Tang Long has a strategy to deal with the space energy man. Although he knows that his strategy to defeat the space energy man is obviously impossible, such a strategy can temporarily ensure his safety, which should be no problem.

Mainly, in the process of his rapid movement, he always pays attention to the space energy man, and can also learn to understand the space energy man's means of exerting the space law.

After he has figured out some methods and means of space energy man to use the space law, combined with his own practice of the five element law, plus some of his previous inheritance, he believes that he should be able to understand the space law more deeply.

And other means are integrated, he can easily overcome this space energy man.

The most important thing is that he fused the eighth divine vein in the blood god temple's heterodox space. After merging that divine vein, he got this space law.

At this time, in the understanding of space law, he has actually reached an extremely high level, and what he lacks is the skill and speed of using the space law.

Now is his best chance to practice using the laws of space.

Next, Tang Long was always moving fast and constantly, and the direction of his movement was always irregular. Even as he moved rapidly, he used the force of space transfer to constantly shift his position.

Because of his actions, it is very difficult for people to attack him by means of space transfer.

Although the space energy man is still flashing, he will continue to attack Tang long. Unfortunately, whenever the space energy man flashes out, Tang Long has changed his position in advance.

Even if an occasional space energy man's attack can barely hit Tang long, Tang Long has already made a good defense and won't cause damage to Tang long.

So the next attack effect of space energy man on Tang Long is very limited.

Tang Long is safe for the time being.

Thousands of kilometers ahead of Tang long, the demons are not so safe.

Those warriors of the demon clan, before they had been bombarded by space energy men, only the spirit of the devil was left. These demon spirits are now broken and disappeared one by one.

Although a warrior took out the escape talisman and wanted to escape, he just took out the escape rune, and the whole person couldn't move at all. He was sealed up by an energy man over there using the power of space sealing!

In the end, there is only one warrior of the demon clan over there, that is, the warrior of the nine realms of Tianzu.

Although the strength of this warrior is indeed very strong, and there are many means of attack, but in this place, because he can not use other laws, and in the understanding of the space law, zujiuzhong's warrior is obviously very shallow, so at this time, he is also suppressed by the space energy man very passively.

Most importantly, there are five space energy people there.

Before, each space energy man only dealt with a warrior of the demon clan. Now the warriors of the demon clan have been killed one by one, and even the spirits have been blasted. All those space energy people have attacked the warriors of zujiuzhong that day!

In the past, only one space energy man attacked the warrior, and the warrior was a little embarrassed. Now five space energy men attack him together, and he can't support it very quickly.

Fortunately, his strength is very strong, and his defense is so strong that he can barely cope with the whole body defense for a while.

However, this kind of defense can not use the power of other laws to improve defense, which obviously consumes energy.

Tang Long's side, Tang Long has always been fighting against that space energy man.

In fact, he can't call it a fight.

Because at this time, he has become more and more skilled in the use of the laws of space, and his moving speed is very fast. In addition, he is skillfully using the sixth sense of induction. Therefore, his state of being with the space energy man has become very strange.

They continue to disappear, appear, chase, disappear and reappear in that area

Even if the space energy man uses the space law fast, it is extremely difficult to attack Tang long.

Tang Long was also secretly happy at this time.

He knew that, fortunately, his strength at this time was the level of Tianzu's six levels, and his combat power was much stronger than that of the space energy man, and he was extremely energetic. Even though he constantly exerted the magic power of Brahman's escape and consumed a lot of energy, he could still support for a long time.

If his vitality is not so abundant, if the space energy man's combat power is stronger, he can't escape the attack of the space energy man so easily now.

While trying to use Brahman's escape and space law evasion, he explored the situation of the last warrior of the demon clan over there. After his exploration, he knew that the warrior of the demon clan in zujiuzhong realm could not support for long.

"The warrior of the nine realms of Tianzu of this demon clan is obviously about to run out of energy, and he is also facing a total of five space energy men's attacks. In this case, he can hold on for five minutes at most!""In five minutes, I have to solve the space energy man who attacks me. Otherwise, the space energy people over there will come together, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to resist it!"

"Now that I can evade the attack of space energy man, how can I solve this space energy man?"

While evading the attack of space energy man rapidly, Tang long thought about turning backward into advance, changing passive into active, and thinking of ways to defeat space energy man.

He wants to show his killing moves, and he wants to kill every shot!

After thinking for a while, he thought of a way: "anyway, the combat power of the space energy man is obviously much worse than mine. I exert the space law with all my strength, and the power is not weaker than the space law exerted by the space energy man. In this case, that's it!"

He knew that the last demon warrior over there would be killed soon, and he had nothing to worry about.

He opened the eighth sense of the power of the universe, enhance combat power!

After the power of the universe was opened, he dodged the attack of the space energy man in front of him, and at the same time he moved his mind and used his own body to summon the God of destruction!

The God of thunder appeared, and Tang Long's rapid movement stopped suddenly.

At the same time, the God of extermination had a flash of body and reached the place half a meter above the head of Tang long.

Tang Long explores the surrounding areas with the help of the vast sea.

And he uses the sixth sense!

He thought to himself: "at this time, space energy people will use space transfer, and will transfer to some place around me to attack me."

In this way, he was alert, and immediately felt extremely dangerous in his heart!

"Behind you!"

His mind moved, and the devil's power gathered the power of samadhi's true fire. Suddenly, it burst out from his back in a crazy way, which directly condensed a black and red flame energy shield behind his back.

And at the same time, the God of doom on his head had already flashed to the distance of 15 meters behind him!

Just when Tang Long condensed the energy shield on his back, five meters behind him, there was a very slight water texture distortion in a space, and then the space energy man rushed out of the space.

This space energy talent just rushed out of the distorted space with water lines, and directly launched an attack on the Tang dragon.

Under normal circumstances, such a rapid attack is extremely difficult to resist, because the space energy man's space transfer speed is too fast, has completely reached the level of flash.

But the problem is that Tang long, relying on his sixth sense, has predicted in advance that there will be danger behind him, and he has made preparations in advance.

However, he will be deliberately hit by space energy man this time!

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