"Come on, stop them!"

Binghuo old man shouts and rushes towards Tianjue. Because there is no divine beast in Tianjue's escape direction and Tang Long is not in that direction, Binghuo old man gives priority to chasing Tianjue.

In the direction of dijue's escape, there are many divine beasts over there. These beasts are attacking the warriors of blood demons.

The route of dijue's escape will obviously be blocked.

Binghuo old man plans to seize Tianjue first, control Tianjue first, and then try to control dijue.

Tianjue's flying speed is so terrible that in a twinkling of an eye, he has already flown a hundred meters away. After a few flashes, he has already reached a kilometer away. He can see that he is getting farther and farther away from here.

However, the strength of ice fire old man is still too much stronger than him after all. It is absolutely no problem to chase him alone.

When Jue flew out nearly four thousand meters that day, the old man of ice and fire had already chased over, and the chain of lock heaven had been wound and attacked in layers.

In a twinkling of an eye, this day is absolutely locked in the chain again.

Now the sky has no chance to escape!

Ice fire old man body, ice fire energy has been extremely fierce burst out, toward the sky, a continuous attack in the past.

At this time, he has made up his mind to solve Tianjue as soon as possible.

The ground must fly hundreds of meters, and then continue to fly forward, has been blocked by a strong force!

More than 50 deities, together with more than 50 ghosts, have all attacked him together. The powerful energy gathered together and bombarded the ground with extreme madness!

In the face of the powerful momentum from the front bombardment, the ground absolutely does not care.

He is the strong one of the double heaven.

The strength gap between banbu zushen and Tianzu is very big.

He crazily gathered the power of the blood devil, which broke out from him in a crazy way and condensed into his thirty-six blood red antennae. Then his thirty-six and blood red tentacles attacked the front at the same time.

With the attack of these 36 tentacles, the palm at the front of each antenna bursts out with powerful blood Demon power.

The power of the blood demon turned into blood red energy palms, which completely resisted the attack of so many ghosts and beasts in front of them.

"Because you want to stop me from escaping? Well, I can't do more than I can

Dijue blocked the momentum from the bombardment and snorted with disdain. His body suddenly shook in place and turned into a blood red phantom. In the fierce strong wind, he rushed out to the front.

In front of him, the monsters and demons that had blocked him before had rushed fiercely. They quickly gathered energy together again, and without hesitation, they attacked with dijue.

The momentum of their bombardment of the past is still resisted by dijue.

Then dijue continued to rush forward, and it was in front of them.

"Surround him together. You can't let him escape.

The Black Dragon King Duan Fei happened to be here at this time. He saw that the earth was going to flee, and he was shouting furiously. Along with more than a dozen Black Dragons of the black dragon family, there were also more than a dozen ancient strange animals, all of which were surrounded by dijue!

In the fierce wind, they detected the momentum of dijue, whistling towards this side in the strong wind, extremely fierce.

But at this time, just as they were staring at the fierce momentum and bombarding it with all the concentrated energy, they suddenly discovered that there was a powerful force of space in the rear tens of meters of this momentum!

Immediately following a place 100 meters below them, there was a space that suddenly produced the force of space.

The space there has been a water texture distortion!

In this twisted space, a blood demon's power suddenly burst out.

In the power of the blood demon, a blood red figure rushed out like lightning, and went away rapidly towards the distance!

Although Duan Fei and his team smashed the powerful momentum that rushed in front of them and smashed the figure that rushed over, but they knew that under the 100 meter place, what appeared there was the real dijue!

"No, we've been cheated

Duan Fei and they immediately know that they were in a hurry just now, but they made a mistake in judgment. What they smashed was a part left by Jue in a hurry.

Dijue's father with the help of the cover of the body, has used the power of space transfer to escape to their bottom 100 meters!

At this time, the ghosts also responded.

But at this time, it is obviously too late to react, because the ground is under them, and the body shape is flashing. In the blink of an eye, it has already flown a hundred meters away from the distance, and another flash is already 100 meters away!

Tang Long has also explored this side of the situation, know the absolute escape from the ghost and other obstacles!

"Never let the earth escape!"

His brow frowned fiercely. At this time, he and red soul are jointly attacking dark Jue. Although they have suppressed dark Jue, he is also a little unable to catch up with dijue.He is much weaker than dijue.

The most important thing is, to a few flash away has already reached a kilometer away, this escape speed is really fast a mess!

"Ghost, catch up and stop me with all my strength!"

Tang Long's mind moved, and directly let the 108 ghosts surround dijue, and try their best to stop dijue.

As you know, Tang Long has summoned all his divine beasts here, summoned to cut the sky and so on, used Zhentian Ding and wanhun pagoda, and used all kinds of vitality.

His identity can't be hidden. Even though they don't know that he is Tang long, they can find out his real identity as soon as they have a little investigation after they go back.

Even these people can learn more about him.

Once dijue escapes, he will return to the blood temple. Then the blood god hall will fight against the Tang Palace immediately.

There are many people in the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons. Not only are there people from the Tang family, but also some people from the heaven burial family, and some people from the Zhongli family and other families.

These people have a high status and status in their respective families.

These people are important in these families.

The most important thing is that once Tang Long's identity is exposed, the Zhong Li family and other families, as well as so many people in the blood demon Kingdom, will be very dangerous. Even Tang Long's plans in batian city and in the Southern District of Daqian world will be in danger immediately.

Therefore, Tang long must stop and never escape.

Fortunately, the Tianmei wild ancient array was arranged before the Tang dragon, and the array covered a large area. Although dijue ran away very fast, it was still within the coverage of Tianmei wild ancient array at this time.

Within this range, the moving speed of ghosts is fast and unimaginable, and can appear in any place of the array instantly.

Therefore, Tang Long's mind gave an order, and the 108 ghosts disappeared in the place where they were just now, and all of them had arrived around dijue in the next moment.

The ground absolutely did not expect that he ran away so fast, but was surrounded by so many ghosts in an instant.

However, dijue is not very worried at this time.

He found out that although these ghosts were not weak, they were much weaker than him.

The combat power of the ghost at this time is equivalent to that of the Tang dragon.

Although Tang long used the archaic thunder mantra to enhance the combat power and stimulate the power of the universe, which made Tang Long's combat power become very strong at this time, it was still much weaker than the absolute strength of this place.

The most important thing is that at this time, Tang Long has also found that there is an upper limit to the combat power of ghosts!

The upper limit of ghost combat power is Tianzu seven!

That is to say, if Tang Long's strength exceeds Tianzu's seven levels, ghost's combat power will not continue to improve with Tang Long's combat power.

The strongest combat power of the ghost can only reach the seventh level of Tianzu, which is the limit of Tianmei wild ancient array.

Although the degree of Tianzu seven heavy is very strong, it is obviously far from the strength of dijue.

Dijue is the degree of the double heaven of banbuzu God!

"Get out of here!"

With a roar of rage, the blood demon's power directly swept out in all directions, and flew out towards the distance with the bombardment of all the 108 ghosts surrounding him.

At this time, dozens of dragon and Phoenix, including some ancient beasts, have already flown towards this side to stop dijue's attack.

The blood demons are still fighting against these warriors, including the other Tianzu strongmen who are left here, and those who are killed only with the soul of the blood demon. Those who still have no chance to escape at this time, and the eight headed beasts of Tang long, together with more than 400 other divine beasts, are still attacking these warriors.

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