The awn of the sword of the law is inlaid in the split crack on the top of the earth rock giant's head, and then the blade awn suddenly explodes. The Demon power in it bombards the earth rock giant's head in all directions, resulting in dense cracks!

However, the earth rock giant's head at this time unexpectedly surged out the extremely strong earth force!

Under the action of the earth force, the cracks on the earth giant's head have been rapidly recovered, and it is necessary to completely recover!

How can Tang Long recover the crack on the head of the earth rock giant? He was moved. The second sword of law, the third sword of law, and the fourth sword of law. These three knives of law were connected into an open fan and chopped down one after another.

What's more, the positions where the knives of the law were chopped are all in the same position as the first one!

When the last sword of law is chopped down, when the sword of law hits the target and breaks, the devil's power will directly explode the earth rock giant's head!

"Now we'll smash the earth giant to pieces!"

Tang Long's domineering and ferocious momentum erupted extremely violently, and the devil's power gathered wildly. The head of the earth rock giant exploded into countless pieces of stone. He had a flash of body and rushed towards the headless earth rock giant.

In a twinkling of an eye, he had already rushed to the earth rock giant, and his fist was pounding the earth rock giant's body.

The power of the devil broke out from his fists and bombarded the earth giant's body.

After hundreds of punches, the huge body of the earth rock giant has been bombarded with cracks.

In the end, the whole body of the earth rock giant broke into pieces and flew out in all directions.

In a short time, the ground was broken and the gravel was gathered together again to form a flat ground.

But before the growth of those strange plants on the ground, those light colorful light plants, these have completely disappeared.

"It's not easy to solve this earth rock giant at last, but I have gained a lot in this war. Now I have a deeper understanding and understanding of the application of the earth hiding skill!"

Tang Long was quite satisfied with his battle.

At this time, he has also felt that the space there has burst out a strong force of space in the high altitude of 100 meters in front of him.

Then in the place where the force of space erupted, the space there produced a violent spiral distortion. In a short time, a super large space gate with a diameter of more than 10 meters appeared in the twisted space and appeared in front of Tang Long!

"Now you can leave here. I don't know what the next level will be, and I don't know if I can meet those demons who came in before!"

Tang Long's body shape flashed, toward the door of space quickly fly past, in a twinkling of an eye is already in front of this space door.

Without any hesitation, he went straight through the door of space.

After passing through the door of space, he has already arrived at another place, where the wind is howling between the heaven and the earth, which contains heavy cold water vapor. The turbulent and extremely cold energy between the heaven and the earth is extremely cold in all directions. It seems that he has arrived at a world of ice and snow.

Tang Long turned his head and glanced around him. All around were empty and boundless. To his surprise, his feet were empty and his head was endless!

There is always a white light here, and there is always cold and piercing energy between heaven and earth, and there are broken ice flying around!

"What exists in this place is obviously the ultimate energy of the force of water, and there is a very strong force of the law of ice!"

"Well, the previous level is the force of earth, and this one is the force of ice!"

Tang long thought of the situation that he destroyed the earth rock giant before, and had already guessed the situation here.

He didn't act rashly.

He explored his surroundings, and soon discovered that, far away from him, there was a powerful force of demons spreading over, and there was also a surge of cold energy.

Even under the exploration of Tang long, you can feel that there are huge waves rolling in the sky there!

"From that place to here, there should be a distance of more than 10000 meters!"

"Those who are fighting over there should be demons. I don't know what kind of situation they encounter. However, they finally meet the people who come here from the demons!"

Of course, Tang long will not go there to see the situation.

Since there are demons in this level, it means that he has at least caught up with the people who fall behind the demons who come in here. Then he will break through the barrier more quickly, hoping to catch up with the people of the front demons.The most important person he wanted to pursue was, of course, the black emperor!

However, he didn't know where the Heitian ancestor had been, and he didn't know whether he had a chance to break through in front of him.

"According to the arrangement here, there should be five factors, namely, the force of soil, the force of fire, the force of water, the force of wood and the force of gold!"

"In the next level, no matter what I encounter, I must finish it as soon as possible, and can't delay time!"

Tang long thought in his mind and directly exerted his divine power.

At this time, he still inspired the eighth sense of the power of the universe, the combat power is very strong, and in this case, he also quietly used the means of sealing the sky flag to enhance the combat power!

"I hope this can solve the battle here faster!"

Once again, he condensed four swords of law, and he was ready. At this time, he also felt that in the hundred meters ahead of him, between the cold energy of heaven and earth, he was soon transformed into a cold energy man.

This cold energy person is transparent all over, and his body emits extremely cold light.

And the cold energy of the human body, always contains a mysterious silver rune.

Tang Long explores the powerful momentum that spreads out from the ice cold energy man, and he is immediately able to confirm that the combat power of the ice cold energy man should be similar to that of the earth rock giant before.

"I should be able to use the law of ice, the art of water and ice escape, I can use the power of the devil, and I might as well exert the power of nine hell and cold here!"

Tang Long's Jiuyou cold power has long been transformed into a much more powerful force of Jiuyou Jinghan.

After this kind of transformation, the power of Jiuyou Tianhan is very powerful!

If he uses this power to enhance a lot of Jiuyou Tianhan's power to perform the ice escape skill, and then integrates the devil's power, he believes that he will be able to quickly defeat the ice energy man in front of him.

"The attack of the skill of water escape, and the attack of the skill of ice escape, which I have long been very skilled in, can't be weaker than the energy people gathered here!" Tang long thought about the attack methods of the ice evasion skill he mastered. He thought of the attack power of the ice escape skill, and the boundaries of the divine power and spiritual power were exerted to suppress the fighting power of the cold energy man in front of him.

Ice cold energy man has launched an attack on Tang long.

I can only see that the hands of the cold energy people quickly close together. After a flash of lightning like rapid change of fingerprints, Tang Long suddenly felt that his four sides, including his feet, suddenly surged out of the rolling cold torrent! , the fastest update of the webnovel!