Yao at any time. You wait for my news."

With that, he flashed out of the hole.

The warrior who reported the news from the cave entrance has already arrived in the cave. If Tang Long came to understand the situation, he would not have to go.

When Tang Long went outside, he directly opened the defense and isolation barriers at the entrance of the cave. Then he used the art of escaping from the earth and sank into the depths of the earth, quietly heading for the newly built headquarters of the evil spirit sect.

He's going to go over and see what's going on over there.

As the distance from the headquarters of the evil spirit sect is getting closer, Tang Long always uses the skill of hiding in the ground. He can already feel the ground shaking violently.

Obviously, the war outside has been very fierce, and the strong momentum has been constantly bombarding the ground.

"I don't know how long the warriors in the blood Temple of the evil spirit sect can support."

Tang long thought in his mind, very careful to restrain the breath, and then quietly up toward the ground.

He has a strong ability to control his breath. If he tries his best to restrain his breath, even if he is a warrior in Tianzu realm, as long as he is 100 meters away from him, he will never try to find out his existence.

He was always very cautious.

Seeing that he had already used the skill of earth escaping to the ground, he reached the top of a rock mound far away from the headquarters of the evil spirit sect. He poked out his head and immediately felt the frantic roar of terror in all directions.

He looked at the place where the evil spirit sect was headquartered. There, above the sky and above the ground, there had been a fierce battle.

There were many people on both sides of the war. There were more than 200 people on both sides of the war. Tang Long knew that the number of warriors of the blood demons was dominant on both sides of the war, but their comprehensive strength was obviously much weaker than that of the demons.

The blood demons have only eight strong Tianzu realm, and more than thirty strong dizu realm.

In addition, there are more than 100 warriors with the strength below the dizu realm.

The number of demons is relatively small. There are only more than 30 people in total. However, these more than 30 people have strong fighting power, and more than 20 of them are strong in Tianzu realm.

The rest of the weaker demons are also the strong ones in the realm of dizu.

The most important thing is that Tang Long has already detected that there is a strong atmosphere in the distance, which is heading towards the other side.

Those warriors who came quickly were obviously demons. They were all powerful demons. There were many of them, more than 100. The weakest of them was to reach the realm of the earth.Among those people, there are ten strong Tianzu!

These people flew over and immediately joined the war, which directly led to the absolute passive situation of the warriors in the blood god temple above the evil spirit sect!

"The demons are so well prepared that so many people come at once

Tang long thought in his heart that there was a voice of magic dancing and flying snow in his heart: "husband, we are staring at this stronghold of the demon clan here, and we find that many people have flown away here. It should be to attack the evil spirit sect. It is very empty here now. Do we need to move on?"

Tang Long said: "don't worry. Tell the purple emperor to pick up the stars and let them not worry. You can only start when the battle of evil spirit sect is close to the end. The war here has already started, but this war will not end in a short time."

"How long will it take for the evil spirit sect to have a big war?" asked Feixue

Tang Long said: "the war here has not been long since it started. I still have to look at the situation. I expect that soon there will be some supporting warriors from the evil spirit sect. It must be the people from the blood light city. You can move only when there is movement in the blood light city."

If so, let's dance in the snow

Tang Long and the magic flying snow talked for a while. Tang Long cut off the spiritual connection with the magic flying snow and continued to pay attention to the war of the evil spirit sect.

This side of the war, the blood temple side has been completely suppressed by the warriors of the demon clan.

The development of the war situation was also expected by Tang long.

And the evil spirit sect has been supported.

Under the turbulent force of space, under the headquarters of the evil spirit sect, many warriors of the blood temple have appeared. As soon as these warriors appear, they immediately fly into the sky.

Moreover, after these warriors flew high above the sky, one of them quickly changed his fingerprints. All kinds of mysterious blood red runes flew out of his body and flew towards the warriors in the blood temple around him.

"What is the warrior who changes his fingerprints? What do the blood red runes stand for

Tang Long looks at the warrior in the blood Temple who quickly changes his fingerprints. After exploring, he can know that the martial artist who changes his fingerprints is very strong, reaching the strength of the eight levels of Tianzu.

However, the strength of those warriors who came to support the blood god temple was not very strong. They were basically warriors from ancestral realm and warriors from dizu realm.

These warriors are so weak that they can't bring much threat to the demons when they join the war.

The two sides are still fighting.

Just when Tang long felt that the blood god hall was about to be defeated, Tang long planned to inform Ling Qingyao in his heart, and asked Ling Qingyao to tell Zhong Li Cangwu that they were ready to take action. At that time, there was a great change in the sky above the evil spirit sect headquarters!

This change comes from those warriors in the blood temple. , the fastest update of the webnovel!