At this time, Binghuo old man flew over to Tang long, looked at Tang Long and said, "we interrogated the leaders of the two blood demons here. They said that all the variation gods and beasts in the blood god hall are here, and there is no other place. However, there is a place in the blood land on this day, where many divine animals are imprisoned, and these divine animals have not been mutated!"

Tang Long asked, "where are these sacred animals being held?"

Ice fire old man said: "not too far away from here, there is a beast castle, and the beasts are all imprisoned in some strange space of the castle!"

Said, pause, and then look at Tang long to continue: "you are here to deal with things here, I first go to control the beast castle."

Tang longzan said: "it's good. We'll do it separately, or we'll lose a lot of time."

Next, Tang Long directly roared up to the sky and called back some supernatural beasts in the distance. Then, he asked the beasts to follow the old man Binghuo and go to the beast castle to rescue the captive animals. At least he had to control the beast castle first.

Of course, the security here can't be relaxed. There are 18 ancient beasts left here, and another 100 are less powerful.

Next, Binghuo old man with more than 400 animals, toward the beast castle in a hurry.

There are also some warriors of blood demons in charge of guarding the castle, and the castle is also equipped with a strong defense border.

The old man of ice and fire is going to control the beast castle as soon as possible.

Tang Long displayed the wild ancient array of Tianmei here. When he was fully prepared, he directly summoned 108 ghosts and began to rescue the imprisoned gods and beasts in these fortresses.

There are a lot of gods and beasts being held here. There are six gods beasts in every fortress, and all of them use the taboo array of blood fusion.

Using the forbidden array to transform these beasts, it is obvious that a large number of lower level beasts will be sacrificed.

It's no wonder that the people in the blood Temple keep catching all kinds of gods and beasts all over the place. They are actually carrying out this kind of means!

What a cruel way they are!

The ghosts are busy in rescuing the supernatural beasts here. Tang Long has contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart. Through the spiritual connection with Qin Ziyi, he calls out the wisdom heart gate and returns to the ninth emperor's palace.

Then Tang Long took some animal bags from Qin Ziyi and came back again to send all the rescued animals to the ninth emperor's palace.

Even if the animals were dying, Tang Long sent them all back together. When he finished his work, he would check the dying ones and see if they were still alive.

In addition, the blood pools in the magnificent fortresses here are also of great value to Tang long.

When the time comes, the Tang dragon tripod will take all the strength of the Tang dragon tripod and give it to the heaven dragon.

It took more than two hours to be so busy.

With the help of the ghosts, the wolf of purple fire also came to help, and the 100 sacred beasts left here also came to help. Therefore, the supernatural beasts in these fortresses were finally rescued.

After this, Tang Long was relieved.

At this time, Xuanyuan Tianzhen, they are already busy.

Xuanyuan sky array they spent a lot of time to break the attack array arranged here. They took away the spirits of the twelve ancient beasts sealed by the array and sealed them in 12 boxes.

Then, they came to Tang Long together. Seeing that the rescue of the beast was finished, Xuanyuan sky array saw Tang Long and asked, "where is the old man of ice and fire?"

Tang Long said: "they went to the beast City, where there are still some imprisoned, not mutated god beast!"

Said, he directly is to fly up: "go, we also go to the city of beasts, hope that the city does not have any accidents."

There was no accident in beast city.

The blood god temple has arranged a lot of manpower in the place where the god beast is mutated. In addition, it has arranged two strong people in the nine peak state of Tianzu to be responsible for the safety. However, there are not many strong people in the side of the heaven beast city. Only more than 50 Warriors of the ancestral strength of the blood god temple are arranged to guard.

After all, it's just a prison, and it has a strong seal.

The most important thing is that the gods and beasts who were imprisoned there had been controlled by them for a long time, and they had no resistance at all, so the defense of beast city was not strong.

In fact, there were two high-level warriors and one intermediate level warrior in Tianzu. But today, both of them went to the place where the fort was located.

Before the battle on the side of the fortress, these three strong warriors have been killed.

When the old man of ice and fire arrived at the city of beasts in a hurry, the city had already been controlled. It was the eight beasts of Tang Long and 120 dragons and Phoenix.These animals have been chasing the people in the blood temple in this direction before.

When these beasts chased here, they directly attacked the warriors of the blood demon clan here, and soon occupied here.

When this place was completely controlled, the old man of ice and fire flew over with more than 400 animals.

Next, the old man of ice and fire went to look for the sacred animals that were held here. Under the leadership of the old man, he quickly found and opened the prisons one by one.

There are a lot of gods and beasts in captivity here, with a total of more than 1000. Even among them, more than 50 of them have reached the level of ancient gods and beasts. There are more than 200 wild ones, and some of the rest are not low!

Among them, there are more than one hundred black dragons, and there are many other kinds of supernatural beasts, such as those in the blood demon Kingdom, the supernatural beasts in the whole world, and even some supernatural beasts Tang Long has never seen before!

There are powerful seals on the beasts here, and their combat power is completely sealed. Even their action ability is completely controlled and can't move!

Tang Long and they came here, and when they saw so many sacred animals imprisoned here, they were extremely angry with the blood god temple.

Fortunately, these animals have been found and rescued.

If the people of the blood Temple mutate these gods and beasts, the comprehensive combat power of the blood temple will be improved a lot!

Moreover, if the blood god temple continues to do so, and continue to capture the god beast, I am afraid that before long, the beast in the great world and the blood demon world will disappear completely. This is too cruel.

The next thing is still smooth, Tang Long and they are busy together, all of these animals here are rescued.

Then they left Tianxue together.

They still left from the wormhole in the sky blood continent before. The seal of dantai Shuya and Zhongli snow smoke on the space wormhole has been lifted.

At this time, the animals rescued by Tang long had been transferred to the square of the ninth emperor's mansion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!