"Come together and unite the Xuantian and tear the array!"

The deep voice contains the infinite gloomy breath, which rings in the sky within the circle of the demons and the warriors.

After the low voice fell, the warriors of the demons group quickly formed a very strange array in the high altitude of the blood Temple according to the mysterious location of the eight trigrams.

The formation of the formation, they all burst out of a variety of mysterious dark runes.

Dark runes whirl around them.

In the center of this rapidly rotating Rune array, a space suddenly produces a fierce twist, and in this twisted space, a person with extremely horrible devil power appears.

This person is not others, but it is strong Qingtian!

At this time, strong giant's body has a strong momentum, dark and deep shadow.

This shadow is the strongest of the demons: the father of the devil!

The ancestor of the devil appeared, and suddenly burst out of his body the extremely powerful power of the devil, which spread to all directions extremely ferocious.

But at this time, in a place thousands of kilometers away from the blood temple, the space there suddenly had a crazy distortion.

In this twisted space, the power of the rolling blood devil spreads like a raging sea, and a blood red demon shadow appears in it!

A deep voice spread from there, spread to all directions, and spread to the ears of every demon warrior here: "the ancestor of the devil, I haven't met for so many years, but I just said hello for a while, and I haven't distinguished the superior and inferior. Do you want to escape?"


The battle of the holy city of blood demons entered another stage, and the battle of the land of beasts was still in progress at this time, and it was not over.

In the land of beasts, the warriors of the blood demons fought fiercely with the warriors of the demons. At this time, the warriors of the blood demons did not get the upper hand, nor did the warriors of the demons.

The situation between them at this time is a close match!

In such a stalemate war, it is obviously difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat in a short time. Only when the battle in the holy city of blood demons is solved, and one party wins in the holy city of blood demons and comes to support, then the war here in the land of beasts will change completely.

The battle of blood city is not over.

However, in the city of blood light, the demons are obviously dominant. The warriors of the blood demons have been attacked in great distress. If the warriors of the demons can destroy the warriors of the blood demons, they can go to the holy city of blood demons to support them.

Although the blood god temple has sent blood demons to the city of blood light to support, but after all, it is far away, at this time, the warriors of the blood god temple who came to support have not arrived.

In fact, even if the blood demon holy city comes to support the people to the blood light city, it will not have much impact on the battle situation of the city, because the number of soldiers who come to support the blood demon family is not large, and their strength is limited.

The blood demons put their emphasis on the holy city of blood demons, and the people sent out to support them are all like this.

In addition to the land of beasts, the holy city of blood demon and the city of blood light, there is another place where Fierce wars are breaking out. This place is at the gate of darkness!

The dark gate has hundreds of demon clan's Tianzu strongmen, who are fighting with the warriors who guard the dark gate of blood demons.

Obviously, the blood god temple is extremely well prepared at the gate of darkness. They have arranged no less than 200 heavenly ancestors here!

In fact, there were only one hundred heavenly ancestors here, but soon after the dark gate broke out, more than one hundred heavenly ancestors from the blood god temple came to support them.

The Tianzu who supported the blood god temple was transferred from xueyunling.

At this time, although the wars in these places have their own advantages, it is obviously impossible to solve the battle quickly. Both sides are waiting for the final result of the battle in the holy city of blood demon.

On the other side of the holy city of blood demons, the temple of blood has obviously completely reversed the war situation, from passive to active!

At this time, Tang long could not know what was the situation of the holy city of blood demons. The voice of Beigong Xianer had already sounded in his heart.

Beigong Xianer is already in a training room of Tang mansion, the city of genius.

Moreover, she had opened the isolation and defense barriers of the cultivation room, and said to Tang long in her heart: "bad guys, come here quickly, my side is ready."

Tang Long has already collected the tower of time in the heterodox space of the blood temple, and then directly summoned the wisdom heart gate between him and Beigong Xianer, and appeared in front of Beigong Xianer.

At this time, he still used the magic art of changing things, which was the appearance of Tang long, the third in his spirit sea, which Zi Beigong xian'er had never seen before.

However, Beigong Xianer is still sure that the person in front of her is Tang long. After all, she knows that only Tang long can use this wisdom heart gate.

When Tang Long arrived here, he immediately looked at the northern palace fairy and asked, "are longpeng and dragon owl OK?"Beigong Xianer said: "they are all very good. They are practicing in a study. There are strong defense and isolation barriers in this study. I believe that even if people from the blood Temple come to perform the soul moving method, they will not be in danger."

Tang Long said, "take me to them." With that, he withdrew the magic power of all kinds and restored his original appearance.

Tang Long wants to see longpeng and Longxiao, and of course he wants to restore his original appearance.

Beigong Xianer cancelled the isolation and defense barriers of the cultivation room, looked at Tang Long and said, "everything is ready for the Tang mansion here, and the arrangement in the peach blossom forest is also done according to your previous arrangement. Now wait for the arrival of Tianhe, I hope he won't let us down!"

Tang Long's eyes showed a sharp: "yingtianhe spent so much mental layout, everything is ready in front of him, I believe he will come."

"I will go to the peach blossom forest in a moment. As long as yingtianhe comes, I will immediately attract him to the peach blossom forest. This time, we must solve him in the peach blossom forest, and we must get rid of this disaster!"

Tang Long nodded: "as long as he comes, he can't escape in any case."

This time, Tang Long made up his mind to kill Ying Tianhe as long as Ying Tianhe appeared here. After all, yingtianhe was too insidious, and the means was too dark. Moreover, he knew some of his secrets. He could not let this guy destroy any of his things.

Only by dealing with yingtianhe, can he concentrate on dealing with strong Qingtian and the ancestor of demons.

Even the next thing he has to deal with is the ancestor of the blood devil!

He followed Beigong Xianer and soon came to the door of a room.

This is the door of a study. There are isolation and defense barriers in the study, and these boundaries are arranged in three levels!

Tang Long opened these boundaries and went in. Beigong Xianer didn't follow her. She needed to arrange the rest of the things and be fully prepared for the coming war.

Tang Long walked into the study and saw the Dragon Peng and the Dragon owl sitting in the study.

Of course, both of them knew that Tang Long was coming. They stopped practicing together and opened their eyes and looked at Tang long.

Long Peng looked at Tang Long and asked, "Tang long, what's the situation of the holy city of blood demons?"

Tang Long said: "I don't know the specific situation of the holy city of blood demons. But I guess that the blood demons become saints at this time. The blood demons and Demons must be at war. I expect that, except for some special places in the holy city of blood demons, there are bloodthirsty demon owners and bloodthirsty demons in other places. They should have been devoured spirits and become blood demons People of a family. "

The Dragon owl asked, "I heard Xianer girl say you can refine our spirits. Is this true?"

Tang Long was sure: "since this is what xian'er said, of course it is true." After a pause, he said, "blood drop son should have told your brothers a lot of things before, so I don't need to say more about some words. I left you here for some later things."

The Dragon owl asked curiously: "for what's behind?"

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